The first two minutes are about Fukushima and the last minute is advertising.
Why doesn't the world come etogether and help Japan repair that leak?
This is only ONE nuclear power plant. If we have a grid down situation, how many more nuclear plants would there be spewing radiation?Why doesn't the world come together and help Japan repair that leak?
The first two minutes are about Fukushima and the last minute is advertising.
Come on now, glowing in the dark has advantages
This is another thing that we really have no information about. It is one of the topics that is banned from the news. No more tuna for me!
Come on now, glowing in the dark has advantages
always look on the bright side of lifeNo fumbling for the light switch in the middle of the night.
always look on the bright side of life
Me, too! Or more! I won't buy any now.I bought five cases of tuna when this happened. I wish I'd have bought ten.
The radiated fish are not harmful to eat unless you are eating the bones and organs. The flesh has no more than standard background radiation in it.
It is not just one reactor. Three reactors were involved. The fish that migrate through the area do not pose any threat because they are in the area for a short time and by the time they get to the coast of North America the radiation has been metabolized and is laying on the bottom of the ocean.
We heard all the same horror stories back when Chernobyl melted down. Guess what, nature has taken the sight over. The wild animal population has exploded in the area most damaged by the radiation release. The herds of reindeer that were supposed to die and the native populations that used them for meat, milk and clothes have not contracted leukemia and other radiation triggered cancers. There are no wolves walking on two legs or eight eyed birds - the wildlife is basically healthy and thriving. The area is still off limits for humans and radiation levels at the site are still dangerous.
Turn to Fukushima and We hear the same predictions all over again. I have seen testing of fish followed by testing of the flesh once the fish is filleted. The meat has nothing more than a trace of radiation while the skeleton has high levels of some isotopes that are dangerously radioactive. The half life of most of the isotopes getting into the water is accelerated in the metabolic action of the fish that consume it.
The real question is why three atomic reactors were built on the shoreline of an area known for large earthquakes and tsunamis. The only way to clean it up would be to encase it all in sand and concrete and throw it into the Mariana trench and let the earth recycle it. It is most likely going to be an area that is off limits for human habitation and serve as a monument to the stupidity of mankind for building things where they don't belong.
The radiated fish are not harmful to eat unless you are eating the bones and organs.
The real question is why three atomic reactors were built on the shoreline of an area known for large earthquakes and tsunamis. The only way to clean it up would be to encase it all in sand and concrete and throw it into the Mariana trench and let the earth recycle it. It is most likely going to be an area that is off limits for human habitation and serve as a monument to the stupidity of mankind for building things where they don't belong.
I'm not sure that they were built below sea level per se but rather in a manner that was not protected by a tsunami.And If I'm remembering what I read correctly the standby generators were built below sea level. When the grid went down and the generators were flood there was no power for the cooling pumps.
Same mistake the City of New Orleans made. Installing the pumps that kept the City dry below sea level.
The problem with not eating fish from the Pacific is there is no way to tell where it comes from unless you catch it yourself.That may be true, or not. I am going to not eat fish especially from the Pacific, probably for the rest of my life.
IMHO, the development of containment technology should have happened first, before any nuclear power plants were ever built.Nuclear power is really great potential as a clean, nearly inexhaustible power source. But we have a long way to go in developing containment technology before we can consider it to be safe.
All of them!This is only ONE nuclear power plant. If we have a grid down situation, how many more nuclear plants would there be spewing radiation?
IMHO, the development of containment technology should have happened first, before any nuclear power plants were ever built.