Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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OK, the store I go to regularly, closer to the larger city was well stocked, and looked normal. The Walmart my neighbor goes to is closer to our homes, but in a smaller city, a little further out, probably 8-9k people. There are only two stores, a Safeway, and the Walmart. Safeway is ridiculously priced, so I am guessing most everyone in town shops at Walmart, so they just clean it out like locusts. STILL, something to ponder, and prepare for, as food does become more scarce. It is a very scary feeling to walk in and see empty shelves in a giant store.
Well, that was one of the plans of Agenda 21 (1994), to get everyone into the big cities...

People HAVE been doing just that for the last couple of decades, and there are fewer and fewer privately owned farms...

If you need "proof", search "agenda 21 get people into cities"

You should all know about China's "ghost cities". They have built dozens of giant cities for the rural people to move into over the last 20 years.
One could almost wonder if they are starting to “herd” us into the big cities by not stocking the ones in the countryside...

Let’s all watch and report on low supplies in food stores, as well as if it is a big city or rural area ok?

We know they want to bunch us up in the cities where they have more control.
I'd live in a hollow log before being pushed into the big city,the burbs are bad enough as it s.
One could almost wonder if they are starting to “herd” us into the big cities by not stocking the ones in the countryside...

Let’s all watch and report on low supplies in food stores, as well as if it is a big city or rural area ok?
The store in our town of 500 is always well stocked, for now. But of course government would love to have us all in the city; we're easier to control, er..I mean protect.
I was up near Yolo county a month ago. Rice fields still had water.
I would agree with you @Arcticdude about salmon runs, but in this article the reason was for smelt.I used to love to dip net smelt and cook them up. Salmon don’t eat during the runs.
“Meanwhile, 50 percent of California’s water flows right out into the Pacific Ocean, a policy that was enacted for “environmental” purposes to save the Delta smelt, an “endangered” fish species.” It probably has an extra tail for the tranny ones.
Have friends with a small nut orchard that got affected last year and rice didn’t. It’s kinda crippling for their small part time operation. A nurse ready to retire and her dad.
I was up near Yolo county a month ago. Rice fields still had water.
I would agree with you @Arcticdude about salmon runs, but in this article the reason was for smelt.I used to love to dip net smelt and cook them up. Salmon don’t eat during the runs.
“Meanwhile, 50 percent of California’s water flows right out into the Pacific Ocean, a policy that was enacted for “environmental” purposes to save the Delta smelt, an “endangered” fish species.” It probably has an extra tail for the tranny ones.
Have friends with a small nut orchard that got affected last year and rice didn’t. It’s kinda crippling for their small part time operation. A nurse ready to retire and her dad.
Smelt used to be an important fishery, not sure if it is any more. Maybe rice took its place. Bottom line is there are just too many GD people, including farmers, for the available resources.
Smelt used to be an important fishery, not sure if it is any more. Maybe rice took its place. Bottom line is there are just too many GD people, including farmers, for the available resources.
The ones I used to catch came in through the locks of the St Lawrence Seaway. I don’t know why these can’t swim in from 10 miles away.
My point would be there are too many PETA people trying to ruin the rest of us’s lives.
The ones I used to catch came in through the locks of the St Lawrence Seaway. I don’t know why these can’t swim in from 10 miles away.
My point would be there are too many PETA people trying to ruin the rest of us’s lives.
I agree about PETA. I've got no more use for them than I do for the green weenies. The problem still remains that there isn't enough water to go around out west for everyone who wants it. Maybe if we weren't trying to feed the world there could be enough water. Corporate agriculture has become a huge business by many, and they don't care about the land or water. Once they use up the rivers, pump the aquifers dry and poison the land and water with chemicals, they move on to another business.
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OK, the store I go to regularly, closer to the larger city was well stocked, and looked normal. The Walmart my neighbor goes to is closer to our homes, but in a smaller city, a little further out, probably 8-9k people. There are only two stores, a Safeway, and the Walmart. Safeway is ridiculously priced, so I am guessing most everyone in town shops at Walmart, so they just clean it out like locusts. STILL, something to ponder, and prepare for, as food does become more scarce. It is a very scary feeling to walk in and see empty shelves in a giant store.

We had a new publix open up last week near us. My mother n I decided to go check Saturday. I was expecting the store to be very busy given it just opened. I was surprised how few people were in the store. I didn't buy much there due to prices to me were mostly outrageous. Brown, "organic" eggs over $7.00 a dozen. Glad I have chickens. I asked girl at checkout if they'd been slammed with the new opening. She said not really, not as much as we expected. Went on to Winn Dixie afterward, hardly anyone in there. I didn't hit Wal mart up this weekend because I spent over $300 in groceries at WD. Stopped at Aldi on way home and got some fruit n produce and few canned stuff like salmon, spent over $100 there. Same thing, not many in store like usual. Not sure if folks are ordering online or just broke, but was the fewest people I've seen out in grocery stores in a while and it was first weekend of the month. Maybe everyone was at Wally World. Stores were fairly well stocked this weekend. Had to go to Lowes sunday, not saying what I had to spend there and gas was $4.85 gallon Sunday. Glad I'm working from home right now. I'm not leaving the house this week!
Was in my Walmart yesterday. You could tell their weekly Wed. grocery truck hadn't come and supply was lower than usual. Parsley and Cilantro were few and looked awful/wilted But most produce items were stocked pretty well. Bread aisle had full shelves. Didn't check out paper products, meats or dairy as I just ran in for an RX, bread and a couple produce items. Most aisles I walked by looked about as full as they have been throughout the last year: fewer items noted and a few isolated spots on shelves were indeed bare, but not many. Not many shoppers either, which is unusual for 10:00 a.m.
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From a Wal-Mart truck drive yesterday , they have been instructed " to not " fill their trucks all the way up with fuel . I am not sure as to what conclusion to derive from this . Perhaps our members have a guess .
Knowing Walmart, why carry the extra weight to make mileage go down. Maybe they are going back to Sam Waltons philosophy.
He was a cheap SOB, but he built an empire.
MEGA DROUGHT (after dumping water into ocean) leaves hydropower offline, famers with fallow fields (NO FOOD):

"I got the land, I got the people. I have everything but no water. I can't do it," said Del Bosque, a 73-year-old farmer in Firebaugh, California.


Of course nothing is being discussed about all the lakes in California which were EMPTIED in early 2020…yep, all of the water put into the ocean!!
New rules will effectively SHUT DOWN U-Pick farms in NSW Australia


New planning rules proposed by Planning NSW risk destroying ALL Pick your own farms in NSW. They currently have a proposal underway to deciminate all the Pick your own farms in NSW and want to put unrealistic limitations on the number of visitors per day that attend these farms. The current proposal they have is to only allow 50 people per day to attend the farms and a maximum of 10 days per year that these farms are allowed to open for PYO. This is just not viable for farmers and we want this proposal stopped immediately and want the Department to consult with the farmers to get their input on what is viable for us. If this proposal in mandated, we feel that farmers will just pull out their trees and visitors will not be able to attend theses farms. We understand that there have to be regulations but we need them to be sustainable for the farmer and we would like the opportunity to consult and comment on these rules.

Help us by signing this petition to have this stopped immediately. Please share this with your family and friends and get them to sign it also. This is important to the agriculture and farming of our country. We already import a lot of fruit and vegetables in the country, if this goes ahead there will be fewer farmers in Australia and more imported fruit to make up for the farms that have disappeared. Don't let this happen. Support the Australian farmers.

Follow link and SIGN PETITION if in the area!
New rules will effectively SHUT DOWN U-Pick farms in NSW Australia

View attachment 16577

New planning rules proposed by Planning NSW risk destroying ALL Pick your own farms in NSW. They currently have a proposal underway to deciminate all the Pick your own farms in NSW and want to put unrealistic limitations on the number of visitors per day that attend these farms. The current proposal they have is to only allow 50 people per day to attend the farms and a maximum of 10 days per year that these farms are allowed to open for PYO. This is just not viable for farmers and we want this proposal stopped immediately and want the Department to consult with the farmers to get their input on what is viable for us. If this proposal in mandated, we feel that farmers will just pull out their trees and visitors will not be able to attend theses farms. We understand that there have to be regulations but we need them to be sustainable for the farmer and we would like the opportunity to consult and comment on these rules.

Help us by signing this petition to have this stopped immediately. Please share this with your family and friends and get them to sign it also. This is important to the agriculture and farming of our country. We already import a lot of fruit and vegetables in the country, if this goes ahead there will be fewer farmers in Australia and more imported fruit to make up for the farms that have disappeared. Don't let this happen. Support the Australian farmers.

Follow link and SIGN PETITION if in the area!
I signed the petition.
New rules will effectively SHUT DOWN U-Pick farms in NSW Australia

View attachment 16577

New planning rules proposed by Planning NSW risk destroying ALL Pick your own farms in NSW. They currently have a proposal underway to deciminate all the Pick your own farms in NSW and want to put unrealistic limitations on the number of visitors per day that attend these farms. The current proposal they have is to only allow 50 people per day to attend the farms and a maximum of 10 days per year that these farms are allowed to open for PYO. This is just not viable for farmers and we want this proposal stopped immediately and want the Department to consult with the farmers to get their input on what is viable for us. If this proposal in mandated, we feel that farmers will just pull out their trees and visitors will not be able to attend theses farms. We understand that there have to be regulations but we need them to be sustainable for the farmer and we would like the opportunity to consult and comment on these rules.

Help us by signing this petition to have this stopped immediately. Please share this with your family and friends and get them to sign it also. This is important to the agriculture and farming of our country. We already import a lot of fruit and vegetables in the country, if this goes ahead there will be fewer farmers in Australia and more imported fruit to make up for the farms that have disappeared. Don't let this happen. Support the Australian farmers.

Follow link and SIGN PETITION if in the area!
What is the reason given to shut down the PYO farm operations?
What is the reason given to shut down the PYO farm operations?

The reason to limit the number of people to 50 a day and to limit the number of days allowed to be open per year to 10 days was not stated. Of course the Australian government would very much KNOW this would put all U Pick farms out of business.
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Got another 40 liters of diesel in the cellar. Spare AAA batteries and not much else this month. Hard month, need to pay an old debt to the tax advisor. Did not know that mine died last year till I called and asked why I had not received the last bill...only 63 yrs. old. :(
This is happening in Australia, yet the government is passing a law to put farmers out of business?!!!

Food processors warn gas crisis may shut them down and see food prices rise further


Food processors say Australia's gas crisis is threatening the country's food security.

Key points:
  • Spiking gas prices have put pressure on energy-intensive businesses such as food processors
  • The gas crisis might make it harder for food producers and processors to supply Australia
  • Food manufacturers want an immediate gas reserve for domestic use

They say the high price of gas is set to push up the price of food and could even disrupt its supply.

The Master Butchers Co-operative (MBL) is just one business facing astronomic price rises for gas supplying its plant in Adelaide's north.

The cooperative processes most of the by-products from South Australia's meat industry, turning them into valuable things like tallow and pet food oil.

By-products can not be sent to landfill and there is only limited capacity to compost them.

"Our gas bill has gone from $135,000 a month to $900,000 a month," CEO Jamie Higgins told the ABC.

"It's catastrophic for us."

"If that price was to continue for a full year that's a $9 million increase in our costs and that would be terminal for our business."
At my work we're having increasing difficulty getting food for the kids in the quantities needed. Fresh produce is especially challenging. The quality of what we can get from our suppliers is decreasing, sometimes going bad well before it's use by date. We have to buy what we can, when we can, and change the menu to fit.
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The lettuce we got in today, went out today. . . all had to go into the trash. Total loss for our store. :(

Expect a ton more of that. The reason is because transportation is going to take a huge dive. Owner Drivers can’t afford the diesel and truck payment…plus insurance and maintenance. So the result will be far less drivers and longer transport times. We all know those aren’t going to work for food that is only good a few days.

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