We have both human and vet medical kits and a lot of the stuff is interchangeable; like suture kits, vet wrap, lidocane topical gel, super glue, and the list goes on.
If you have young kids or anyone that is slightly OCD, I would seriously include prunes in your kit.
Don't laugh, just think about it. Most small kids are creatures of habit, they defecate at roughly the same time each day and most adults do the same thing. If that person is eating emergency foods such as mre's, energy bars, or eating at odd times and unfamiliar foods, their digestive tract will slow down to the point it can become debilitating.
I'm sure everyone here has experienced constipation on some level. Now picture constipation lasting for days in a small child while you are trying to bug out or bugging in and need everyone to stay quiet. Not a pretty picture is it?
Sure you could just leave it alone and hope for the best, but ask yourself if you really want to literally dig the feces out of your child, your significant other, your parent, your friend, or yourself.
Prunes are not the evil that they have been made out to be and if you set the example for your kids, they should follow and enjoy a sweet treat before they go to bed or lie down for a nap. They are natural and gentle and can make a horrible situation a little less so by keeping your loved ones regular.