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Awesome Friend
Mar 11, 2014
so the "friendly" nation N-Korea claims to have done a H-bomb test,well with
a loonie at the helm,that could be a problem. for all of us...as **** tends to fly far and wide..
as it hits the fan.
Will reserve judgement until it has been independently verified. He has a history of wild claims, and considering the difficulties he had with fission weapons, having a working fusion one is a bit hard to believe, unless of course, he's recently acquired some outside assistance the spooks aren't aware of.

More play by play from his daddy's playbook, of course. Agree to stop tests for money, do them anyhow after he gets the money.

Can't really blame him, as we still fall for it time after time, so why wouldn't he? Dumb ass leaders....
I think this was probably propaganda, air tests have come back negative so I reckon its just more BS from a crackpot leader of a crackpot nation.
sincerely hope so :)

would be a bugger if that loonie had one...'cause he would eventually use it
H bombs are much harder to build than regular A bombs, they are also much harder to miniaturize so they can fit in a missile and take the G-forces of a launch, I believe the first H bomb the US made was the size of several homes and weighed dozens of tons
He still has ballistic missiles that could (in theory) hit parts of the US, but he's likely a few years away from miniaturizing a nuke enough to arm one of them. Personally, I think the bigger threat from him will be down the road, when he has more directed EMP weapon capability. For now, he's more of a regional boogey-man.

I know we Americans like to think we could bomb anyone into the stone age, but NK is a bit of a different animal. He's dug in DEEP, and though we have things that would take out bunkers, it wouldn't be an easy one. We'd win, of course, simple numbers and how much we spend, but we'd have to do so at a cost.

Plus, there's the added bit that he's nuts, and not living in the same reality we are. China is kind of forced to put up with him, as their buffer to the West, but even they tire of him. I can't believe they haven't staged an internal coup yet, to be honest....but it's likely coming. It's what I'd do in their shoes.

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