Grid failure in Detroit

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Did they get it back on. I know some folks said it was a grid failure, others said it was a planned outage, and others said a cable broke. Makes me wonder which it was.
"The city's public lighting grid suffered a major cable failure that has caused the entire grid to lose power at approximately 10:30 this morning,"

I interpret that statement as grid failure caused by a cable failure
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Looks like they are back on again according to CNN, however what if next time it takes a week or better to get it back on from what I have been hearing nothing there has been updated in many years.
I read in an American magazine not so long ago that huge chunks of the American power distribution grid is way past its 40 year life span and ready to fall apart.
I read in an American magazine not so long ago that huge chunks of the American power distribution grid is way past its 40 year life span and ready to fall apart.

Not only that but the dams here in the US 90% of them were grade F. They graded thousands of them like they would with kids in school and 90% ended up with a big fat F and they said the maximum they would last is about 10 more years before they collapse. The other 10% were graded at around a C-. So something needs to be done, before this country falls apart.
i dont see anything happening before a collapse,much less during a collapse of any kind..they'll let the damns and bridges fail before they step in..i watched a documentary once about the bridges through out the u.s...and it's a wonder that some of them are still standing..
i dont see anything happening before a collapse,much less during a collapse of any kind..they'll let the damns and bridges fail before they step in..i watched a documentary once about the bridges through out the u.s...and it's a wonder that some of them are still standing..
Most likely more big fat F's for the bridges. It's such a shame to see that America is falling apart so badly.
when you loose those bridges,that's bad...any idea how they will transport food and other stuff around your country?
So much of our infrastructure is past its service life. The money needed for upgrades is just not there. When we have a few more large failures you'll start hearing calls for more taxes. It's kind of disgusting when you think about all the money that's been wasted over the last few decades. Our leaders haven't been very good stewards with our kids inheritance, but when most of them are lawyers, why is anyone suprised?
So much of our infrastructure is past its service life. The money needed for upgrades is just not there. When we have a few more large failures you'll start hearing calls for more taxes. It's kind of disgusting when you think about all the money that's been wasted over the last few decades. Our leaders haven't been very good stewards with our kids inheritance, but when most of them are lawyers, why is anyone suprised?
Wait until when they start putting used car sales men in there.

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