Gravel Root Joe Pye

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Dec 16, 2017
Gravel Root

In the herbal medicine world there are several plants that fall under the category “gravel root”. They have many similar properties. They are very effective at dissolving kidney stones and gall stones. But they are also have different properties that should be considered before using any of them.

This plant is Joe Pye Weed aka Eutrochium purpureum aka Gravel Root. It’s native to the eastern half of north America. It’s also easy to find. It grows 6 to 9ft tall, not like its hiding among weeds somewhere, you can’t miss it. It likes smaller flowing streams and creeks, usually up on the bank 10 to 20 ft from the water. It doesn’t like boggy/swampy ground. The root is harvested in early August when the plant is in bloom. It can be dried or made into tincture. The bloom is purplish to pink to white. The leaves are in a whorl (usually 5 or 6) around the stalk.

Its claim to fame is the fact it can dissolve Kidney Stones, it has a long documented history. It has sometimes been useful in dissolving Gaul Stones. This is a handy plant to know anytime, especially in a shtf situation. The resultant infections from a gall or kidney stone can easily kill an other wise healthy person.

Joe Pye treats a host of renal issues, urinary tract issues even sexual issues. It is by no means a one trick pony.

The most prolific herbal writer of our time is a man named Matthew Wood. He will tell you all you want to know about Joe Pye and the other gravel roots.

I took these photo’s a few weeks ago but haven’t been able to make this post.

Here is a link to the other gravel root, hydrangea Gravel Root Hydrangea

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I grew some Joe Pye Weed back in my temperate zone garden in the east. The butterflies loved it. There was a big herbs festival in the big city one summer. I found out about an herb business that sold a lot of the medicinal plants that are hard to start or hard to find. It was out in the country and hard to get to. Took back country roads to get to it, 2 hours one way. lol Unlike you, where you hike in 2 hours to find what you need.
From above...

Another plant with similar properties is found as a lawn shrub throughout much of the south… Hydrangea, it has a wild cousin… oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia).

Hydrangea is also very good at dissolving kidney stones... and it's much easier to find hydrangea tincture than Joe Pye weed tincture. Sometimes it's labeled in herb stores as "Stone Breaker" tincture.

In the wild Joe Pye and Hydrangea are usually found in gravel beds beside streams with a good flow. Hydrangea will grow further from a stream than Joe Pye, sometimes up to 40yrd away. If you wish to grow your own both plants are easy to cultivate, can be purchased from nurseries sometimes.
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