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Jun 24, 2018
ozark mountains
Strange I thought as I browsed through the various natural remedies on this forum that I found no mention of ginseng . Anyway I bring this up as I just gave my granddaughter a ginseng root which she ate . This was done in preparation for a Physical test she will begin in about an hour , running pushups and such , in a military style P.T. thing . I grow ginseng , but am very stringent on it's use because of it's value .
It actually grows here in this area, but not in this season.

There has been so much timber cut and other changes it is rare now,

I havent seen but a few places in the last 3 years it was still growing.

When I was a kid and came here to visit there was a good bit on the old hardwood timber range.

There is a lot of Pine for Paperwood that replaced the old hardwood timber.

I have an oak that is nearly ten feet thick on the back of the farm next to the spring

It is grown up with all types of brambles and things now because I have let it go.

The tree has been in poor condition for many years, but still hangs on.

I am going to search that section of old timber and try to find some natural Ginseng in season.
I saw one little patch on the 1/2 section on the other side of the road in about 15 acres of hardwood growth near a dropping stream.
Ginseng is in a class of plants called adaptogens. They are wonderful at combating the long term effects of stress, major illness or injuries, perfect for preppers. Worldwide there are 200 different species of adaptogens. No matter where you live there are usually 2 or 3 to choose from. Here in the south there's one that in my experience is superior to ginseng... Crossvine, which i use almost weekly.

There's actually 3 species of ginseng in the US. Only one is harvested for sale because of the root size. The other 2 are far more common because they haven't been hunted to near extinction to benefit the chinese. I see one, dwarf ginseng, all the time. It's everywhere, more common than ticks, but it's tiny, with a tiny root.

This link has a bit more about crossvine and adaptogens...
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I know people who grow Ginseng in North Carolina.
But here in the south I am not sure it will grow.
Some places, but the area has to be right, and the seasons vary by the moisture and temperature of the region.

The Apps are the heaviest areas of growth because of the good climate.
I recall as a pup in Appalachia going out with my elders in the hills to harvest ginseng. As a kid I just recall fun trips and that it was something strange that the older folks consumed. At one point in my life I also was consuming the liquid version of the stuff we got in the Asian food stores. It's probably been a half dozen years since I have had any since the stores to get that are in Los Anchorage, a very long ways away.

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