Forged In Fire........not

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I saw that. What I can't figure out is if he was burning in the barrel how did it manage to burn down half the town?

Forged In Fire now showing a warning before episodes. " Forging is dangerous. No not attempt at home etc. proper safety etc."
In other news, don’t pet rattle snakes or stare at the sun.

Not only did this idiot torch half the town, he is the reason for the latest lawyer stamp, aka useless warning clause, for his fellow retards.

Dilly, dilly!
It doesn't surprise me that some idiot would try to do some of the stuff they show on TV. It seems as if they need a disclaimer every time they show something on the idiot box. I just got through watching an episode of Forged in Fire and for the first time I saw the disclaimer on not trying to do this yourself. If you really want a bunch of disclaimers, listen to all the medications they are trying to sell and all the side effects they could present. The side effects are worse than the disease that you may have. Pretty soon Planters Peanuts are going to say that if you don't chew up the peanuts properly, you may, gag, choke, puke, cause severe irritation to your stomach and cause your intestines to dissolve and you will crap yourself to death!!!

It doesn't surprise me that some idiot would try to do some of the stuff they show on TV. It seems as if they need a disclaimer every time they show something on the idiot box. I just got through watching an episode of Forged in Fire and for the first time I saw the disclaimer on not trying to do this yourself. If you really want a bunch of disclaimers, listen to all the medications they are trying to sell and all the side effects they could present. The side effects are worse than the disease that you may have. Pretty soon Planters Peanuts are going to say that if you don't chew up the peanuts properly, you may, gag, choke, puke, cause severe irritation to your stomach and cause your intestines to dissolve and you will crap yourself to death!!!


CAUTION: Peanuts May contain peanuts or may have been used on machines that process peanuts.
It doesn't surprise me that some idiot would try to do some of the stuff they show on TV. It seems as if they need a disclaimer every time they show something on the idiot box. I just got through watching an episode of Forged in Fire and for the first time I saw the disclaimer on not trying to do this yourself. If you really want a bunch of disclaimers, listen to all the medications they are trying to sell and all the side effects they could present. The side effects are worse than the disease that you may have. Pretty soon Planters Peanuts are going to say that if you don't chew up the peanuts properly, you may, gag, choke, puke, cause severe irritation to your stomach and cause your intestines to dissolve and you will crap yourself to death!!!


Tommy, I hope at least one of the robots currently watching the forum grabs your post for wide distribution. Well, maybe not. It could, with just a little help, cause a panic. "Danger! Improperly masticated peanuts, when ingested within 2 hours of the intake of non-fat yogurt with peach on the bottom, may liquefy the lower digestive tract. The resulting extreme peritonitis will cause a lingering and excruciatingly painful death." The last sentence will be restated in plain language as "You will crap yourself to death."

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