For our members over age 55......

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Formerly known as Supervisor42
HCL Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
I thought about it a few times the last couple years and farted around.

Meh, it's just a skin condition, like getting poison-ivy. No big deal.
It ******* hurts! It hurts a LOT! It gets into your nerves.
If I had to choose between it and the flu-shot, I'd take my chances with the flu.
It only lasts a week, not months.:eek:
And forget getting to sleep unless you 100-proof or Ambien yourself into unconsciousness.:eatagun:
I wish someone had yanked my pants down and beat some sense into me.:assspank:
One out of every 2 of us will get it in our lifetime. Those odds suck!
Don't be me.

*Moderators can edit the language in this as they please.
Copy that...

I'm lucky...NEVER had Chicken Pox...

( The chickenpox virus (varicella zoster) causes shingles (herpes zoster), a painful, blistering contagious rash. )

Copy that...

I'm lucky...NEVER had Chicken Pox
Do you thing you would remember if you had it when you were 3?
How much are you willing to gamble?
X2 on get the shot. And booster as required. I had chicken pox and whooping cough but none of the others. HOPE the mumps shot works :bigeyes:
I have copies all my medical records...Hell, I can tell you what year...and where... I had my tonsils out.

and I'm NOT the only one in my family NOT to have mother and my sister never had chicken pox either.

So YEA... I'm SURE !!

I got the three in one deal, flu, shingles and pneumonia shots.
I have copies all my medical records...Hell, I can tell you what year...and where... I had my tonsils out.

and I'm NOT the only one in my family NOT to have mother and my sister never had chicken pox either.

So YEA... I'm SURE !!

That's great!
No antibodies at all.
All you have to do is watch out for people like me walking around in the general population.
We look just like everybody else except for our pissed-off expression.
:rolleyes:Good luck.
I got the three in one deal, flu, shingles and pneumonia shots.
I tried to get that, but this is Alabama.
They are still trying to get used to those newfangled disposable syringes.
As a child, I had my tonsils out, mumps, measles, and chicken pox for sure.

As an adult, I've a variety of things including gall bladder rupture, hernia repair, heart stent, shingles and kidney stones, none of which I would recommend to others who might be considering the experiences. Kidney stones (twice) were the worst, followed by shingles (do not underestimate the pain). I did not hesitate to get the adult shingles shot when it became available, even though I had to pay for it - money well spent.

I had my adult shingles shot and get my flu shots every so often (as needed). I have had no adverse reactions to either shot. 60 seconds after getting them, they are already forgotten.

Get the flu and shingle shots!
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For some reason I have really been feeling off kilter. I would dress in my flannel PJ's and cover myself with 3 comforters and constantly freeze my butt off. The chills would last 45 minutes to an hour. I called my doctor but he was not in the day after X-mas so I had to wait another day. He examined me and had me open my mouth and he said I had a fungus. How the hell do you get a fungus? He never took a culture or anything else. My tongue looked like it was full of toothpaste but he gave me a prescription which last 1 week. My normal coloring is coming back but my esophagus is still sore and all I can eat is pudding. I can barely speak. The meds seem to work however my daughter in law said to watch it for 2 weeks and if I see any white in my mouth to head directly to the hospital. My daughter in law is a registered nurse and she said a fungus can be deadly. I am still pissed that the doctor never took a culture to try to find out what kind it was and what could have been the source. These damned doctors have gone from being doctors to pill pushers. If your tongue starts to turn colors do NOT hesitate to go to a doctor and DEMAND a culture. You pay for the service he renders not just give you some pills to make it better. You deserve to know!!!!

Shingles hurt for sure.

I broke out on my face and scalp. Looked about like someone beat me with a ball bat.
I had a very slight case of shingles about a year ago. I can imagine a full blown case of it! As soon as I got over my episode of it I got the shot!
And even if you aren't 55 and can get your insurance to pay for it. Get the shot. @Birddog had the shingles 2 years ago and it was awful.
I thought about it a few times the last couple years and farted around.

Meh, it's just a skin condition, like getting poison-ivy. No big deal.
It ******* hurts! It hurts a LOT! It gets into your nerves.
If I had to choose between it and the flu-shot, I'd take my chances with the flu.
It only lasts a week, not months.:eek:
And forget getting to sleep unless you 100-proof or Ambien yourself into unconsciousness.:eatagun:
I wish someone had yanked my pants down and beat some sense into me.:assspank:
One out of every 2 of us will get it in our lifetime. Those odds suck!
Don't be me.

*Moderators can edit the language in this as they please.

Hey 42,

Got the Shingles Shot and the Pneumonia Shot, this fall.

My Grandmother had the Shingles real bad....Her back was broke out in "welts"....She said it itched like the devil....

Later, Mark
My Grandmother had the Shingles real bad....Her back was broke out in "welts"....She said it itched like the devil....
Well, since we're a bunch of folks all about how stuff works...
Here's why we don't just get chickenpox when round-2 comes around:

The dormant virus hides in our nerves. The immune system keeps it in check.
When the immune system is weakened from age or distracted, it can lose it's grip on it.
When it gets loose and replicates, it spreads and travels along the nerve to the skin.
The affected area is only what is connected to that nerve.
It is contagious only thru skin-to-skin contact with the affected area and then only to people that haven't had chicken pox or the shot.
They would just get chickenpox.
Chickenpox (although the same virus) is spread airborne like the flu. It travels to the skin surface thru the bloodstream.
This is why it is all over the body and not concentrated.

Get the damn shot.
Back in 1988 I was thrown from a horse and landed on my tailbone. I got the shingles, strip of blisters from my backbone around my left rib to the front. Very painful, not fun. Two years ago fell again, got shingles again. Although I have had it twice I still got the shot, it is supposed to stop or at least lesson another bought.
Something else I don't see has been said, you can't get Shingles from another person with Shingles. Anyone who has not had Chicken Pox can get Chicken Pox from a person with active Shingles.
I had a very slight case of shingles about a year ago.
I lucked out like Gump. One evening about 3 years ago, I noticed a small patch (about the size of a pea) that was somewhat hard that itched like crazy. Started looking on the 'net and wondered if I had shingles. I was able to get into a dermatologist within 12 hours of my discovery, and he confirmed my fears. He started me on meds right away. The patch never got worse and cleared up within a week or so.

I had to wait to get the shot, and I had completely forgotten about it.

Thanks for the reminder.
I lucked out like Gump. One evening about 3 years ago, I noticed a small patch (about the size of a pea) that was somewhat hard that itched like crazy. Started looking on the 'net and wondered if I had shingles. I was able to get into a dermatologist within 12 hours of my discovery, and he confirmed my fears. He started me on meds right away. The patch never got worse and cleared up within a week or so.

I had to wait to get the shot, and I had completely forgotten about it.

Thanks for the reminder.

You were truly fortunate. I had it on most of my upper body and it really hurt.
I lucked out like Gump. One evening about 3 years ago, I noticed a small patch (about the size of a pea) that was somewhat hard that itched like crazy. Started looking on the 'net and wondered if I had shingles. I was able to get into a dermatologist within 12 hours of my discovery, and he confirmed my fears. He started me on meds right away. The patch never got worse and cleared up within a week or so.

I had to wait to get the shot, and I had completely forgotten about it.

Thanks for the reminder.

Did you get the shot?
You were truly fortunate. I had it on most of my upper body and it really hurt. Did you get the shot?
No. I was supposed to wait at least six months after having it the first time. I think I'll have to explore it again.

Come to think of it, my case of chicken pox was also, very, very mild. I wonder if there's a correlation between the two.:confused;
Something else I don't see has been said, you can't get Shingles from another person with Shingles. Anyone who has not had Chicken Pox can get Chicken Pox from a person with active Shingles.
I did but I should have been more clear.
It (shingles) is contagious only thru skin-to-skin contact with the affected area and then only to people that haven't had chicken pox or the shot.
They would just get chickenpox.
No. I was supposed to wait at least six months after having it the first time. I think I'll have to explore it again.
Come to think of it, my case of chicken pox was also, very, very mild. I wonder if there's a correlation between the two.:confused;
Or you could just have been incredibly lucky.
A lot depends on your age, which is why the ads (and this thread) are aimed at older folks.
The older you get, the weaker your immune system becomes. Kinda like a transmission with high miles on it starts slipping.
Works great the first 150,000 miles.
The one thing you do know, is the stuff is inside you ticking.
Get the damn shot and don't worry about it going boom for 3 years.
Me and the wife both got the shot for shingles. A friend of nine had it for a year all over his face. Could hardly see and was in agony. Being retired Active Duty, we get them for free at the base hospital. No appointment for anything. Just walk in and within 30 you are out of there. We have our records checked every year for updates and boosters needed for whatever is needed.
Yeah, I figure we're about the same age, and I've actually shook hands with you - so I probably have your cooties now. I better get that shot quick...

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