I have been lurking in this community for some time, about 3 months now. I have decided to make an account and join you all. I am a radical in the truest sense, but I assuming we all are, nonetheless I will conduct myself well. My goal here is to learn and to teach others and bring further awareness to this community and possibly meetup with like minded folks in the future as we cannot conduct ourselves alone in this world. I'm an American, a fervent defender of the Constitution. To put it more plainly, I'm a nationalist, and am not bashful about it what-so-ever. I believe in strength through unity, I believe that without interdependence, civilization cannot thrive, and without interdependence, civilization could not exist. If a people are divided, they will be conquered. Where ever I inhabit, I serve. Where ever city I live in, I serve that city and its people, I serve my country, I serve my family, there is much honor through service and loyalty for those you call your neighbors no matter what color they are or what beliefs they hold. As such, as a new member of this community, I promise to serve it because of the like-minded people that browse it.