Gun Laws

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Awesome Friend
Oct 1, 2012
Derby, UK
I didn’t want to hi-jack the threads on the School shootings so I started this thread...

Partly to blame it your gun law (I'm in my bunker lol)
I just heard on our Sky news one kid who lives in the area get asked what he'd to to protect is property... USE HIS GUN.
JUSTIFIABLE FORCE springs to mind.

We don't have a gun law as relaxed as yours but we still do have some burglars shot dead/wounded but those are more than likely 100% by FARMERS as they are allowed to have firearms on their property more than the average Joe Blogs.

Here in UK, the laws are being relaxed slightly as there have been some cases where the burglar has got away with killing the home-owner.
Other times, the home-owner has killed or seriously disabled the burglar and being charged. Because of this, some Judges have come to their senses and said that the home-owner can use lethal force where necessary, that is NOT being prepared by something like having a baseball bat hidden in every room 'just in case'

This has long been a sore subject in the UK.

It's just a case of common sense. Think about it, what are the police doing... LESS THAN LETHAL FORCE...
Taser, batton rounds, CS spray.
It seems that that kind of thinking is yet to penetrate into the average US Citizen as you probably 99% of the time go for the gun...
Hi Pooky2483.
Welcome to the Web site!
OK, here we go.
I'm from Texas, was raised by a Border Patrol Agent father and have been around guns my whole life.
The reason we go for the gun is it gets the job done.
Also, dead men don't testify.
But really, how can your Gov't NOT allow you to protect you family, belongings, home?
It is just common sense that if some one breaks in to your house he does not have good intentions.
Nobody wants to kill some one, but if it's me or him, he's terminated.
and a bat is a poor second choice to a gun.

As for the cops, they use their weapons to intimidate people even without pulling them.
Watch all the videos on Youtube, you will see bad cops doing bad things.
I know exactly what you're saying but if we shot someone who broke into our home, we would be arrested for killing someone - regardless of the circumstances. They would use the 'reasonable force' bull against us, if they didn’t have a gun and we did and used it.
I mean, FFS we’ve only just now been allowed to beat someone to death - due to recent cases over here. And not be charged if we didn’t use excessive force.
If someone broke into my house, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill them - I don’t know what they’ve come armed with, so I'm going to get the first blow in.

I know, I've seen loads of clips on YouTube re bad Cops.
I know exactly what you're saying but if we shot someone who broke into our home, we would be arrested for killing someone - regardless of the circumstances. They would use the 'reasonable force' bull against us, if they didn’t have a gun and we did and used it.
I mean, FFS we’ve only just now been allowed to beat someone to death - due to recent cases over here. And not be charged if we didn’t use excessive force.
If someone broke into my house, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill them - I don’t know what they’ve come armed with, so I'm going to get the first blow in.

I know, I've seen loads of clips on YouTube re bad Cops.
And what determins Excessive force?
Busted open head, chunks missing, or total decapitation>
Damn skippy I rack the 12 gauge if someone comes into my home. They have no business at all in being on my property, if they're in my home, they aren't there to sell Avon. Yeah, I'll call the sheriff, but half the time they can't find our place and when they can it's at least 45 minutes before they get here.

My family came here to the US from Ireland. I still have family there. I think it's pretty pathetic that they can't have the means to defend themselves if their lives are in danger. I grew up here in the States, I grew up hunting and fishing, a rifle in most rooms of the house. We were taught to respect what the firearm was and what it could do. Not one of us kids ever picked up a rifle and pointed it at someone in jest, that was just not done. Ever.

My girls have both been raised around firearms. The 12 year old has a gun rack in her room with her 2 rifles, am I worried she's going to pull some crap like was pulled in Newtown? No. Plain and simple. No. These kids that do that just aren't right and people knew it well beforehand. Maladjusted, social outcasts, introverts, mentally unstable kids. Parents need to watch their kids close and by God, if little Johnny or Suzie starts gothing out and pulling the wings off of flies, you step in and do what has to be done. If the kid needs to be in a hospital, put them there, don't wait until someone says "He was always a little different."

I lay the blame on the parents of the shooter, they knew the kid was 'tetched' in the head and they didn't take care of it. I'm sick and tired of these mollycoddling, handholding, wanna be the kid's bestest friend, pc, whining twits that call themselves parents. Your kid starts beating on his little sister, whoop his ever loving ass and he will learn that that is not accepted behavior. The kid starts torturing animals, send the little turd to my farm, you'll get back a whole new kid. Guaranteed.

Am I abusive? No. I am a parent. A parent that has accepted the responsibility of raising kids that are happy, well adjusted individuals. I'm not their BFF, I'm the Mom.

We don't need our guns taken away from us for our own good. What we need is people to cowboy up and raise assets to society, not these mewling little sh*ts that want to live at home, not work and have everything they ever wanted because that's what Mommy and Daddy are supposed to do.

When I was in school, this crap didn't happen and we drove to school with gun racks in the back window of the pick ups and hell yeah, there were rifles in those racks. Kids had respect for their elders, themselves, and their peers. I'm sorry, but this so called 'enlightened' society we have now is going to be the death of us all.

Sorry, I've just been talking about this with my husband and got a little angry the more I thought about. My family came to this country for their freedom and by God and by damn, no one is going to take it from me.
Damn skippy I rack the 12 gauge if someone comes into my home. They have no business at all in being on my property, if they're in my home, they aren't there to sell Avon. Yeah, I'll call the sheriff, but half the time they can't find our place and when they can it's at least 45 minutes before they get here.

My family came here to the US from Ireland. I still have family there. I think it's pretty pathetic that they can't have the means to defend themselves if their lives are in danger. I grew up here in the States, I grew up hunting and fishing, a rifle in most rooms of the house. We were taught to respect what the firearm was and what it could do. Not one of us kids ever picked up a rifle and pointed it at someone in jest, that was just not done. Ever.

My girls have both been raised around firearms. The 12 year old has a gun rack in her room with her 2 rifles, am I worried she's going to pull some crap like was pulled in Newtown? No. Plain and simple. No. These kids that do that just aren't right and people knew it well beforehand. Maladjusted, social outcasts, introverts, mentally unstable kids. Parents need to watch their kids close and by God, if little Johnny or Suzie starts gothing out and pulling the wings off of flies, you step in and do what has to be done. If the kid needs to be in a hospital, put them there, don't wait until someone says "He was always a little different."

I lay the blame on the parents of the shooter, they knew the kid was 'tetched' in the head and they didn't take care of it. I'm sick and tired of these mollycoddling, handholding, wanna be the kid's bestest friend, pc, whining twits that call themselves parents. Your kid starts beating on his little sister, whoop his ever loving ass and he will learn that that is not accepted behavior. The kid starts torturing animals, send the little turd to my farm, you'll get back a whole new kid. Guaranteed.

Am I abusive? No. I am a parent. A parent that has accepted the responsibility of raising kids that are happy, well adjusted individuals. I'm not their BFF, I'm the Mom.

We don't need our guns taken away from us for our own good. What we need is people to cowboy up and raise assets to society, not these mewling little sh*ts that want to live at home, not work and have everything they ever wanted because that's what Mommy and Daddy are supposed to do.

When I was in school, this crap didn't happen and we drove to school with gun racks in the back window of the pick ups and hell yeah, there were rifles in those racks. Kids had respect for their elders, themselves, and their peers. I'm sorry, but this so called 'enlightened' society we have now is going to be the death of us all.

Sorry, I've just been talking about this with my husband and got a little angry the more I thought about. My family came to this country for their freedom and by God and by damn, no one is going to take it from me.

A woman after my own heart.
You said it all, and you said it well.
Damn right.
I blame the Government, they're always sticking their nose in where it don't belong.
We cant discipline our kids like we were back in the 60's - 80's. it just bloody stinks. Nowadays if you tell your kid off, they scream Social Services.

On about criminals, we have something called 'The Human Rights Act' - I have renamed it 'The Criminals Charter'


  • Human Rights Act.pdf
    409.1 KB · Views: 1
Damn right.
I blame the Government, they're always sticking their nose in where it don't belong.
We cant discipline our kids like we were back in the 60's - 80's. it just bloody stinks. Nowadays if you tell your kid off, they scream Social Services.

On about criminals, we have something called 'The Human Rights Act' - I have renamed it 'The Criminals Charter'
Thoe SOB's have more rights than us!!
Let me tell you something, if one of my kids, my nieces or nephews ever threatened to call Child Services on me for being disciplined, I'll dial the number for them. It'll be a good hour or so before they get to our house and by then, they'll need to be taken into custody.

Kids for the past 25 years have needed a swift kick in the pants and a hand across their butts. Society has enabled generations of spoiled, little whelps that wouldn't know how to deal with life if it didn't come with Ritalin, Prozac, or some other drug prescribed so the parents can do their 'own' thing and not be bothered with childrearing. Now we have chronological adults that are so ill-prepared for life who are raising the next generation of the new Gimmee More Now society.

I worked a job in a high security mental hospital for the criminally insane, I'm no longer there due to brain damage that will last the rest of my life. Guess what happened to the patient that hurt me. Nothing. He dropped me and went to watch a football game in the day room. Got to love the laws, you know?
And thank you kindly Wiredog for the compliment. I'm still sick and cold meds just aren't working, so I'm a little bit crankier than normal. Thanks you guys for putting up with me.:)
Reminds me of the pluck my Great-Granny from Mina Arkansas had.
May she rest in peace.
I thrive on people who tell it like it is. All this PC crap has ruined America.
Sounds like she was a good woman, I hope that you will be continually blessed for having had her in your life.
Sounds like she was a good woman, I hope that you will be continually blessed for having had her in your life.
She was very tough.
Lived in cabin on a hill. She and G-Gramps built the cabin in the 30's.
No heat/air. No running water, outhouse only.
Raised and butcherd her own live stock. Drank "shine, smoked a long cob pipe, chewed 'bakky, and still lived to be close to hundred.
Very Hillbilly. Proud woman, never took a hand out, but helped others in time of need.
She was salt of the earth. Real People.
Here is what cracks me up about most of those cops shows. You have one or two cops sitting there telling the guy to get down and using pepper spray to do it. What they don't show is the half dozen OTHER cops armed to the teeth with their sidearms pointed at him. The other thing about cops and the use of Justifiable Force. It's easy to use Non-lethal force when you can pile 5-10 people onto a guy. I mean come on, 10 people hitting one guy with a taser? How is THAT justifiable?

Me personally I was raised by my grandmother who was Irish Catholic and a whopping 5' even and 100 pounds soaking wet holding a brick, and let me tell you I backtalked her ONCE and never did it again. I'm 6' 185 pds and ain't none of it fat and when Mamaw gives me her 'look' I step right and talk smart. Her and my Papaw showed me how to use firearms when I was old enough to hold one and I haven't gone out and randomly tore through people. They taught me to respect their abilities and what they are capable of. All this gun control BS is nothing more than prozac for adults. Instead of disciplining people and teaching them the goverment just sits here and just wants to take it away. And, might I add, they are wanting to take the guns away from the WRONG people!!! If all the law abiding citizens give up their guns then the only people who have them are the bloody criminals and they are just going to have a field day with that!!! Gah, it makes me so angry at how stupid our elected representatives are!! They REALLY need to get their heads out of their asses.

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