Gold / Silver Bullion And Bars

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Dec 18, 2019
Los Angeles
In the case of an emergency, I am definitely stocking up on alternative forms of money to use for bartering or even as safekeeping. Gold has been valued for millenias so I'm sure it will be handy to have around during the case of an emergency.

Personally, I have a Valcambi combi bar which I can break down and use as money if I needed to.

Some good places to acquire gold are:
Most experts agree that a person should hold 10% of their assests in gold and silver. I believe it should be higher.
All I am 100% certain of is that if you are lucky enough to have money to invest then invest it in many different things. Diversification isn’t a new idea, the saying of ‘don’t keep all your eggs in one basket’ has been around a very long time. I personally think 10% is a pretty reasonable number.
Gold is steadily going up.
I’m still remembering when you could buy one ounce for three hundred, and it wasn’t that long ago. I got some at thirteen hundred a little while back and believe it’s closing in on sixteen hundred now. I don’t believe we will see it double or anything at these prices so wouldn’t buy loads of it, but think it’s still a good safety net against currency. I do still think silver has a lot of potential to move upwards though.