Guns Are Not The Problem

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Sad but true!
Well I just want to know when they are going to outlaw the high-capacity magazine clips he used with his knife.
go crazy.gif

It must have been a fully semi-automatic as many victims as there were.

Oh wait, I've been having problems with my leg lately and experienced a liberal "knee-jerk" reaction:rolleyes:.
Maybe if someone/anyone had pulled out a pistol and shot the piss out of him, there wouldn't have been so many casualties.

Again, here's your sign:
Town Hall said:
"Kinner has an extensive criminal history spanning several states. He has spent time in prison and his past does include violence against others.
If you are going to let thugs like this with numerous felonies out to walk the streets, at least give the civilians guns to protect themselves.
The second time he was hauled in for 'convicted felon in possession of a firearm' should have gotten him 10-20 years.
Failure= the justice system.
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