got a prepper mistake

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
we had gotten home from a doctor appt pluss 3 other stops on the way home.and this was after we had gotten lots of rain,and the yard was still to wet to mow..our mailbox is on opposite side of the street from the i started to drive past the house,so i can turn around,and come back to get the mail..and thats when mom chimes in,look at the yard,it looks like no one lives which i agree with at the time.on account it was that bad.i consider that a prepper paradise in a shtf might not draw unwanted attention,so the more a home don't look like it's lived in,the better.but then again,if someone was looking for a place to spend the night,or what ever.then i might have not only having the yard looking bad,from the grass not being mowed,and tree branches laying every,to maybe having clothes to what strolled out everywhere as we..but have the house look undesirable as well,if possible..
Oh yes absolutely gray homes that are as uninteresting and unappealing as possible are as important as the Gray Man philosphy for preppers. All the goodies like Lumber, Plant equipment, Veg plots etc must be round the back out of sight to passing scavengers, federalies, looters and hungry neighbours. Radio antennas must be out of sight, no fresh trash left laying around, no lights leaking out after dark, no cooking smells, no laundry on the line to be seen from the street. Just another abandoned home.
Yep, the nice thing about being so off the road. The fence along the road, we've let get nice and grown over. It looks cool, but not messy, but not tended either.

The house is at an odd angle, so you really can't see how big it is from the road, as you're only seing a corner of it.

The garage hides our garden area, and the fruit trees are in the back yard, away from view.
thats one bad thing about where i live.i don't have a way of hiding a garden.i might be able to disguise herbs in flowerbeds.but not a garden

What about Guerilla Gardening, Most people can not tell what a plant is from looking at it, so Guerilla Gardeners do NOT plant their crops in rows or straight lines they intermix the lot, potatoes, carrots, legumes, onions etc like a wild patch of ground planted randomly it just looks like a bit of greenery untended, disorganised etc but its actually all edibles. They also randomly plant edible foods on bits of wasteland, traffic islands, abandoned plots, along railroad tracks anywhere where it just looks like wild foliage.
In both the US and UK more than a few folks have removed all the ornamental plants from their gardens and only plan stuff that will provide edibles, fruits, vegs, root veg etc, and oddly enough many of them are quite pretty when they flower.





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