Guy in Houston with guns in his hotel room

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Awesome Friend
Nov 29, 2017
Outside San Antonio, in the Republic
So what do you think...will this be something related to terror attack or nothing. My gut tells me it's nothing, and way overblown...maybe because I've been this guy on several occasions...

When I travel, I always bring my valuables and all firearms into my hotel room. No big deal...and many parts of Houston are seriously crime ridden, and your vehicle will get busted into in a heartbeat (can happen anywhere, but downtown big city USA...probably.

Also, dude had a pickup, so stuff is definitely hard to keep out of site (I know..I've driven them for many years).

So, I say the news blew this crap waaaayyyyy out of proportion.

Had it been NYC/Chi Town/maybe Vegas, I'd say it was a possibility. But I think this is just some law abiding firearm owner being singled out unnecessarily.

More "safety for the sheep first...Liberty for the people second horseshit!"
Just confirms the fact that nothing good happens after midnight. Especially if liquor is involved.
The one thing that investigators should focus on here, is the fact whether or not the dude 'requested' the top floor.

If that be the case, then this might be suspect.

As a responsible firearms owner I doubt very seriously I would have a cache like that in my room, then go out and get hammered and draw attention to myself.

Just my 2 cents.
Sounds like he was ready for a 3 gun match the next day. Is that a crime?
I carry a lot more than that to the shoot in Kentucky and well over 1000 rounds.
I don't take them up to the room though, too much like work.
That guy's only crimes are getting drunk, stupid, and trespassing.
(and making the cops piss their pants)
They woulda loved this one:

Or this one:

Or this one:

This is the first I have heard about it, but sounds to me like he should NOT have been intoxicated, HIS own dumb fault if you ask me !............ Alcohol & Firearms do NOT mix !...............
This is the first I have heard about it, but sounds to me like he should NOT have been intoxicated, HIS own dumb fault if you ask me !............ Alcohol & Firearms do NOT mix !...............

That, and given the fact there was another hotel shooting in Vegas yesterday does warrant the need to look into it.
First, it's a horribly written "news" story.

How can you be trespassing if you have reserved a room in the hotel?
Was he brandishing the firearms?
Was he carrying the firearms?
If he was neither brandishing nor carrying the firearms, being intoxicated in a hotel room is not a crime.
Classic "overreach" by statist agents.

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