Garden 2024!

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I was on a garden forum, that talked Ty Ty nursery down, I thin it was in 2010 or earlier.
Are you saying they are a good nursey to buy from?
We've only bought from Ty Ty for about 3 or 4 years now. Never had a problem with them. The plants have always looked good. We've lost a few before, but that was from our weather, not their plants. Our "local" nursery is close to 100 miles from here. By the time we're past the frost danger, they've already sole out of most things. And Concord grapes have been impossible to find anywhere.
@joel Do you prune your fig trees? This first pic is the last time I pruned mine. Took a chainsaw to them. Pruned group 2 and 3, the next year i did group 1 in my earlier post.

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This pic... brought in donkey manure, bentonite and azomite, few hundred pounds of each. There are dozens of new sprouts each year growing up from the roots in this pic. I cut most of them.

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All the growth in the bottom pic is from the stumps I left the last time i pruned. (i posted earlier, #1070). I have to prune my trees else they'll get out of hand. These figs have been growing here over 100yrs, my grandpa ate from them.

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Not the brown Turkey that was on the farm when Father bought it.
The Green Greek, Matte pinta, Negro 600, LSU Black, Brooklyn Dark, Red Israel, & Super Jumbo are only 24 inches high.
So I hope to train them as they grow & prune them as needed, however your pictures are very well thought out & I will know what to when the time comes. THANKS.
just came back in and feeling Peachy :

001/002 Glads, 003 Rose n 004 still awaiting the opening of a Hibby...!!!


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Two years ago, DW found bulbs for free, we got five & lift twenty for the next guy/girl.
I gave one to a friend & she sent this picture last week.

Two years ago, DW found bulbs for free, we got five & lift twenty for the next guy/girl.
I gave one to a friend & she sent this picture last week.
Went to yard sale Saturday.
Bought a mini Metal Oval Stock Tank for $10.
It gets delivered tomorrow.
Will be using a garden bed for more potatoes and carrots, summer squash and watermelon.
I am thinking fall garden with this bed.
Will fill slowing until filled for garden bed.
Stock tank has been delivered.
Estelle seems to think we need to clean it out really good.
That way she will have a pool instead of garden bed.
I will have to hide my exterior paint otherwise it will be colorful stock tank/ garden bed.
That girl is always thinking......
I posted #537 with a pic of what 2 Hibiscus are supposed to 🐝 , this AM One showed it's True Colour :

On the Bright side, it's a Double, now the other one looks like it is starting a bump of a flower...?!? No pic, just have 2 wait...!! :gardening:


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I went out to the farm & picked a quart of Blue berries. About half of the plant have a few ripening & the rest are still hanging with green berries.
Raspberry are ripening too.
The deer eat half of the potatoes tops, did not touch the garlic or onions.
So I’ve finally decided what the most destructive pest in my garden is. You might think deer, squash bugs, slugs, or maybe earwigs? I do have all those, but they don’t hold a candle to a well meaning husband. He changed sprinkler heads for the ditch pump irrigation thinking that a better and bigger spray pattern would be great for the garden. I went out this morning and my eggplants and Napa cabbages are nearly beat to death. I put some “diffusion” screens like shade cloth and bug screen on the sides that the water comes from to reduce the beating effect. I don’t have the heart to tell him that his great idea made me nearly cry this morning!
I went out to the farm & picked a quart of Blue berries. About half of the plant have a few ripening & the rest are still hanging with green berries.
Raspberry are ripening too.
The deer eat half of the potatoes tops, did not touch the garlic or onions.

Critters are a pain when it comes to gardens. Yesterday I ran the gang disk across the end of the garden by the woods. I want to be able to see critter tracks in the fresh plowed soil. Getting ready for the raccoon invasion i know is coming. My sweet corn is nearly ready and raccoons will try to steal every ear. I hope to know from tracks if there's a single raccoon or a whole family of the littler vermin. One can be caught easily in a live trap. If it's a family I'll have to chain up the dog and blanket the woods with steel traps.
It seems that Spring gets wetter and wetter here each year. It has been a battle getting planted what I do have planted but progress is being made. I spent Wednesday and Thursday evening hooking up the drip tapes as it has finally gotten dry enough to need to water. Still a ways to go but here is where the garden sits as of Wednesday evening. 3 rows of maters, one of peppers, one of yellow squash, one row of Italian style pole beans, one of Kentucky Blue pole beans and one row of okra below that. Zukes and cukes elsewhere.

Is that early or mid blueberries, my last early stopped just as I got my first mid berries started to turn. I got about a quart & will get more today.
I’m not sure. Some of my berry plants (blueberry and raspberry) were purchased from Stark Bros and others were dug out of the woods when horseback riding. Where I kept TommyIce was a summer getaway area for NYC dwellers at the turn of the century (1900). The cottages are gone but their gardens remained. My saddle pack always included an army shovel, damp towel and plastic bag.
I’m not sure. Some of my berry plants (blueberry and raspberry) were purchased from Stark Bros and others were dug out of the woods when horseback riding. Where I kept TommyIce was a summer getaway area for NYC dwellers at the turn of the century (1900). The cottages are gone but their gardens remained. My saddle pack always included an army shovel, damp towel and plastic bag.
I have sucker given to me by gardeners who did not know the name, one blueberry was given fifteen year after her husband passed, he had planted it.
I now have 100 or more sucker & it is hard to reach the middle of the clump, so I will have to move some of them into a another row. After 20 years, I have learned that for South Carolina, early BB are from mid may to mid June && mid ripening BB are from mid June to July. I am researching late BB for my area.
More garden surprises for me. I had purchased 2patio peach trees from Stark Bros. They are supposed to stay tiny—we’ll see. Anyway one looks fantastic with leaves—almost bushy. The other variety I thought was dead. I contacted them and they told me to scratch the trunk and look for green. If green it’s alive. I did and saw very faint green. Dad insisted it was dead and reminded me that he was in FFA when a young one—circa 1943.

Today I planned on scratching the surface and contacting them again for either a replacement or refund. Hard to see but there is proof of life.

groundhog !
I was thinking maybe raccoon. On the other side of the fence there is a driveway and a corral for the neighbors trash cans. But now that I’m thinking about it, Heidi has been somewhat intrigued by a hole about 30 feet to left of those plants. It looks kinda small though for a ground hog.

I’m the only animal that should be eating the broccoli. Ideas on how to deter them other than housing Heidi the Mighty Huntress next to them.
Not completely ready to give up on my garden, I spent several hours sitting indian style in the dirt weeding around what plants I do have out there. Mulch in place with the pulled weeds, started scheming about what else I might be able to plant this late. Then I tried to get off the ground.. oh wow. And this morning, could barely walk. My hips have NEVER felt like this. LOL. Getting old ain't for sissies!

Kept moving today (except my nap) and seriously think I'll be right back on it tomorrow, pain or no pain. Gotta keep moving....
I was thinking maybe raccoon. On the other side of the fence there is a driveway and a corral for the neighbors trash cans. But now that I’m thinking about it, Heidi has been somewhat intrigued by a hole about 30 feet to left of those plants. It looks kinda small though for a ground hog.

I’m the only animal that should be eating the broccoli. Ideas on how to deter them other than housing Heidi the Mighty Huntress next to them.
never herd of a coon eating broccoli...groundhogs yes..get yourself a havahart trap bait it with apple or leaves off broccoli and catch that critter.

heidi knows theres a whistle pig down that hole..release her !
It seems that Spring gets wetter and wetter here each year. It has been a battle getting planted what I do have planted but progress is being made. I spent Wednesday and Thursday evening hooking up the drip tapes as it has finally gotten dry enough to need to water. Still a ways to go but here is where the garden sits as of Wednesday evening. 3 rows of maters, one of peppers, one of yellow squash, one row of Italian style pole beans, one of Kentucky Blue pole beans and one row of okra below that. Zukes and cukes elsewhere.

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That is One Fine looking Garden You got going on there...!!! :thumbs:
never herd of a coon eating broccoli...groundhogs yes..get yourself a havahart trap bait it with apple or leaves off broccoli and catch that critter.

heidi knows theres a whistle pig down that hole..release her !
She spent part of her day digging the hole bigger. It tuckered her out. See her picture in the What are you doing today thread. If she keeps killing things I’ll have to start cooking them.

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