Guillotines in America...

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Hello preppers, One of the topics I have been following for at least 6 years has made great strides just in the last few months and it's time to post what is true so that you will know the truth yourself.
There is a small paragraph by me and the rest taken from website.
Please read and judge yourself.

Complete text is broken into several parts as complete message is too long to process.
It is a trick to manipulate the public and with media to show us an "execution by
electrocution" so that we may cry "it's inhumane" and therefore help to push the laws and
support for "execution by Guillotine".
Why has it been stated, by students of Texas colleges welding classes, who were
contracted by FEMA to weld shackles into the boxcars that Guillotines were seen in many
of these boxcars?
Does it make sense that boxcars with shackles at each seat and guillotines at the front
are for be-heading? And for profit on the open organ traffic market !
Execution by Guillotine is the ONLY way to execute leaving clean and usable organs.
Execution by Guillotine is about the almighty dollar bill and how much they can make.
(The above text is my own contribution)
The text below is from
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I
saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of
God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his
mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a
thousand years."-Revelation 20:4
As we see in Revelation 20, the prophecy declares that some of the children of God that do
NOT go along with the Papacy's mark will find themselves at the business end of a
guillotine. All too often the argument arises. How can we as a modern and more civilized
people, use guillotines. Would this not be barbaric as well as insane in today's age? After
all, we are civilized now, and execution methods of the dark ages are just plain outdated!
Therefore, this must prove the prophecy of Revelation chapter 20 to be absolutely false,
right? Well, you may want to suggest to those that speak such words regarding prophetic
facts, that they should hold on to their hats. LITERALLY!
A couple of years ago, some of you may recall that frequent the website that I made a
statement on my old "current events" page that information had crossed my desk
regarding the reality that thousands of guillotines were being stored on American soil. Not
long after I posted that information. Someone who I thought was acting on my best
interests, informed me that "conspiracy theories" such as this will lend to soil the message
of my ministry, and I should remove the "ridiculous" claim about the guillotines
immediately. After much thought (I will admit I didn't pray about it) I decided to go along
with that person's suggestions and remove the information I had placed on that page.
Well... I am now kicking myself for doing just that!!
Not too long ago, I received word that the information I received regarding the guillotines
was not only accurate, it was actually being lobbied in Washington DC to get them
legalized for governmental use! The states I mentioned on my "current events" page a few
years back was in fact GEORGIA & MONTANA as the recipients of these guillotines. The
information I had received was that 15,000 or 30,000 guillotines had been shipped to
Georgia as well as Montana for safe keeping until such a time as they are needed. (I don't
recall the exact number. It's been a while. However, I do believe it was 15,000 guillotines
for each storage facility.)
If this is true, and if so, what are they up to?
Some of us that live down south may recall the video that was "some how" released to the
general public of a man being electrocuted in a Georgia Prison facility. For those of us that
saw the movie, "The Green Mile," we know that if you do not place water on the sponge
upon the man's head that is to die by electrocution, his death will not only be prolonged,
and extremely violent, his head will actually ignite during the process. Not a very pleasant
death to say the least. Fact is, many are aware, state executions are NEVER video taped!
However, the tape of a man being electrocuted in Georgia did in fact somehow surface
some years back. We also know that they did NOT place "water" as a necessary conductor
in that sponge, because the video did in fact show the man's head igniting after he
bounced around for quite some time in that chair. To think, someone would actually put
someone through such torture so as to get a law lobbied? Is this not evidence that Rome is
involved? Where else do you hear of such horrendeous tactics in history?
Question: Why do you suppose a video would surface of an execution, when video's are
NEVER made at executions, and most certainly never released for public viewing if they
were made? And why do you suppose they somehow forgot to place water on that
Answer: The video was released so the American public can see it and complain about the
"inhumane" methods used, thereby giving the government officials a springboard to start
the lobbying process for guillotines.
This video is no mistake, and neither were the statements made afterwards regarding the
graphic video. The governing officials in Georgia were shouting it was inhumane to kill
people like this!
The prophecy declares that some WILL be killed by guillotine, and that is what must
occur. So, the enemy will eventually figure out ways to get this done. NOT because they
believe the prophecy, and want to do as the Almighty declares in that prophecy. Not at all!
The fact is, the Lord SAW this end result from the beginning and decided to tell us in
advance in His prophetic Word. The wicked are merely doing what the Almighty already
saw them do long ago. In other words, They WILL do it! Because our Lord SAW them do
Not long after that video surfaced, many state officials including the governor started a
massive campaign to stop executions by electrocution. What was their decided choice for
execution you ask? A no brainer eh? THE GUILLOTINE!
Some of you may be asking, why in this modern age we would have government officials
lobbying for laws that would require guillotines as a way to kill those they deem worthy
of death? With all our technology, with all our civilized ways, with all our "humane" laws,
what would drive men to kill with such a thing as a guillotine? MONEY! That's right folks!
It's the exact same thing that moves the beast in Rome to do the things it does. The
almighty dollar bill is what they worship, and the almighty dollar bill is what directs their
paths. They truly serve the god of mammon.
We are living in an age when we see commercials on TV telling everyone in the USA to
sign the backs of their drivers licences so they can harvest our organs for profit. Doctors all
over the land lurk about like Egor in a Frankenstien flic waiting for their patients to show
signs of fading. The doctors jump at the first opportunity to harvest your dead loved ones
before they even have a chance to get cold on the operating table. Think of it... You can get
over $40,000 for one kidney now. Imagine what an entire human body is worth with TWO
kidney's, two eyeballs, a heart, a liver, lungs, skin, gall bladders, bone marrow, blood, etc
etc etc. The hospitals of the world have become literal body snatchers right before our
eyes! Keep in mind as well, the governing officials of the world also see a cash cow in the
executioners cage because they know what they can get for those "fresh" organs. And the
Almighty Creator knew of this long before ANY of our transplant surgeons were even
born. Isn't that awesome how His prophecy works out? He doesn't have to give us the
morbid details as to WHY they will be using guillotines. He just tells us they will be using
Guillotines in America Part #2

So... let's cut to the chase!
Why would guillotines represent the better option? I am sure most of you have figured it
out already. Why don't they choose "lethal injection" as an alternative? That is a VERY
humane way to break the sixth commandment isn't it? Or what about cyanide gas? The
same gas used on the Jews that was manufactured by the family business of Pope John
Paul II's parents, in fact, John Paul himself was a salesman of the gas. I never heard of
anyone igniting or screaming or writhing for 2 or 3 minutes in a gas chamber in
excruciating pain, or on a lethal injection table. Have you? So why don't they use those
already in use "so called" humane methods to kill the Christians they will eventually have
BOTTOM LINE: You can't make money!
What I am about to share is an excerpt from Bill #1274 in the Georgia House of
Representatives. You can view the ENTIRE bill here...
(I highlighted for obvious reasons...) Notice how the bill lets the cat out of the bag as to
WHY they want guillotines. It's not as they said in the first place is it?
Georgia House of Representatives - 1995/1996 Sessions HB 1274 - Death penalty;
guillotine provisions Code Sections - 17-10-38/ 17-10-44 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN
1- 1 To amend Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official
1- 2 Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the death penalty
1- 3 generally, so as to provide a statement of legislative
1- 4 policy; to provide for death by guillotine; to provide for
1- 5 applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other
1- 6 purposes.
1- 8 The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to
1- 9 death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for
1-10 transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that
1-11 electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for
1-12 transplant. The intent of the General Assembly in enacting
1-13 this legislation is to provide for a method of execution
1-14 which is compatible with the donation of organs by a
1-15 condemned prisoner.
The "video" that was released of the man in the electric chair declared quite boldly, "THIS
IS INHUMANE" did it not? Yet we see here in the wording of Georgia House Bill #1274,
their main concern is NOT whether or not it's inhumane to do so. The Bill states plainly
that, "electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for transplant."
Prophecy is so amazing! They don't care about the inhumanity at all! The video was
merely a way to pull at our hearts strings so as to get their agenda spring-boarded before
"certain" eyes. Had they alerted the public that they wanted to use guillotines so as to
harvest organs of dead inmates, their would no doubt be a public outcry, and their
lobbying would have hit a wall!
Think about how advantages this be-heading affords them! Our technology is such that
these bodies can be kept alive indefinitely with machinery WITHOUT a head so as to
assure the organs stay fresh! How are they going to "hide" that fact? Who knows... who
cares! But the reality is plain! You can walk into any hospital in the USA and find people
in what's referred to as a "clinically dead" state. Yet, their bodies are still breathing quite
readily. Plus with the onset of perfecting heart transplantation procedures, it's now an easy
task to re-start a heart that has been completely drained of it's blood. So, in essence... they
can lop off your head, restart your heart, and have a machine breathing for you indefintely.
Imagine the gruesome site of a headless body on a table breathing! You do not need a
head to breath. They can tap into the lungs at the base of the neck in what called a
tracheotomy. And agin, you do NOT need a brain to keep a heart beating. There are scores
of brain dead people in hospitals all over the world with perfectly beating hearts.
Let's imagine some of the possibilites for a moment! What if some of the bodies never
make it to the transplant tables. Perhaps they are kept alive to use as human guinea pigs.
Lately they have been testing head transplantation thanks to the funding of Christopher
Reeves after he fell of his horse and became paralized from the neck down. You recall him,
he played Superman in all those Hollywood movies. From what I understand, just a few
months ago they sucessfully transplanted a head onto monkey.
Let me ask you what I consider to be a dumb question. If you are in jail for "whatever
reason" the government has put you there, and they decide YOU have to die because the
Pope says so in his newly formed global mandates. What choice of execution are you
going to take? Seriously? What person in their right mind is going to say, FRY ME I want
to bounce around for a few moments in writhing pain!
The prophecy declares the children of God will be jailed, and executed by GUILLOTINE,
and we see that soon that will be the case in Georgia! And quite honestly, I do believe they
will NOT give the prisoners a choice on this anyway. When the money starts funneling in,
death by guillotine will become mandatory! Common sense folks... Did they ever give
people a choice NOT to be electrocuted in the past? So why would they let them decide in
the future? For whatever reason they can think of, many of us will indeed be blessed with
the wonderful opportunity to die a martyrs death for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
And don't think it will stop with Georgia. 30,000 guillotines is a bit much for just one state.
They always start somewhere and move on from there. Take for example the Sunday Laws
in Rhode Island. Since January 1, 1999 it became against the law to work on Sundays
without a work permit. Does anyone know how many large cities there are in the USA?
Are there 30,000 of them? I truly don't know. But if you divide 30,000 guillotines by 50
states, you come up with 600 guillotines for each state. Will they be used as scare tactics?
You better believe it! That's how Rome has always worked. During the dark ages they
used to put robes on people with drawings of people screaming and writhing in the pains
of fire to try and intimidate the faithful into recanting their decision regarding Christ.
Praise the Lord not ALL of them did so!
By the way... How do you suppose "Christians" will end up behind bars? Sure, most of us
will have fabricated crimes designed around us to make us residents of the "gray bar
motel." But are there "certain crimes" we may find ourselves convicted of?
Guillotines in America Part #3

NATIONAL ISSUE: One Court For All The World?

A United Nations meeting in Rome is wrapping up five weeks of work on a proposed
international criminal court. The new court would have worldwide jurisdiction and could
investigate, indict, hold, try, and punish, those who committed certain crimes. The
proposed international court would subject Americans to a new world authority... "Were
talking about creating here something that exercises genuine power, real put-people-in-jail
power, but that is responsible to no one but itself," said Lee Casey, a constitutional lawyer
with the Washington firm of Hunton & Williams. [Investment Business Daily, Thursday
July 16, 1998 Los Angeles, California]
Why are they so vague about the "certain crimes"? What do you suppose a "certain crime"
would be for Rome? How would they define it?
The archbishop of St. Louis said: "Heresy and unbelief are crimes; and in Christian
countries, as in Italy and Spain, for instance, where all people are Catholics, and where the
catholic religion is an essential part of the law of the land, they are punished as crimes." ...
"Every cardinal, archbishop, and bishop in the Catholic Church takes an oath of allegiance
to the pope, in which occur the following words" "Heretic, schismatic's, and rebels to our
said lord (the pope), or his aforesaid successors, I will to my utmost persecute and
oppose." -Josiah Strong, "Our Country," ch. 5, pars 2-4.
The Vatican has the one world court. It has the one world church. And as soon as we have
the global financial disaster James speaks of in Chapter 5, the Vatican will hold the Euro,
or "one world currency" that is already backed by it's treasury as well. The wound will be
100% healed, and the people of God will be arrested for "certain crimes." And the United
States of America will do exactly as prophecy said it would. It will HELP ROME kill the
Christians, and enforce the mark of the beast. And of course many of us will choose death
over denying the Truth we know in Christ.
(Actually it will be the so-called Christians who will be persecuting and calling for the
heads of the True Worshippers of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. How will we know who
the True Worshippers are? They will NOT go to Sunday Church and receive the Mark of
the Beast and they serve YAHUSHUA. These so-called Christians will be going to Sunday
Church as ordered by law and will receive the Mark of the Beast. The True Worshippers
will be blamed for YAHUVEH'S wrath in the Great Tribulation and that is why they will
be hunted down and persecuted. Please pray for our Brothers and Sisters who will be
martyred during the Great Tribulation. Pray they will not feel a thing and that their Spirits
will leave their bodies before the are beheaded and persecuted.)
America was started mainly because the children of God sought a land where they could
be free from Papal persecutions. And now we see every president in the modern era as
well as religious leaders meeting with the prophetically known man of sin. The Pope is
dictating to the most powerful nation on earth its agenda, and the USA must comply. Any
president that chooses to deny the desires of Rome will find that OVER 50% of Congress is
Catholic making his denial trivial. He will also notice that over 50% of the Senate is
Catholic, thus proving his desires dead in the water. Not to mention the US Supreme court
being 100% Catholic in morals. He has no choice. He must comply! However, if the
president still decides to ignore the desires of the Pope, his life most certainly would be in
grave danger. Hence, John F Kennedy's assassination not long after denying "certain
demands" of his Pope. I am sure many of us have scanned the websites that have ample
info on WHY Kennedy was shot and how it was the Vatican that gained the most by his
death. Plus it was the Vatican that would be hurt most by Kennedy's "decisions" in office
as well. So, I don't feel I need to get into that right now. Most people are already aware of
what's up regarding Kennedy. The stories from Washington are so stupid, it's amazing
how they themselves think any of us believe anything they say!
Every president has met with the Pope. The present one is no exception. Back in May of
2002 he met with him twice. And just after the 911 situation, the present president's father
met with the Pope as well. Could it be to discuss the family friends, the "Bin Laden's?" I
am positive this was most assuredly the case. It is no longer debated that the Bush family
and the Bin Ladens are old friends. In fact, it's already been announced that the Bush's
always stay at the Bin Laden mansion when traveling in that region.
By the way, are you curious as to why Bush is meeting with the Pope? Could it be to join
in agreement with the Roman International Court? The necessary number of countries
have already signed the treaty making the Roman Statute of the International Court system
a reality. However, the USA has opted NOT to sign. (so far) Will they? Personally, I don't
believe it matters at this point. I see it as a mere formality now. Prophecy declares the USA
will help the Beast enforce the mark anyway. So regardless of what they decide in
Washington DC, the USA will help Rome kill Christians. (True Worshippers)
So... was Bush meeting with the Pope for a reason? Was something on the near horizon
that needs his extreme attention? The fact is well known across the globe, that anytime
ANY governing official is about to do a major change in policy, he must always have an
audience with the Pope to assure their agenda doesn't harm his. Everyone in office
KNOWS who the "one world government" has already elected as their leader.
So, does this meeting between the Pope and Bush affect ALL people on earth? And does it
tie in with the 30,000 guillotines on American soil? Fact is, the international court officially
began on July 1, 2002. Go to their website ( ) and notice the
announcement on page one. They have, in capital letters "ENTERED INTO FORCE" on
July 1, 2002!
Guillotines in America Part #4

No doubt this WILL be a hot topic between the two whenever they meet. So, no matter
what Bush decides, the Vatican will have its power regardless if he signs or not. And the
TRUE child of God will have their persecution personally directed by the Roman Court
itself. The Pope has the one world church, court, and money. The governments have the
people under control with executive orders as well as "new laws" enacted thanks to the so
called "terrorist" attacks on 9/11. The "human islands" are well surrounded now. The
"homeland security" is set up AND ACCEPTED by all. And all they await is the 'financial'
catalyst that will get ALL the laws enforced on each an every person alive that the
executive orders laid out in detail! And for those that won't go along with them? Their
"heresy" will have them making a choice of cold hard steel, or a massive dose of electricity
as a method of execution.
The big picture sure gets smaller doesn't it? Especially since you get a glimpse of it in His
Word beforehand. The sad thing is, most of the world cannot see it. This includes those
who claim Jesus as Lord. Main reason being is they believe the twisted prophecies of
Rome. Most Christians I meet actually believe that the temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem
before Christ returns. But, the Word says the Temple vale ripped at Christ's death proving
this temple on earth is no longer needed! The Lamb of God already died for our sins on
that cross! Shall we start sacrificing animals again? Truth is, Rome already started. I have
the picture of the first goat Rome killed on an African alter in one of their churches back in
2002. You can see it on my site. I also implore you to look up the articles with headlines
regarding "Animal Sacrifices in the Catholic Mass."
Many also believe Jesus will rapture them up (Only the 144,000 Bride of Rev. 14) before
the plagues. Even more believe Jesus will bring 1000 years of peace and rule FROM that
temple in Jerusalem ON planet Earth. And still others believe that Israel will be
surrounded when 'Jesus,' who is actually Antichrist, steps in to save them. Fact is, ALL
these twisted lies are designed to get them looking elsewhere and NOT at the actual
prophetic events of today that the Bible so accurately lays out before us. Another fact is,
NONE of those "so called" prophecies regarding the temple, pre-trib rapture, or 1000 years
of Christ on earth are found in the Bible. (Oh yes it is)Yet most believe them because that is
what's being preached from pulpits, mentioned at gatherings, printed in tracts, portrayed
on videos, spoken by TV evangelists, and discussed on radio broadcasts the world over.
That way when the REAL prophetic events occur, the Christians will be totally unaware of
them. They will be watching Israel and the Temple construction instead. Think about that,
do we really need the temple rebuilt? Will they really need to start sacrificing animals
once again? Yes they will do so only to deny the Lamb of God who declared from His very
cross... IT IS FINISHED! (John 19:30) The Jews do NOT believe in Jesus Christ, and they are
the ones that Rome will help re-build that temple! Since it's the non-believing Jews
rebuilding it, and proclaiming it rebuilt for the Messiah's first arrival, Christians out there
that BELIEVE it should be rebuilt are joining the Jews in denying Jesus came in the first
Stay IN your Bibles, and study prophecy! Soon the freedom of all mankind will be
extremely limited. The governments of this world will declare that we need to give up a
little freedom for the sake of "security." And some will go so far as to belittle the rights of
many without ANY explanation. How many recall the ridiculous statement made by one
of the most evil man known to date. William Jefferson Clinton...
"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ..." -Bill
Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)
Soon the image of the beast will be a reality in the USA. The American people will see
their nation helping the Vatican in Rome enforce it's most evil mark EVER known by
mankind upon the foreheads and hands of BILLIONS! And they won't need a "computer
chip implant" to do it. They won't need a "tattoo of a bar code" either. They will be able to
get literally BILLIONS sealed for hell by one simple method. The exact same method
Nebuchadnezzar used in his day! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS AGREE THAT THE LAW
OF GOD CAN BE SUPERCEDED BY THE LAW OF MAN! That will be one of the easiest
global agreements ever made! The agreement of billions will declare to their very own
Creator that they don't believe His Word is Truth. Plain and simple! And they will be
SEALED for eternity as not worthy of life eternal! (By attending Sunday Church in the
Great Tribulation, when the Sunday law is passed.)
Fact is... many so called "Christian" organizations are already doing things that allow the
beast's desires to get that reality quickened. I reported on my site back in 2002 how the
religious leaders were conned into accepting hate crime legislation to safeguard religion. I
have a page dedicated to this in the warnings section of the website. It's entitled, "Hating
the Christian." I also did a radio broadcast on this topic back on February 22, 2004.
Want to know the REAL agenda behind the 'HATE CRIMES" bill? See my March 20, 2000
Truth Provided Newsletter entitled, "Is Preaching the Gospel now a Hate Crime?" They
want to STOP those that share REAL Truth from preaching because Satan knows that it
will affect many. He is hoping for a landslide decision to go along with his agenda. Fact is,
the Elect can NOT be deceived, but he's deceived even himself enough to think they can
How far can this "hate crimes" lobbying go? Did our religious leaders mess up? Yes they
did! The government officials of our land now use the 9/11 terrorist attacks as a way to
PUBLICLY speak their opinions regarding religious issues all the time. Will they flip flop
and proclaim that people of faith are deadly to society? Back in May of 2002 the Governor
of Virginia did just that!
A pro-family activist says the Governor of Virginia (Joe Glover... see pic on left) believes
that people of faith are a threat to the world. Just one day after earning praise from
religious leaders for signing "In God We Trust" legislation, Virginia Governor Mark
Warner made an anti-religious remark during a college graduation ceremony.
Guillotines in America Part #5

An Associated Press article quotes Warner telling University of Virginia graduates: "One
of the greatest threats facing our world comes from those who believe they are acting out
God’s will, no matter what religion they practice." Family Policy Network president Joe
Glover says the governor's remarks were an intentional slap in the face to religious
conservatives, made to an obviously not-so-conservative audience. -By Rusty Pugh May
22, 2002 (AgapePress) -
Governor's Anti-Religious Remarks Raising Flags in Virginia
Some are STILL confused I am sure as to how this "hate crimes" situation ties in with the
Vatican in Rome. Well, check out this next article and REMEMBER, the Pope and Islam,
and their EXTREME friendly relationship! Is this "ecumenical" group hug paying off for
BOTH the Pope and Arafat?

Christians accused of inciting hatred
A MELBOURNE Christian group has been accused of vilifying Muslims in what could be
a test case for Victoria's controversial new race and religious hate laws. ..The Islamic
Council of Victoria claims the fundamentalist Catch The Fire Ministries incited hatred
against the Islamic faith during a Koran study conference held in Surrey Hills in March.
..."It's like the hate literature that was incited against the Jews in Europe in the 1930s," said
Islamic Council human rights co-ordinator Bilal Cleland. (See pic on left) "It's an attempt to
turn the war on terrorism into a war on Islam." Catch The Fire Ministries, which claims to
have 5000 followers across Australia, would neither confirm nor deny that the comments
were made at the conference. ..."The truth has to be spoken. I have no fear to speak the
truth . . . but if we have hurt someone's feelings we are sorry about it." ...Catch the Fire
Ministries is a non-denominational group which, according to its website, aims "to take the
good news of the gospel from town to town, city to city, state to state, country to country
and proclaim the name of Jesus."
Entire Article...,5478,4400036%5E661,00.h
This Christian ministry states they did NOT make the statement. But will it matter? No.
Fact is, MANY of us will be thrown behinds bars for NOT making statements as well. They
will simply LIE and say we did "certain crimes." We will be persecuted by Rome and it's
friends the world over. It's no mistake the Roman Beast would pick the Muslims as a
friend. Like the Catholics, the Muslims are now over a BILLION strong and their doctrines
have no problems with killing people for their god. Their LIES about you and me will be
seen as TRUTH by the "Catholic" governments of the world. And when they are joined
with a little over a billion Catholics repeating the same lies... well, do I need to illustrate
the obvious?
One last thing. Do you think Catholic theologians, deacons, priests, laypeople and just
plan Catholics feel the torture and murders of millions by their church was a good or bad
thing? See this "Q&A page" on the EWTN Catholic website regarding that very question...
Ooops.. wait a second. They DELETED that page because of the statements made by their
priests and "doctors of divinity." I have a copy of those statements in my "Evils of EWTN"
page in the RCC Exposed section of the Website. These Catholics running the mainstream
as well as televised "EWTN" Catholic ministry actually feel it was the ultimate GOOD to
burn people at the stake! Using a guillotine in today's world would be far more civil when
looking at what the Roman Catholic church desires.
There is one more article I would like to share with you. I recently found this article and
decided to add to my info on guillotines because of it.
Interview: Fernand Meyssonnier discusses his career as a professional executioner in
Tuesday, 24 September, 2002, 13:00 GMT 14:00 UK The executioner's tale
He helped to guillotine more than 200 people.
By Hugh Schofield
Fernand Meyssonnier (My-Sone-Yer) has me by the head. With four meaty fingers behind
each of my ears, he is tugging me forward out of my seat. It doesn't exactly hurt, but the
effect is certainly unsettling. "That's the way to do it. You've got to make sure you don't
hold the guy too near the neck, or you could have an accident. It happened. There were
people who lost two or three fingers," he says. Mr Meyssonnier is - or was - an executioner.
In 21 years from 1947, he helped to guillotine the heads off more than 200 people - the vast
majority of them Arabs - in French Algeria. During the war there he was taking off five or
six a month.
He knows what it is like to hold a human head. He has seen the gore. "The blood spurts
like two glasses of red wine chucked three metres," he says with a quick double-flick of
the wrist. He is - in Europe at least - a last link with an ancient, almost mythological,
profession: the people's killer. He has never spoken publicly about his experiences before.
But at 72 he is ill with cancer, and this month he is bringing out a book - An Executioner's
Tale - in which he answers all the questions. ...Meyssonnier senior would receive a call at
the bar from the prosecutor's office, and that evening they would pack the guillotine into
boxes and set off by lorry to the prison in Algiers, Oran or Constantine. There they would
erect the machine in the courtyard and rest till dawn.
Fernand started off as a junior assistant, with the task of tying the convict's ankles and
thighs with fishing-wire. Then his hands were handcuffed behind his back and his elbows
trussed together. "This has the effect of making the head stick out, which was what we
wanted," he says. "You must never give the guy time to think. Because if you do he starts
moving his head around, and that's when you have the mess-ups. The blade comes
through his jaw, and you have to use a butcher's knife to finish it off. "So I would say 'Go,
father!' and - crack! - the head is in my hands, and I put it in the bucket. "It is an exorbitant
power - to kill your fellow man. The whole thing would happen like in a fast film. They
bring in the first one and then the second, and in 20 seconds two people are decapitated.
You come out with an incredible sense of power - only God can do that!"
It has been rumored that this man is a Roman Catholic. If anyone has proof of that fact I
would greatly appreciate an email from you.
Turns out I received an email on 01/11/2007 that alerted me to something that was
already penned about this man and his family. Turns out he has a godfather by the name
of Henri Roch. The title "godfather" is only found in Catholic circles. And no, it's not just a
mafia thing. A godfather is someone selected to stand by the side of the newborn Catholic
at baptism. In the event of the parents demise, the godfather and or godmother is
supposed to bring the child up in the Catholic religion. Info on this "godfather" of Fernand
Meyssonnier can be found in the two articles below.
Thanks again fore the email Val Z. :)
Think of it.. Rome has joined with the Muslim. Muslims are beheading people on
television now. We have reports that there are still people alive today that are employed
as executioners that still use guillotines. It has been reported that there are over 30,000
guilottines on US soil at this moment. Governing officials have been lobbying for years to
try and convince the American people as well as Congress that we need to start using
guillotines. Big money is most assuredly to be made regarding the be-heading of people
by harvesting their organs. And people STILL believe Revelation 20:4 is a joke because it
speaks of people being be-headed in the last days?
It breaks my heart that you find this dribble to be truthful Eagle.....

The inaccuracies are soo many I dare not start, I don't have enough time in my day...
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While I agree with your right to free speech, I must say... I don't find that at all convincing. I do believe in "Harvesting" organs to help those in need(As long as the donor is willing), and I have heard of the guillotine rumor. I've not seen it, but heard it more than a few times.

I have a hard time believing that the Pope is involved in a global conspiracy to harvest organs from people who are being executed. I left Catholicism decades ago and now practice non-denominational Christianity but never the less, I find the entire thing somewhat offensive. I know the laws are legit, as there are links there, still, the whole write up seems more than a stretch to me, and seems more like a paper written by someone who is more intent on slandering the Pope than they are in spreading truth or understanding prophesy.

Honestly, this is how the Illuminati started, you know. They were started to diminish & degrade the power of the Pope and Catholicism. Their existence was originally to reduce religious power over the government...
Seems a bit dramatic. Wouldn't need the handcuffs in a boxcar with only one entrance/exit. Simply lock and guard it. Not buying it. I will buy the idea that they can gear up for martial law and internment camps, but these particular details sound more like urban legend to me.

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