Fox news suggests PREPPING FOR NK EMP attack.

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I'd be more worried about an CME than a EMP. I think the EMP damaging effects is over stated, an EMP is far more limited in scope compared to a CME, an CME has already proven it's affects several times, an EMP has shown the possibility but was limited in '62 at EMP altitude (250 miles) and didn't take out the whole island grid only 900 miles away with a 1.4mt thermonuclear warhead.
To clarify the above, CME = Coronal Mass Ejection (basically a big hiccup from the sun)... While I agree with Maverick that the EMP effect of nukes has been a bit overhyped, I think the bigger threat lies with a weapon deliberately DESIGNED to deliver an EMP rather than have it as a side effect. Luckily, I believe this is still beyond NK's current tech level, but I have it on good authority we have had this for quite some time (over a decade), and so have the Russians (and so, by proxy, the Chinese). Since knocking out their prime customers is bad for business, pretty sure the Chinese will take steps to ensure NK stays out of the EMP arms race, lol.

While the study for EMP effects is greatly misrepresented, outdated, and hardly a template for how it would affect us did point out a HUGE Achilles Heel in our modern life and in our vulnerability to such an attack. Simply put, a deliberate (and successful) EMP specific attack on the US, using just a few delivery points, could completely send us back to pre-industrial society in a heartbeat. Yet, it's a threat that largely, has gone undealt with by nearly every administration and Congress.

As for what WE the average citizen can do? Not a whole lot. If the grid goes, a lot goes with it...far beyond having lights, etc. Unless you are an actual prepper, with replenishable resources, your supplies are an indication of how long you'll live. Add in the lawlessness that will ensue, and the fight to keep those supplies, and it's a situation nobody (even preppers) want to be in.

Now, you can argue that you'll have a generator, or solar power, etc., etc. But eventually, some folks with guns are going to hear that generator and come after you. Folks will see those lights on at night and figure they want it too, etc. Not going to be a good time. The loss of the grid (with no immediate hope of its return) means the loss of law and order, the loss of emergency services, and the loss of just in time inventory supply to stores, and the inability to access your money to pay the stores even if they were open (and they won't be, they'll be looted)
As for NK, look....Un has NOTHING to gain from attacking the US. This is the FARTHEST thing from his mind. However, the THREAT to do so, has always resulted in money, food, lifting of sanctions, etc. for both his regime, and those before is it really surprising he keeps doing so? It really shouldn't be. Our past administrations have done nothing to dissuade him from this, and have always given in to such demands (usually behind closed doors).

The wisest course is to simply ignore him. DON'T cover him in the media. DON'T make statements even acknowledging his existence, etc. Let him spend himself into oblivion if he likes. Then, when he can't take it anymore...let HIM call for the meeting, and let HIM be the one begging others to come to the table. Only THEN, can we approach this issue from a position of strength, and have the ability to make ACTUAL demands.
Of course Fox News is going to predict doom and gloom. Fear sells. Many of Fox's sponsers cash in on this fear too. While I think prepping is a good idea for all, I don't think NK poses any real threat. Maybe if the US would quit provoking NK and ignore them they'd go away.
What have we done to provoke them? We've simply responded to their provocation in kind. Not that doing so is any more, but considering our POTUS, I think it's what is expected. So far, Trump is doing exactly what we should do...ignore them. (I just wish he'd include Twitter in that bit of ignoring them).
As for NK, look....Un has NOTHING to gain from attacking the US. This is the FARTHEST thing from his mind. However, the THREAT to do so, has always resulted in money, food, lifting of sanctions, etc. for both his regime, and those before is it really surprising he keeps doing so? It really shouldn't be. Our past administrations have done nothing to dissuade him from this, and have always given in to such demands (usually behind closed doors).

The wisest course is to simply ignore him. DON'T cover him in the media. DON'T make statements even acknowledging his existence, etc. Let him spend himself into oblivion if he likes. Then, when he can't take it anymore...let HIM call for the meeting, and let HIM be the one begging others to come to the table. Only THEN, can we approach this issue from a position of strength, and have the ability to make ACTUAL demands.

I think Gazrok nailed it. NK is trying the same old game and I think it's back-firing. Trump won't give NK one dime, and instead will make things even worse (look at how he called out China for selling NK oil just today).

What will happen? NK is burning off everything they have trying to blackmail Trump/USA. When people there start starving like in Venezuela, what happens? Even the soldiers are struggling with health among other things. Maybe the generals will turn against rocket boy? Maybe China steps in & finds a graceful solution?

NK's problem really is time. They are trying everything before the Olympics only months away to get their blackmail payout. After the Olympics their chances drop to near zero, so I'd expect something to happen by the time the Olympics end.
that starving part is something they have done for years and years, and Venezuela is like "Las Vegas all inclusive" if you compare those two countries.
Except he's smart enough to keep his soldiers fed and paid.

When that DOESN'T happen though, a coup is inevitable. And Un may be crazy, but he's not stupid. Just before that is the case, he will come BEGGING to the table, and crying like a little babe, if we just let it play out. Thing is, is our leadership smart enough to realize this? I have my doubts....
Except he's smart enough to keep his soldiers fed and paid.

When that DOESN'T happen though, a coup is inevitable. And Un may be crazy, but he's not stupid. Just before that is the case, he will come BEGGING to the table, and crying like a little babe, if we just let it play out. Thing is, is our leadership smart enough to realize this? I have my doubts....
I doubt it too. I guess 2 or 3 wars, and hundreds of billions of dollars wasted in worthless ******** countries isn't enough for some people. War is just big business now days. I bought a lot of defense stocks on 9/11 and they have all done quite well.
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My bet is that this planned NK meeting is exactly what I predicted....

Un coming begging to the table. ;) Obviously, it won't "look" like that in public, nor will the US call him out on it, but it is what it is... NK extended the invite, not the other way around.
And NK will probably come out of this meeting with billions of US taxpayers $$$ pledged, if they would just give up their nuclear program.
I really hope not. Sadly though, I do believe the Deep State got to Trump. I think I can even pinpoint the day....when he met with top GOP leaders, and they miraculously did a 180 on supporting him.

Of course, the Deep State also isn't happy about NK not being in the world bank, so removing Un is still high on the agenda.