Firearms and Fire Arm Law

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Prepper Safrica

Awesome Friend
Aug 26, 2014
South Africa
How to get your firearm licence in South Africa.

First you have to attend some classes on gun laws and regulations, next you write a test once passed one can apply for the so called “competency certificate”.

Now you can go and buy a gun – but all you get is a purchase confirmation. This confirmation together with above competency certificate, written motivation and application form needs to be handed to the firearm officer of the local police station. A fee of 500 ZAR has to be paid and fingerprints will be taken.

The firearms officer has to inspect your home and determine if your gun safe fulfils standards (you have to have a gun safe in your home even if you apply for self defence and carry all the times). Once all is ok, the firearm officer passes the application form together with his / her recommendation onto the centralized firearm registration department in Pretoria (capital city of South Africa).

After about 8 weeks the licence card arrives at your local police station for collection. Only once you got this picture ID card you can go collect your fire arm and purchase ammunition (in the specific calibre of your fire arm only).

During the competency course they teach you to ALWAYS carry concealed, reason is that you become a target for criminals if you flash your gun in public and stories exist that people have been shoot from behind and robbed of their gun without ever knowing what happened.
I just answer a Craigslist ad, go to someone's house, hand them the cash, and walk away with a gun. All nice and legal. Yikes.
I just answer a Craigslist ad, go to someone's house, hand them the cash, and walk away with a gun. All nice and legal. Yikes.

Banned on Craigslist:
  • weapons; firearms/guns and components; BB/pellet, stun, and spear guns; etc
  • ammunition, clips, cartridges, reloading materials, gunpowder, fireworks, explosives

In the past I bought and sold guns through the Want Ads in the paper. But I haven't bought or sold a gun to a stranger (other than through a licensed dealer) in many many years.
Currently our government discusses thighter gun laws and buying process - because criminals have shoot a famous soccer goal keeper two days ago. But this is just a media stunt, the real reason is the disarmend of citizens becaus the last time I checked, thighter gun laws never stopped criminals to use guns !
It's a two edged issue. I think we in the states do have too liberal gun laws, as you can buy them everywhere. The problem is criminals don't follow the rules that are enacted, so more regulation isn't the answer either. I think we probably have enough laws allready, but enforcement could be alot better. I hear of criminals being charged over and over which dosent make much of a deterrent. All I am certain of is there are not enough cops in the world to make you safe, so having a gun accessible as often as possible is wise.
I meant Craigslist more as a generic term for any online barter/yard sale site. (plus, it was prior to the newer rules). We have local "yard sale" facebook sites, that are great for such things. I get all kinds of things off these sites. Just last month, got over 100' of chainlink fencing for $40. Will likely get my replacement fridge off such sites too. Usually runs about $150-$200 for a decent fridge. Got my freezer for only $60 though, so never know when you find a steal.
If you go and look the history of all the countries in the world that had a mass murder of a specific ethnic group. The government had made sertain rules against that ethnic groups. One of then is to unarm them. Is south africa today only about 1/100 have got a gun of some sortvthe rest is unarmed. the police litterally told the white poeple to bring in there guns to the police station. Thousands of dumb stupid people did that. how sad is that.
The gun laws here is basically the same as in south africa. except you dont have to go through the course to see if you can use a gun. only the is automatic guns is banned.
So can you own simi auto but not full auto ? What about imported firearms say if you wanted something made in another Country ?
If you go and look the history of all the countries in the world that had a mass murder of a specific ethnic group. The government had made sertain rules against that ethnic groups. One of then is to unarm them. Is south africa today only about 1/100 have got a gun of some sortvthe rest is unarmed. the police litterally told the white poeple to bring in there guns to the police station. Thousands of dumb stupid people did that. how sad is that.
It does seem reminiscent of what hitler did to the Jews, and any other group he didn't like.
If you had a family member that was in the army before 1994 he had a semi or a full outo rifle issued to him. When the war stopped he could apply for the weapon and they had about 50% change to get it. One of my friends got his. a R5 LMG ( .223)
He had to remove the full auto function on the gun and now only shoots semi. You can still get a semi weapon today but the hassle to it is just not worth it.
You are only allowed one handgun in Namibia and no more then 5 bolt action hunting rifles. If you want more you would need a collectors lisence.
Then if you start to collect they put the barrels full of lead and remove the fireing pin.
I currently own a hand gun (9mm) and a rifle(.308)
You are also not allowed to have more then a 100 rounds with you at any given time. Thats why i have thousands of brass. propellent. and bullet tips. There is no law against reloading as long as they are not asembled. so basically i have more then 10,000 incomplete rounds.
How stupid is that. and you dont need a licence to buy all that. only life ammo needs a licence and then you can only buy ammo for that spesific caliber and you must always have you gun licence where your gun is. otherwise its jail and good bye to your guns forever.
When applying for a gun you need to have valid reasons as to why. You need a motivational letter from your employer if you are in the hunting business. And it takes about 8 months to get your application approved that is if you have a squicky clean record.
You MUST have a gunsafe bolted to the concrete floor ar a walk in safe built from solid concrete with a steel door of atleast 1" thick.
Before you get your gun the police come and inspect your safe at your house. You are not allowed to borrow your weapon to any one unless you have full valid papers from the police and that he must then have a letter and a copy of your license and everything must be sertified by the police and only then you can try and borrow somones gun. And then there is is still 80% change that you will get trouble if they stop you at a roadblock with this oersons gun.
So also not worth borrowing someones gun.
If i go with the person that is borrowing my gun no problem.
Regarding your question about a new gun i want to import. No problem.
Firstly only a licenced arms and ammo dealer can bring in a gun for you. Only he can docall the paperwork required to bring it in.
Then you have to pay a 45% import tax on the gun.
Then it goes to customs at the airport for about 2 months and they then track the full history of the gun to make sure its not a gun connected to and kind of crime.
All and all it will take about a year. but that will be the bad sinario. Otherwise about six months.
So now when the gun is finally at the gunshop you have to now go and apply for the licence
In this part of the U.S you go to a gunshop fill out a form on a computer the gun shop does a instant back ground check with the state to make sure you are not a felon or otherwise prohibited then transfers the fire arm to you . I shoot bolt actions and simi auto rifles and simiauto pistols and revolvers . I prefer Remington and Ruger .
I just read an article that California may have to start issuing carry permits. A journalist sued and a judge agreed. Well see how long it takes to make a change though. There is hope Clyde!
And how many guns you are allowed to have?
Like i said here we are very very limited. Thats why i have reloading stuff to be able to reload 1000's of rounds when the sh@t hits the fan.

I would say that you guys are really lucky when it comes to guns and ammo.
if i were you i would really stock up to the max or what i could affort. You will oneday need it
We can own a unlimited number of firearms hand guns rifles shotguns doesn't matter . In TN we can we can keep them loaded and anywhere in our house we want , keep them in our car if we our away from home they can be loaded , walk around on private property armed . All with out any kind of permit . If someome wants to they can spend a couple of hundred $ and get a permit and you can carry in public concealed or open . I have been stockpiling ammo and reloading suplys for over 20 years . I reload .300 Win Mag , .300 AAC , 25-06 Remington . I am putting togeather what I need to reload .357 Magnum , 12 Gauge . Some folks would think I have a arsenal but my stock pile is not as near as big as some are . But I'm comfortable with it . I keep lots of Military surplus field gear also .
When applying for a gun you need to have valid reasons as to why. You need a motivational letter from your employer if you are in the hunting business. And it takes about 8 months to get your application approved that is if you have a squicky clean record.
You MUST have a gunsafe bolted to the concrete floor ar a walk in safe built from solid concrete with a steel door of atleast 1" thick.
Before you get your gun the police come and inspect your safe at your house. You are not allowed to borrow your weapon to any one unless you have full valid papers from the police and that he must then have a letter and a copy of your license and everything must be sertified by the police and only then you can try and borrow somones gun. And then there is is still 80% change that you will get trouble if they stop you at a roadblock with this oersons gun.
So also not worth borrowing someones gun.
If i go with the person that is borrowing my gun no problem.
Regarding your question about a new gun i want to import. No problem.
Firstly only a licenced arms and ammo dealer can bring in a gun for you. Only he can docall the paperwork required to bring it in.
Then you have to pay a 45% import tax on the gun.
Then it goes to customs at the airport for about 2 months and they then track the full history of the gun to make sure its not a gun connected to and kind of crime.
All and all it will take about a year. but that will be the bad sinario. Otherwise about six months.
So now when the gun is finally at the gunshop you have to now go and apply for the licence
It's scary how they take a little bit of your rights away at a time, until there's nothing left. Some lawyer figured that if they can't outright forbid guns then they can make it so difficult to jump through all the hoops then no one will bother. Of course if you're a crinimal you don't care about the rules.
And how many guns you are allowed to have?
If you have too many, the authorities might take a special interest in trying to find out what you are up to.

Arsenals are frowned upon, although technically legal. And nobody can give you a definitive answer to the question "What's the difference between a gun collection and an arsenal?"

The media and liberal busy bodies go ape over "arsenals." The media thinks 5 guns is an arsenal :rolleyes:

Most people here are limited by how much room they have to store their guns. Gun safes don't exactly fit just anywhere in a house. And the womenfolk usually consider a wall of guns as bad decor.
In South Africa you can - as in Namibia - own a max of 5 firearms. But, no two can have the same calibre - so only one rifle in 308 or 7mmRemMag etc. To own a handgun for self protection you really need a reason for it (need to present a written motivation) and can only one for that reason! A good thing is to have a large caliber revolver (like 44mag) licensed for huting (yeeep you can go hunting with big calibre handgun). That way you already got two handguns when the SHTF. Every serious prepper who resorts to firepower should have reloading equipment at hand ... and a stash of already loaded ammo - come on guys, be creative! And make sure everyone in the family who can get a gun should have one .....
Gun Control And The Draft Legislation To Amend The Firearm Control Act Of 2000
Posted on November 25, 2014 by Bestuur
A wise man once stated the following: “When the people fear their government there is tyranny. When the government fears their people there is liberty”.

Just recently the Minister of Police issued draft legislation to make amendments to the Firearm Control Act of 2000 which is going to place additional restrictions on firearm ownership and make it harder for law abiding citizens to acquire and legally own personal firearms. This will have little effect on the criminal element of society because they obtain most of their firearms illegally anyway. What it does mean is that criminals will retain their firearms whilst law abiding citizens will be disarmed making them vulnerable and defenseless against attack by gun and weapon wielding criminals, terrorists and vigilantes. It will do nothing to disarm the criminals.

But it is not about crime. This is just an excuse. If one goes back into history there is a far more sinister side to the gun control issue than what most people are aware of.

When people are armed they can resist a tyrannical government / dictatorship / totalitarianism. It is not about guns it is about CONTROL. Governments want to disarm citizens so that they can do what they want to them.

History speaks for itself. In 1929 the Russian dictator Josef Stalin took away guns from his citizens and then murdered 20 million of them. From 1935-1976 leaders of communist China have murdered more than 27 million citizens after having disarmed them and rendered them defenseless.

In 1938 Adolf Hitler enacted stringent gun control, disarmed German citizens and liquidated 13 million people. In 1956 Cambodian leader Pol Pot disarmed Cambodians and then murdered 2 million citizens who could do nothing to protect themselves.

Similar stories were repeated by power hungry megalomaniacs in Africa – Iddi Amin murdered 300 000 of his own people who were not allowed private gun ownership. The government of Rwanda murdered 800 000 of their own people in 1994. There are many other examples.

The agenda however becomes very clear. Disarm the people and they can be controlled (people fear the tyranny and are defenseless against it). If they are armed they can resist the tyranny (and the government then fears the people).
I have to admit that to be White and disarmed in your unique part of the World would be a bit concerning .
Some people think its normal and they actually prefer it like that. Because they are liberal and think that weapons is part of apardheid.
Well I have news for them buddy
Well armed citizens in a strong nation is a free people . The communist have infiltrated the Governments of Southern Africa and turned what used to be World powers into Nanny States where many of the citizens would give up their freedom if the Government would just take care of them . Same thing is going on in parts of Europe and the U.S.A . But all is not lost each of os has a responsibility to do what we can to swing things back to the right and be active in our politics . Even if we just end up with pockets of what should be in a sea of darkness thats a start .
Go to youtube and search " recent debates of Nkandla in south africa parlement" You will see the biggest joke ever. And then you imagine that these poeple is supose to govern our country. Please look at it and let me know what you think. You should fi d a few movies there. Or you can search for "Malema and Nkandla"
So the President of SA spent R 200,000,000 of tax payers money to build his Home . Im not sure what that translates in U.S dollars but I think it should end in a prison sentance and Reimbursment . Of corse we pay for secret service protection for former Presidents in the U.S but the money to build that Home stead seems to have been misreprsented .
The exchange rate of the rand dollar is rughly 1US$ for 11 rand. So you do the math.
An average person can basically retire on about roughly 20 million ra d which is about 2 million US dollar. So you can figure out just how much did the presedent of south africa spend on his private house which is taxpayers money

Secondly a very desturbing fact.
SA have about 70 millio poeple. 95% of all the states income or tax is being paid by about 2.5million poeple. (I think you can imagine with ethnic group pays their tax.
80% of all tax payers is not voting for the ruling party (ANC)
70% of the voters for the ruling party's voters is unemployed. But the number of voters for the ruling party is so high that they stay in power with 2/thirds of the seats in the parlement meaning they can make and break rules as they please and we the loyal tax payers dont have a say in our own money. How sad is that.

Anyway according to so proffesionals they say that SA is fast approaching a revolution and sivil war.

I for one cant wait. Looking forward to kill a few black dudes.
Sorry for the spelling. I use my cellphone and the buttons is so close to each other and i dont read what i wrote before i post it
There may have been some things that needed fixing in the old SA and Rohdesia but trying to fix them the Country's swung to the other extreme and created the mess they have now .
← SA Prepper
Guess What Happened The Last Time The Price Of Oil Crashed Like This?
Posted on December 3, 2014 by Bestuur
There has only been one other time in history when the price of oil has crashed by more than 40 dollars in less than 6 months. The last time this happened was during the second half of 2008, and the beginning of that oil price crash preceded the great financial collapse that happened later that year by several months.

Well, now it is happening again, but this time the stakes are even higher. When the price of oil falls dramatically, that is a sign that economic activity is slowing down. It can also have a tremendously destabilizing affect on financial markets. As you will read about below, energy companies now account for approximately 20 percent of the junk bond market. And a junk bond implosion is usually a signal that a major stock market crash is on the way.

So if you are looking for a “canary in the coal mine”, keep your eye on the performance of energy junk bonds. If they begin to collapse, that is a sign that all hell is about to break loose on Wall Street.
Crime stats released by police chief on truck hijacking and house robberies to be 3%
Where i actual fact due to reliable sourses that it is actually 73% and78%.
Just show you how poee are blinded with our liberal media.
I cant wait for the SHTF moment.
I really want to claim justice excecution style.