Folklore and prepping

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user 7704

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Nov 27, 2015
I know folklore and/or wives' tales are based on years of experience passed down. I've never been one to abide by them much, but I'm thinking that if we have a comms blackout, we will need to rely on others knowledge of the ways of nature.

Concerning the upcoming Winter, I have noticed the squirrels are stripping the cedar trees of their bark. The bark has resin, rendering it water resistant in a wet, cold situation.

We have an abundance of walnuts and hickory nuts. "Folks" say this is for ample food supplies for critters during Winter.

I know the color of wooly worms is supposed to mean something, and the shape of a persimmon seed, but I only listed what I feel could actually be nature's way of preserving the balance.
Old Farmer's Almanac says cold winter for most of the country:
Winter is generally pretty wet here. It really only gets cold for a week or two here and there.