Good men vs Evil

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Evil will prevail if good men do nothing.........
What does this really mean? Some say good men must take up arms and fight evil at the front lines.
Where are the front lines? Will you recognize evil when you see it? Can you decide what is evil and what is not?
I recently had a long verbal battle with a man on facebook about the many companies that practice techniques to save themselves money by taking advantage of the many loop holes in our tax laws. The whole world is doing this, corporations, government agencies and very rich private peoples pay attorneys great amounts of money to study the tax laws to find ways to get over on the government so they pay less taxes and save more money. The company in the discussion was Wal-Mart. Just about everything sold at wal-mart is made in china, as well as sold pretty much everywhere. Wal-mart pays themselves rent and for this according to the tax laws, it lowers the amount of taxes the have to pay our government from about 34% down to 13%. There are several other tricks that wal-mart practices to save money or make more money. As a big corporation this is the name of the game right? Yes it is but when the practices of corporations, governments and very rich private parties creates a negative influence on the countries economy it's not a good thing anymore. WE are not talking about a few bucks here, we are talking about trillions and trillions of dollars and the impact it has on the countries economy is just as different as a few bucks versus trillions of dollars. It's huge. The federal reserve right now cannot account for 2.3 trillion dollars which the oversight commitee knows it was distributed throughout europian banks and the federal reserve told the commitee it will not have papers together for 7 years for an audit. Every year there are billions of dollars being skimmed off of many programs in the government and it goes with those polititions who have moved on.
My argument with this man was that after he agreed that wal-mart does practice techniques that are negative for our economy and country and he knows wal-mart along with hundreds of other companies do the same shifting of earnings off shore to pay less taxes to our government, he still does nothing, not even share what he knows with a freind, neighbor, stranger or anyone. A good man doesn't have to arm himself and fight evil at the front lines, he can do something as small as share his knowledge of something negative that influences the country and it's people. a good man does not turn his focus away from the problem no matter how small it is and a good man is not quiet about what could change if he would just speak out.
The problem is that we all, including myself have heard or seen something that because of the circumstances, we have turned away. This does not mean we are bad men/women. It means we have to be better people and start sharing what is wrong with others so that things can change. What is being done by corporations is wrong and they know it but they justify it by saying to themselves, it's ok, it's legal in the books. What about what is right as a human, to the heart? It is wrong to do anything negative to your fellow man and women, and it is wrong for the continuance of the human race.
Who in America pays the biggist part of income tax ? I would guess most Americans pay little to none at the end of the year with many getting more back than they paid in .
I havn't studied the tax system in several years but as I remember a small % of Americans pay the biggest % of tax $ . followed by the upper middle class . Then whatever % of middle class that has to pay income tax (wich is where I fall ) . Ofcorse depending on # of dependants everyone else gets what they paid in back . I'v seen these numbers twiked spun to show different but when it comes to who pays what this is the way it comes out . What I end up paying wouldn't be much to some but its enough that it makes me care how the Government spends it .
No doubt that the rich pay the largest percentage....but then again, they also benefit the most from the infrastructure and things purchased with that tax money. I suppose with dependents, that could be right. Never really had those myself, so all my tax money goes to Uncle Sam. I never get squat back, and what little bit I would, pretty much goes towards student loans.
My last dependant is 16 so in a couple years he will be claiming himself , mabey my Daughter will loan me one of my Grandkids for a write off . No now Im thinking like one of the evilones mentioned in the OP .
We all do it, think of ways to be more thrifty and save a buck here and a buck there. When does it become a negative influence for the country and our economy?
There is an island in the south pacific, no roads, no power and no people but a single 3 story building and it has out front a sign that reads "Yahoo". This is an address that Yahoo uses for their off-shore accounts where their US earnings gets moved to. I'm not good at math but if you calculated the earnings of all the corporations that do this and for example use 10 million dollars for each corporation that shifts their earnings off-shore times the number of corporations, wow, it's a lot of cash that our government is NOT getting to help reduce our debts.
For at least 30 years these loop holes have been used and you'd think that someone would step in and close those loop holes right? Congress? Someone. Nope, nobody has made any effort to try and stop this and we are still getting deeper and deeper in debt.
Years ago our government had a plan to help south american countries with loans which they knew at the time that these countries would never be able to pay back these loans. Oh goody, let's wait 20 years while these countries try and pay it back then we'll give them an option. An option? Yes, Since you can't pay back the loans with cash we'll take your resources. You can give us your forest product resources and give us your water resources and on and on. This was trickery and pre-meditated.
Bless this Earth and it's people with peace and love. May those without it learn to love and those with it learn to share it.
For at least 30 years these loop holes have been used and you'd think that someone would step in and close those loop holes right? Congress? Someone. Nope, nobody has made any effort to try and stop this and we are still getting deeper and deeper in debt.

Lets face it, the government has been bought and paid for, for decades now.
As Jordan Maxwell tells me, and I've read in several documents, the US is a corporation, "The United States Corp". And as in corporate law any corporation must have a president, vice president, a treasurer and so on. seems thats how our government has been operating for years now. It wouldn't surprize me one bit. Jordan is a well known researcher with over 50 years of research into the under-side of things, how governments, banking, militaries, police departments and many many things really work and he has some very interesting and true things to say about how things work as we see them and the true workings of things that we never see. It's quite amazing and Jordan is a pleasure to listen to.
Never checked this out but he says all our private vehicles are not private but owned by the government. Ever notice that the new sticker you get for your license plate actually say's "for official use" on it. Jordan say's because the DMV actually owns your car and the sticker is just a license for you to use it. I'll need more proof to believe that one.

And Gazrok, Isreal I feel has a big share of ownership of the white house, congress and the house of representatives and two very rich men from Isreal own somewhere in the chain ABC, CBS and have their hands in Fox, CNBC and other media outlets as well as several newspaper organizations. I guess if you've got the bucks you can buy pretty much anything you want.
Never checked this out but he says all our private vehicles are not private but owned by the government. Ever notice that the new sticker you get for your license plate actually say's "for official use" on it. Jordan say's because the DMV actually owns your car and the sticker is just a license for you to use it. I'll need more proof to believe that one.
Here, you only need the tag if you operate the vehicle on public roads. If you only operate it on private land (an old pickup kept on a farm or a jeep kept at a deer camp for example) you do not have to register the vehicle. You can "unregister" a vehicle if you convert it to off-road use only (I've done it before)
Isreal I feel has a big share of ownership of the white house, congress and the house of representatives and two very rich men from Isreal own somewhere in the chain ABC, CBS and have their hands in Fox, CNBC and other media outlets as well as several newspaper organizations

No need to tell me. I was once a Super Mod on the world's largest conspiracy site, for many, many years, hehe. I truly know the meaning behind "ignorance is bliss". Our slogan is "Deny Ignorance", but man, having my eyes open to all that is out there is really way further than I should have gone down that rabbit hole.

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