Garden 2024!

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I’ve got one of those. I mostly use it as a kneeler for weeding, planting and picking strawberries.

Dad has a rolling seat with a backrest which is nice too.
I’ve got one of those. I mostly use it as a kneeler for weeding, planting and picking strawberries.

Dad has a rolling seat with a backrest which is nice too.
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No beer can Cooler or is that what the basket is for...?!?
No beer can Cooler or is that what the basket is for...?!?
He takes his union mandated break on the patio with iced tea now. Without drinking he walks like a drunken sailor. But he keeps reminding me that if I make it to 89 like him, I’ll walk like like a drunk too.
Hope he doesn't have His Clippers like the one in the Bag... A slip and Ouch...!!!
Hope he doesn't have His Clippers like the one in the Bag... A slip and Ouch...!!!
Nope. Puts them in the tray under the seat and the can’t find. Swears the tomato plants are hiding the tools until I remind him they are in the tray. :facepalm:
No critter damage today. I had covered the plants with berry netting and dusted cayenne pepper powder around them.

Picked more raspberries, the last of the strawberries, and the start of the blueberries. Grabbed some peas for the pasta salad I plan on making tonight.
Cherries are done
Blackberries are getting redder and with the heat wave coming should be turning soon
Young blueberry plants giving me about a cup a day now. They're almost done though. Hopefully they'll turn into nice sized bushes some day
Counted 14 cucumbers when I was watering this morning.
Only one sweet pepper so far but blooms on the other plants
Have about 6-8 tomatoes growing so far
Sweet potato vines are loving the heat
The 4 romaine plants are ready to cut for salads.
Radishes are growing well and won't be long before they're ready to harvest
Onions and garlic chives need another hair cut and I need to start cutting some of the oregano so I can dry it. I use a lot of it
I have 3 volunteer tomatoes this year. 2 are cherry and one is a dwarf with full size tomatoes
just came back in and feeling Peachy :

001/002 Glads, 003 Rose n 004 still awaiting the opening of a Hibby...!!!
Yellow roses are my favorite 😍
I’ve got one of those. I mostly use it as a kneeler for weeding, planting and picking strawberries.

Dad has a rolling seat with a backrest which is nice too.
View attachment 155247
I figured he was saying get you some young fella to do it for you 😉

Y’all are ahead of us. I have 2 baby tomatoes 🍅 on the vines. My salad fixins haven’t done anything this year- as in getting them to sprout isn’t happening 🤨. Have tried various seeds- going to try a different location this weekend.
Contacted the place I get my apricots- they won’t have any this year, trees froze so I have to find another source 😕. That’s about the only fruit I eat.
Harvested 5 huge heads of broccoli yesterday and got it blanched and in the freezer. That was the second harvest. We’ve had a pretty mild spring so far. It’s supposed to warm up so I’m guessing garden will take off.
I made a huge mistake, so I'm now one of those stupid people you read about. I was rushing when watering the polytunnel, and accidentally left the valve on.Drained the tank- and of course, we are getting a heat wave this week. I'll have to bucket and use the pump. :confused2:
I made a huge mistake, so I'm now one of those stupid people you read about. I was rushing when watering the polytunnel, and accidentally left the valve on.Drained the tank- and of course, we are getting a heat wave this week. I'll have to bucket and use the pump. :confused2:
One year I hilled the white potatoes & left a ditch twelve inches deep.
So I watered using the ditch only about an inch or so.
I forgot to turn the tap off & went next door for a few minutes, when I returned the ditch was full the whole forty foot row. 😔
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Yellow roses are my favorite 😍

I figured he was saying get you some young fella to do it for you 😉
Nah, Only Me Hands and Bushie's Paws are/were Allowed to touch Me Gardens... The pic was to show a Nice Sized Garden Stool, Comfortable and easy to Move and Use...!!!
Tried growing 2 of these Bushes :

They Both died within a week of each others re-planting, following the Planting Instructions to the Letter...!!! May try again if I can find any close by...!!

Would really Enjoy 2 if they came out looking like this :

or this ;

looks almost like a Peony...?!?
So I’ve finally decided what the most destructive pest in my garden is. You might think deer, squash bugs, slugs, or maybe earwigs? I do have all those, but they don’t hold a candle to a well meaning husband. He changed sprinkler heads for the ditch pump irrigation thinking that a better and bigger spray pattern would be great for the garden. I went out this morning and my eggplants and Napa cabbages are nearly beat to death. I put some “diffusion” screens like shade cloth and bug screen on the sides that the water comes from to reduce the beating effect. I don’t have the heart to tell him that his great idea made me nearly cry this morning! View attachment 155023View attachment 155024
He meant well.
First of March I purchased 2 packages of asparagus, 5 roots in each and planted them right away. One package was Mary Washington, the other were purple. We had lots of moisture and I watered a little, but mid May, not a sign of asparagus. I've been watering and recently saw signs of asparagus life, but not all of them had come up. Today when I watered, I saw ten asparagus shoots. Yay!

I know you are not supposed to harvest asparagus until it is 3 years old, but I was about to give it up and considered planting seeds.
Yesterday I had to replant both of my raised bed b/c only 1 green bean sprouted. Last year was no problem planting from seed and I had a nice full garden. We added wood stove ash, coffee grounds, peanut husks, egg shells, and fresh topsoil this spring to the beds. I was going to sprout this year but life got in the way and I didn't get to it, so I just planted seeds on the last week of May.

We had decent weather with natural rain and I also watered daily.....nothing. I bought tomoto plants and they seem to be doing fine. Some of the seeds were old, but the yellow wax beans were new burpee seeds. So, I put in some more of the yellow wax beans (out of a different envelope), green beans, cukes (2 kinds) and cow peas. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get something to sprout in a couple weeks.

I need to go back through this thread and see if anyone else is having any issues with their gardens this year.
Yesterday I had to replant both of my raised bed b/c only 1 green bean sprouted. Last year was no problem planting from seed and I had a nice full garden. We added wood stove ash, coffee grounds, peanut husks, egg shells, and fresh topsoil this spring to the beds. I was going to sprout this year but life got in the way and I didn't get to it, so I just planted seeds on the last week of May.

We had decent weather with natural rain and I also watered daily.....nothing. I bought tomoto plants and they seem to be doing fine. Some of the seeds were old, but the yellow wax beans were new burpee seeds. So, I put in some more of the yellow wax beans (out of a different envelope), green beans, cukes (2 kinds) and cow peas. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get something to sprout in a couple weeks.

I need to go back through this thread and see if anyone else is having any issues with their gardens this year.
Beans and peanuts

Are tempting to birds when they first sprout.

Deer netting or a row cover protects them until put on leaves.

Earwigs have exploded this week. I hate them with a passion. Just went out with a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol and water with a little soap in it and did nest murder. If I didn’t love all my other bugs and bees I’d use something else, but alas my bleeding heart is unwilling to do so. My husband suggested diesel and flames. In his defense, one batch of mulch I lifted had at least 1000 of the nasty things running around. It was enough to make me jump before dowsing them.
Spent the day with my bff. We always try to out-trade one another.. Along with the pair of bunnies ... she sent me home with a wisteria, two passion vines, a pot full of papaya seedlings, and some rose cuttings. It was a good day.
My favorite cousin said that they only got one picking of their green beans. I'm not sure why. I started mine late, but saw the first actual green bean this morning. Still picking snap peas, but only a handful a day. So far, lots of snap peas, some beets, lettuce, one bell pepper, and one cucumber. Oh and some strawberries. I really planted late this year. Anyway, the greenhouse across the road has green beans...she sells for $3 a lb and they are great. I'll pick up a few lbs for my favorite cousin and bring her eggs, too, tomorrow when I pick her and her granddaughter up for dinner at our place.
Got sweet corn from the garden today. The stars must have aligned! This is the first year in the last several that corn was ready by the 4th of july. The weather has been wacky, late a spring followed by more late springs.

In a normal year we have sweet corn, peas, beans by the 4th. Watermelons can be tricky though, rarely had those ready. Been frustrating in recent years.
We just have to be knee high by the fourth of July. But all I see around here is already there.

Most of the old country churches around here hold revivals in July. It's because of farming. Everyone tried to have their crop, cotton or corn, laid by (last plowing) by the 4th of July. When crops are more than knee high plows couldn't pass over the plants without damaging them. Farmers would get a break then so revivals would start.

Anyway, that's what i was told growing up. I always heard 'knee high' or 'laid by' in reference to the 4th.
"Go to any family reunion in the South, and you're bound to hear a few classic Southern phrases -- "give me some sugar" and "let me hug your neck" being the top two. Another saying you're likely to hear? "I haven't seen you since you were knee-high to a grasshopper!"
While the expression has been around for a long, long time, it's likely to those youngins hearing it for the very first time. That's why we thought we'd share a brief history on the origins of the expression."

LMOL, thought everybody knew that one...?!? 🦗
Got out awhile ago and saw these :


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Blackberries :

#'s 008-011 is one tall Growth, at least 8' Tall...!!!


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Black Grapes n One Hibby :


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2 dif Spruce Bushes :


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