Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Correct - In Agenda 21 it is written and signed by leaders across the globe to have a "95% population reduction ". Thus explains the same people that installed this Tyranny are also the same people pushing for people to kill their children in the womb as there they will not have to listen to their screams as they are torn apart. Thus, explains shutting down of oil production. Thus, explains why they want motorized vehicles abolished. Thus explains the manufactured food crises.
Here are the PDF's for Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 (2030)
I can't find any of the stuff you're talking about, but maybe I'm searching for the wrong key words? Can you reference some page numbers to back up your "QUOTES?" They are both long reads if you don't (and I don't) know the right place to look. Thanks.
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Here are the PDF's for Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 (2030)
I can't find any of the stuff you're talking about, but maybe I'm searching for the wrong key words? Can you reference some page numbers to back up your "QUOTES?" They are both long reads if you don't (and I don't) know the right place to look. Thanks.
This I easily brought up yesterday by going to google and typing in Agenda 21 . I would post a link , but I have always found I couldn't get a link posted on this forum . When I get time " and that might be tonight " try again to post a link .
Here are the PDF's for Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 (2030)
I can't find any of the stuff you're talking about, but maybe I'm searching for the wrong key words? Can you reference some page numbers to back up your "QUOTES?" They are both long reads if you don't (and I don't) know the right place to look. Thanks.

Here is a start until @poltiregist gets back to you.

Whitepaper presented to the UN RE: Population reduction
2014_Bradshaw-Pop-reduction-not-quick-fix.pdf (
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This I easily brought up yesterday by going to google and typing in Agenda 21 . I would post a link , but I have always found I couldn't get a link posted on this forum . When I get time " and that might be tonight " try again to post a link .

Using the wrong search engine will get you nothing. Big tech and biden minions won’t allow opposing views…just like every other evil TYRANT that ever came to power!
Using the wrong search engine will get you nothing. Big tech and biden minions won’t allow opposing views…just like every other evil TYRANT that ever came to power!
When looking for the actual text of the UN Agenda 21 and 30 (2030,) using the "right" search engine isn't going to give you a "different" PDF.
Or are you saying that the actual documents for those agendas the UN provides on-line are fakes, and that world leaders actually signed different versions not made public? And if that's what you're saying, please provide the real version so we can read it from the source, (not someone's opinion.)
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This I easily brought up yesterday by going to google and typing in Agenda 21. I would post a link, but I have always found I couldn't get a link posted on this forum. When I get time " and that might be tonight " try again to post a link.
You're right, sometimes posting links here can be a little flakey.

The reason I provided the actual PDF's of Agenda 21 and 30 (2030) is because Googling and choosing "an article" might just take you to someone's opinion. They may have made up numbers and attributed them to Agenda 21 to support their opinion. But just saying it comes from those UN Agendas doesn't make it true.

I thought you had actually read Agenda 21 and 30 and were quoting from them...and if you were, yes, a "95% population reduction" would be REALLY concerning, but it MAY be a made up number.
There probably ARE nuts out there that want to implement a 95% population reduction, but I just can't find it in the Agenda text of those UN documents.

And the white paper rainingcatzanddogs posted unfortunately doesn't mention Agenda 21 or 30 (2030) anywhere, so maybe all this 95% stuff is coming from another source?? I just want an actual source.
Who is this tiny minority that are gaining from controlling us with "smart growth" etc?
Is it the richest people in the world?
The 1 percent, those in power?
Musk, Bezos, Gates, Putin, Buffett, Murdoch, Trump, Zuckerberg, Brin, Page, Walton, Ellison, Bloomberg, Arnault, Soros, etc. are all working together (?!) politics aside (??!!) to make the world work to their best advantage??

The rich make the most when the population is high, with low wages and productive, but distracted and bickering, accusing each other power grabbing etc. While we're fighting, they tweak the laws to increase their profits. Doing away with us or having the economy falter is not their goal, their goal is to become richer off the backs of the masses...they need us.
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Who is this tiny minority that are gaining from controlling us with "smart growth" etc?
Is it the richest people in the world?
The 1 percent, those in power?
Musk, Bezos, Gates, Putin, Buffett, Murdoch, Trump, Zuckerberg, Brin, Page, Walton, Ellison, Bloomberg, Arnault, Soros, etc. are all working together (?!) politics aside (??!!) to make the world work to their best advantage??

The rich make the most when the population is high, with low wages and productive, but distracted and bickering, accusing each other power grabbing etc. While we're fighting, they tweak the laws to increase their profits. Doing away with us or having the economy falter is not their goal, their goal is to become richer off the backs of the masses...they need us.

So what's making them change there logical behavior? The status quo has changed.
Who is this tiny minority that are gaining from controlling us with "smart growth" etc?
Is it the richest people in the world?
The 1 percent, those in power?
Musk, Bezos, Gates, Putin, Buffett, Murdoch, Trump, Zuckerberg, Brin, Page, Walton, Ellison, Bloomberg, Arnault, Soros, etc. are all working together (?!) politics aside (??!!) to make the world work to their best advantage??

The rich make the most when the population is high, with low wages and productive, but distracted and bickering, accusing each other power grabbing etc. While we're fighting, they tweak the laws to increase their profits. Doing away with us or having the economy falter is not their goal, their goal is to become richer off the backs of the masses...they need us.

You have many questions and I applaud you for asking them but, the only way they will be answered is for you to do your own research and reading FROM ORIGIONAL SOURCES.

It is how I came to believe in the evil intent within this agenda. When they tell you in their own words what they want, what they believe, let their guard down and let something slip...for instance what happened a couple of years ago with the "You will own nothing" boo-boo.

Beck was talking about his book WITH REFERENCES in the back. I like his books because he does do extensive footnoting because people call him a conspiracy theorist. No is where they said it.

The answers can be found for yourself but you will have to do the footwork because having someone else do it only leads to more questions. Read the texts of the original agreement and then read the related UN agendas such as the Wildlands Project. Also look into the pre-cursory society known as Club of Rome who actually formulated the outline and reasoning for Agenda 21. Many of them can now be found as active in the WEF.

Like in any group, there are those amongst them who are "true believers" in an apocalypse brought on by climate change and then there are those who simply find it as a convenient way to get rich or something even more valuable.

Out of our realm of understanding, at some point you have so much money that it no longer presents a challenge to make more. Power, now that is a challenge!
So what's making them change there logical behavior? The status quo has changed.
I'm not sure their behavior has changed...the rich have always looked out for the rich, but you're right, something has changed, but it might be that because of social media, we (the not rich) are staring to put two and two together and realize we're being manipulated. I think we always have been manipulated, but it was harder to put it all together before we were so connected.
That may be un-connect us, but that could work against them, because connecting us to reap our data for advertising is hugely profitable for the rich. They want to keep us connected, but how to keep us from talking about them? They'll come up with a way...maybe distract us with immigration?
Look up Maurice Strong Maurice Strong | UNEP - UN Environment Programme , who was the front man for the Club of Rome and if you can find a copy of "The Limits of Growth", read it. He and that text were the pre-cursor's to the Environmental Movement in the UN and WEF we see today.
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When looking for the actual text of the UN Agenda 21 and 30 (2030,) using the "right" search engine isn't going to give you a "different" PDF.
Or are you saying that the actual documents for those agendas the UN provides on-line are fakes, and that world leaders actually signed different versions not made public? And if that's what you're saying, please provide the real version so we can read it from the source, (not someone's opinion.)

I am saying that a google search engine will actually BLOCK information from sites and people they don’t want you to read! It’s not complicated. Further, I have tested the results of different search engines numerous times and seen them blocking information. This is NOT new news. The big tech people doing it have admitted to it!
The answers can be found for yourself but you will have to do the footwork because having someone else do it only leads to more questions. Read the texts of the original agreement and then read the related UN agendas such as the Wildlands Project. Also look into the pre-cursory society known as Club of Rome who actually formulated the outline and reasoning for Agenda 21. Many of them can now be found as active in the WEF.

You were patient and very nice to explain. I will be surprised if he even watched the video you posted, much less researches anything. Hoping I’m wrong!
You were patient and very nice to explain. I will be surprised if he even watched the video you posted, much less researches anything. Hoping I’m wrong!

I don't mind. That's okay. How far people either want to or not want to investigate something is their choice. All you can do is give them a starting point.
You were patient and very nice to explain. I will be surprised if he even watched the video you posted, much less researches anything. Hoping I’m wrong!
rainingcatzanddogs is indeed very patient and kind.
Why make a statement like you'd "be surprised if he even watched the video you posted, much less researches anything?" Based on what?
I posted the actual PDFs from the UN that were being referenced. Of course, I watched the video...did you? I'm not trying to be contrary; I'm just asking people to provide real sources instead of only opinion links when they make really specific statements like "Agenda 21 it is written and signed by leaders across the globe to have a " 95% population reduction." I'm old, but I'm quite adept at search engines and research. Opinions are sometimes spot on, but if it's a serious subject like this one, I want to make sure my foundations aren't based on speculation or innuendo.
For example, did this 95% thing come from a misquoting of this document?
Population 2030 - FINAL.docx (
Take a look, search for "95 per cent" (weird "percent" as two words)
Lot's of references and this is indeed an Agenda 21/2030 document, but NO WHERE does it say anything about reducing the population by 95%.
In the same document, if you search for reduction, you won't see anything about population reduction...but "poverty reduction," "hunger reduction," "malnourishment reduction," "infant and child mortality reduction," and "maternal mortality reduction." Are these bad goals? Actual source research versus opinion.
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rainingcatzanddogs is indeed very patient and kind.
Why make a statement like you'd "be surprised if he even watched the video you posted, much less researches anything?" Based on what?
I posted the actual PDFs from the UN that were being referenced. Of course, I watched the video...did you? I'm not trying to be contrary; I'm just asking people to provide real sources instead of only opinion links when they make really specific statements like "Agenda 21 it is written and signed by leaders across the globe to have a " 95% population reduction." I'm old, but I'm quite adept at search engines and research. Opinions are sometimes spot on, but if it's a serious subject like this one, I want to make sure my foundations aren't based on speculation or innuendo.
For example, did this 95% thing come from a misquoting of this document?
Population 2030 - FINAL.docx (
Take a look, search for "95 per cent" (weird "percent" as two words)
Lot's of references and this is indeed an Agenda 21/2030 document, but NO WHERE does it say anything about reducing the population by 95%.
In the same document, if you search for reduction, you won't see anything about population reduction...but "poverty reduction," "hunger reduction," "malnourishment reduction," "infant and child mortality reduction," and "maternal mortality reduction." Are these bad goals? Actual source research versus opinion.

Here is the problem and I *think* some people's frustration.

Monsters and those who have nefarious intentions never come right out and put it in writing. Only in hindsight is it obvious the way they strung things along. They couch things in words that sound nice, beneficial even. Hitler did not come out and announce to the world his intent to gas millions. Stalin did not come out and state his intent to starve just doesn't happen because it would be stopped in its tracks.

Sometimes it is not the goals that are monstrous but, instead, what they are willing to do in order to achieve them.

Again, you will have to do a lot of reading to find your own conclusions.

All I can tell you is what I concluded and those connected to the project as either advisors or influencers, have stated regarding their beliefs in the past and what is being implemented now. GIGO. I see an actionable link between the two. For me, it has been many years of binge reading a lot on this topic

The most recent example I cited before. "By 2030 you will own nothing, and you will be happy". Remember I said as you search for one answer, it will create more questions? They say you will rent everything.

When I saw that statement I instantly had a dozen more questions pop into my head.

What do you mean by nothing? I won't own my mother's china or my husband's great-great-grandmother's silverware? What about my wedding ring? I won't own clothing, shoes? How about my books? What about my children? What about my land?

Rent from whom? The government? Companies involved in public-private partnerships that have government approval?

What exactly are you foreseeing within the next 7 years, that would suddenly make people hand over all of their personal belongings? Or is it less foresight and more a creation of an event or circumstance which you are either directly or indirectly involved in?

You read enough of their statements, research their connections, things they have consistently participated in or lent their influence to and it all starts to fall into place like a big puzzle, at least it did for me. Their intentions are far from benevolent.

As you read on the topics I suggested, I suspect that you will find yourself in a similar situation.
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ON ANOTHER CONTINENT, things are taking a terrible and avoidable change of course. The "peasants" are hungry. But not only for FOOD, they are hungry to destroy those RESPONSIBLE for their food hunger. They are stripping, beating, chasing and even killing those politicians who show their faces but are not trying to get the elites of the world to stop their wars against the poor peasants and advancing the NWO. This is just the tip of the iceberg coming to a summit of world chaos. THEY will disappear into their bunkers or on their ships somewhere on the open ocean and wait for the total collapse (probably taking bets against who will win, die first and have the worst deaths) just like they bet on football games and boxing matches...burning the rich people cars is only the start...
Why make a statement like you'd "be surprised if he even watched the video you posted, much less researches anything?" Based on what?

Based on your previous actions and responses. You watch and read the very same things many others do on here, yet you are incapable…or refuse to acknowledge the obvious. Should have kept my mouth shut as I have no patience for folks like you.
Everybody has their own truths, everybody sees the world thru different eyes and everybody decides what to believe and what to laugh at...till the house is already burning, the cops do not come and the elites have disappeared into their collective rat-holes to await the chaos to happen so they can all watch it online on their CCTV and make bets like watching the movie RUNNING MAN...
rainingcatzanddogs has passed some good summary info so I can see that the buzz about Agenda 21 has a lot of merit.

What bugged me is that when disliked people like Schwab get quotes attributed to them, they never made.
Klause Schwab never said: "you will own nothing, and you will be happy."
Here's where it originated:
On November 10th, 2016, Danish MP Ida Auken published an essay THE OTHER QUOTE....
Agenda 21 nor 30 (2030) never said anything about a "95% population reduction." In May 2009, a flock of billionaires met in New York to discuss solving the planet's problems. They called themselves "The Good Club."
Fortunately, as far as I've read, Trump wasn't among them.
They're called the Good Club - and they want to save the world
Press coverage about this meeting is where the phrase "Agenda 21 Aims to Depopulate 95% of the World By 2030"originated and then it got co-opted to say the source of the phrase was Agenda 21 - IT WAS NOT.

I'm NOT saying it Agenda 21 doesn't have pieces that can be weaponized by the rich and powerful to take our land and put us all in rentals, I'm just saying, check out the source of a quote before it gets attributed incorrectly.
Some will say:
Who cares where the quote came from? It fits the narrative.
The end justifies the means/all is fair in love and war, and this is war!

I guess I prefer not to sink to the Dem's level of misquotes and gotcha journalism. I'd rather get it right.


“U.S. wheat crop hit by dry winter then soggy spring, adding to global tightness

North Dakota farmer Dwight Grotberg wanted to plant more wheat this spring to capitalize on soaring prices since Russia's invasion of Ukraine cut grain exports and left the world short of millions of tonnes of wheat supply.

Heavy rain has prevented Grotberg from planting as much wheat crop as he wanted and is hampering farmers across the state, the top U.S. grower of spring wheat.”
“Farm Inflation: Prices Surge for Chickens, Eggs, Wheat, Corn, and Milk


Prices paid to American farmers for crops and livestock continued to soar in April, data released by the Department of Agriculture on Tuesday showed.

The index of prices received for agricultural production was up 5.1 percent compared with a month earlier. Compared with a year ago, prices of U.S. agricultural products are up 28 percent.

The index for crops rose 1.7 in April and is up 17 percent compared with April of 2021. The livestock index jumped eight percent from March and is up 40 percent compared with a year ago.

Food grains—including corn and wheat—were up 2.8 percent for the month and 45 percent compared with a year ago. Feed grain prices increased 7.8 percent from the prior month and 33 percent from a year ago.

The poultry and egg index jumped 22 percent from March and 94 percent from a year earlier. The April market egg price, at $2.21 per dozen, is 81.0 cents higher than March and $1.64 higher than April 2021. The price of chickens raised for meat, at $1.05 per pound, is 15.3 cents higher than March and 49.7 cents higher than a year ago. At 95.3 cents per pound, the April turkey price is 2.5 cents higher than the previous month and 18.5 cents higher than April 2021.

Milk prices climbed 4.12 percent in April and are up 47 percent compared with a year earlier.

The costs faced by farmers are rising as well. April Prices Paid Index for Commodities and Services, Interest, Taxes, and Farm Wage Rates rose 1.0 percent from March 2022 and 14 percent from April 2021. Higher prices in April for complete feeds, other services, nitrogen, and feed grains more than offset lower prices for feeder pigs, LP gas, gasoline, and supplements.”
ON ANOTHER CONTINENT, things are taking a terrible and avoidable change of course. The "peasants" are hungry. But not only for FOOD, they are hungry to destroy those RESPONSIBLE for their food hunger. They are stripping, beating, chasing and even killing those politicians who show their faces but are not trying to get the elites of the world to stop their wars against the poor peasants and advancing the NWO. This is just the tip of the iceberg coming to a summit of world chaos. THEY will disappear into their bunkers or on their ships somewhere on the open ocean and wait for the total collapse (probably taking bets against who will win, die first and have the worst deaths) just like they bet on football games and boxing matches...burning the rich people cars is only the start...

Sooooo, they're going to bunch themselves up and be an easy target? YAAAAAAAAAAY

In other news, my neighbor just sent me photos of the local Walmart grocery he has taken over the last few days. The shelves are almost bare. No milk, a few eggs, the rest are hit or miss. I have never seen it like that. Going shopping in a few hours at a different store, will report back.
Sooooo, they're going to bunch themselves up and be an easy target? YAAAAAAAAAAY

In other news, my neighbor just sent me photos of the local Walmart grocery he has taken over the last few days. The shelves are almost bare. No milk, a few eggs, the rest are hit or miss. I have never seen it like that. Going shopping in a few hours at a different store, will report back.
Let me know how it is up there. You know I look out for an aunt in OC.

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