FYI "Maverick"

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
It has been brought to my attention that the name Maverick is used or frequents prepper sites (that's way out in lala land that want's the US Government overthrown) it only stands to reason since Maverick is a very common and popular name (reason I chose it ;)), no, its not me, this is the only prepper site I frequent and with this name.
It has been brought to my attention that the name Maverick is used or frequents prepper sites (that's way out in lala land that want's the US Government overthrown) it only stands to reason since Maverick is a very common and popular name (reason I chose it ;)), no, its not me, this is the only prepper site I frequent and with this name.
This was the first forum I ever looked at, and I didn't know you were supposed to make up a name for security. A little late now, Oh well. This is also the only site I frequent as well, and although I have seen facebook, Ive never been on it. I spend enough time on this one!
Ah so your not the democrat, environmentalist, lesbian, feminist, psychopath, vegan, PETA supporting burocrat from Olympia WA then? :)

It has been brought to my attention that the name Maverick is used or frequents prepper sites (that's way out in lala land that want's the US Government overthrown) it only stands to reason since Maverick is a very common and popular name (reason I chose it ;)), no, its not me, this is the only prepper site I frequent and with this name.
Doncha mean this is the only site that will have you :) :)

This was the first forum I ever looked at, and I didn't know you were supposed to make up a name for security. A little late now, Oh well. This is also the only site I frequent as well, and although I have seen facebook, Ive never been on it. I spend enough time on this one!
This was the first forum I ever looked at, and I didn't know you were supposed to make up a name for security. A little late now, Oh well. This is also the only site I frequent as well, and although I have seen facebook, Ive never been on it. I spend enough time on this one!

Honestly Brent, using a pseudonym doesn't offer much security from the feds, its more or less hiding from employers/family/friends/neighbors, for me at first it was to protect my Wife given the type of work she does though she informed me a while ago what I do doesn't and won't affect her work, employment and standing.
Honestly Brent, using a pseudonym doesn't offer much security from the feds, its more or less hiding from employers/family/friends/neighbors, for me at first it was to protect my Wife given the type of work she does though she informed me a while ago what I do doesn't and won't affect her work, employment and standing.
I agree, there is no such thing as privacy anymore. I do still think it's wise to use a different name though, at least it will keep the local wack jobs away. It wouldn't be too hard for someone to do a google search and find someone with a name and area. Oh well, guess it's too late now, I'm not sure I can change it now anyways. I remember some moron on this site posted a picture of a gallon of moonshine he had made, bragging about it. I kindly reminded him that's worth about 20 yrs behind bars, and someone took down his post. At least if you're posting things on any social media, be smart and stay within the law.
There's a Maverick on most web sites , must be alot of James Garner fans out there .
No there is not much privacy on the net . Anyone that remotely knows me could read my post and know who I am and some that are more tech savy inclined could probly find out who anyone is on a forum .
Im sure the Feds know who anyone on any site is if they want to . And as one of our members here said He and others are Feds .
Does'nt bother me I say the same stuff online and off . I have to watch it at work , offend someone these day's and you get fired .
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As far as I know I dont have to worry about that , I chose mine to remind me to never blame the inocent for something they didnt do and to not plunder my enemy without cause .
But he does want to tar and feather democrats and thinks the ACLU should be burned at the stake :)

my biggest concern was the confusion with me here and that of the more sinister one on similar sites as this site (DDPF), I don't advocate nor support the overthrow of the US government unlike the other person
always had the impression you are the sensible guy and likes to prep sensible :)

sensible SENSIBLE, have you seen Maverick only going to the shops for a carton of milk?
It has been brought to my attention that the name Maverick is used or frequents prepper sites (that's way out in lala land that want's the US Government overthrown) it only stands to reason since Maverick is a very common and popular name (reason I chose it ;)), no, its not me, this is the only prepper site I frequent and with this name.

Here I thought my good friend, was a well dressed and groomed river boat gambler (did I say he looked like James Garner, lol), who won a mess of money, married his sweetheart ;) and stole away to some lost cabin in it is he has to be crazy joining other sites, as we know DPF is the best and with that exception, does not have enough time contributing to both DPF and doing everything else that needs to be done before winter sets in again lol...

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