Govt attack on you is far more likely than shtf.

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Awesome Friend
Jul 8, 2017
Just ask members of the MOVE group in Philly, or the Branch Davidians in Waco, or Randy Weaver, of Ruby Ridge, ID. I dont want much of my stuff at my house, and the rental storage is in Granny's name. Best have another place to go, besides your house, guys. Buried food is what you want for shtf, but buried food is very problematic UNTIL shtf, cause of digging animals, especially dogs. I dont want stuff (that I might need) to be 4 ft under , with the ground being hard-frozen. So I buried empty drums near the rental storage, with the plan of moving the food to them, the first night of shtf.
Just ask members of the MOVE group in Philly, or the Branch Davidians in Waco, or Randy Weaver, of Ruby Ridge, ID.

I seriously doubt most of us here are anything like those there.

David Koresh of the Branch Davidians was insane.
Those that followed him were more insane and very, very, weak minded.

You left out Jim Jones, another insane person with vulnerable weak
minded followers.'s_Gate_(religious_group)

Heavens Gate vulnerable, weak minded, half nuts, people that committed
suicide over a comet event.
Those people were not preppers.
They were ignorant people so full of fear they'd rather die that deal with potentially
adverse circumstances.
I'm not even close to being like them and neither are you.
Do we believe that upon death we will go to heaven or hell?
Is suicide ever an option?
If we have even basic Christian beliefs suicide isn't an option.

The most notable pro-suicide group was the Donatists, who believed that by killing themselves they could attain martyrdom and go to Heaven. They were eventually declared heretics. Most early theologians of the Catholic Church considered suicide as murder and thus a mortal sin in the absence of circumstances that could mitigate the sinfulness of the act.

Being as I have two university degrees, one from a Christian University, I have
a bit of an understanding of suicide with reference Christian values.
That is as far as I go with "religion" on this kind of web site.
Preppers are survivors.
Why we are preppers.
If I'm taken out of this life in a shtf it will be while fighting for MY life
My ethics, values, won't let me stand by while an innocent suffers.
Been there, done, that, and suffered for it.
I can hold my head up and stand tall despite my many serious injuries that
I suffered in the process.
Values you see.
That might be due in part to having a father and three of his brothers in
None of the four wanted to be in any war.
All four fought and came home.
All four shot all to hell.
They survived.
On the other side of my family however..............................
Mothers brothers all claimed conscientious objector status and
served time in PRISON during WWII.
I think it might have taken more guts to go to prison than serve.
After all only 1 in 10 of the military were in combat.
Dad was in 3rd Armored, Spearhead division. Always out front getting
shot at and shelled.

I can see there being a natural disaster, civil unrest or other factors causing the gov. to disarm citizens and force them from their homes like after Hurricane Katrina Though most of the stories now have evolved to 'NRA is making a big deal about disarming NoLo residents, it didn't really happen..."

Under the guise of helping I can see the gov. exacerbating an event into full blown shtf of a different kind.
Who remember's the series 'Revolution'?

Even after the 'event' they were hell-bent on continuing with the NWO plans, and it also looked like MK-Ultra was also being continued. Anyone not willing to bow down to their tyrannical rule was disposed of with a lead injection.

They were also still using the old 'Problem - Reaction - Solution' trick.

(I can't believe the series was canned!)
Just ask members of the MOVE group in Philly, or the Branch Davidians in Waco, or Randy Weaver, of Ruby Ridge, ID. I dont want much of my stuff at my house, and the rental storage is in Granny's name. Best have another place to go, besides your house, guys. Buried food is what you want for shtf, but buried food is very problematic UNTIL shtf, cause of digging animals, especially dogs. I dont want stuff (that I might need) to be 4 ft under , with the ground being hard-frozen. So I buried empty drums near the rental storage, with the plan of moving the food to them, the first night of shtf.
these groups you mention all drew attention to themselves ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,being part of a radical group is not a good idea,,,,low profile is the best way to go

if the feds don't know you are there they will not bother you
The Fed's really screwed up with the handeling of Ruby Ridge and Waco but so did the Members on both sides . If You knowingly commit a felony dont drag thoes around You into it . Step up and go through the legal process . Once that stand off happens it will snowball into a avalanche. Decisions will be made both good and bad , big government will not admit mistakes or defeat .
Ruby and Waco Both sides carry equal share of the blame but a big difference between Ruby and Waco, Randy got caught up in a sting not entirely Randy's fault, Waco on the other hand koresh reminded me of jim jones and that SOB can rot in hell! Randy was a guy wanting to be left alone but the feds blackmailed him or tried too because he was guilty by association, koresh was fxxking nuts and I put most of the blame on him for the children death and the parents, I have no sympathy what took place in Waco none whats so ever. I will say the feds were overzealous in their approach!

Because we hated janet reno doesn't make david koresh right or a martyr
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Even a really strong old tree will break in a bad storm, but the flexible saplings will do fine through it. My analogy for the day is don’t be stupid and defiant to the US govt(or any other strong group). if you are flexible and figure out a way to do what you want legally you avoid the problem of conflict to begin with. Just ask any Indian how fighting against the system worked out....
That remind Me they came through and put thoes stupid trail of tears signs all over the County . On the Rual road I live on it says Trail of tears this rout ends . LOL .
We have them through Ga as well. Pretty sad history, I’m glad there are reminders of it so hopefully it won’t be repeated.
That remind Me they came through and put thoes stupid trail of tears signs all over the County . On the Rual road I live on it says Trail of tears this rout ends . LOL .

Wife's mothers family came off that trail, her mother is from the reservation in Oklahoma, Lisa (Wife) greatx3/4 grand dad was Jesse Chisholm, even the Wife thinks the day of the tribal sovereignty ought to come to an end, her thinking is the US shouldn't keep paying for past deeds (end tribal sovereignty end the trust funds) She's not liking this PC culture in general and particularly regarding the Native American culture.
And Maybe I shouldn't say stupid signs but this is a small 2 lane road that no one would travel unless You lived out here . But the State has these new signs every where . And this road turns off the hiway and stops at the foot of the Cumberland Mountains.
Wife's mothers family came off that trail, her mother is from the reservation in Oklahoma, Lisa (Wife) greatx3/4 grand dad was Jesse Chisholm, even the Wife thinks the day of the tribal sovereignty ought to come to an end, her thinking is the US shouldn't keep paying for past deeds (end tribal sovereignty end the trust funds) She's not liking this PC culture in general and particularly regarding the Native American culture.
I agree with ending the special treatment. What happened 150yrs ago is done. Don’t forget it or change the history books but move on. We should all learn from our mistakes, but not pay for them forever.