had a some what trial run

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
the electric went off at 10:20pm due to high winds and who knows what else last night..and came back on at 122:15am..we were at least mostly prepared for it.we have 2 brooklyn lanterns,in which the D-battries were already charged up.1 rechargable lantern,again already charged up.and 2 oil lamps already filled up with lamp oil.and 1 eton radio,already charged up..i also have 2 head lamps with the stretch head bands and a twin head lamp i got for xmas.all with charged up battries in um..had plenty to eat n drink.warm house from gas heater..
the electric went off at 10:20pm due to high winds and who knows what else last night..and came back on at 122:15am..we were at least mostly prepared for it.we have 2 brooklyn lanterns,in which the D-battries were already charged up.1 rechargable lantern,again already charged up.and 2 oil lamps already filled up with lamp oil.and 1 eton radio,already charged up..i also have 2 head lamps with the stretch head bands and a twin head lamp i got for xmas.all with charged up battries in um..had plenty to eat n drink.warm house from gas heater..
Congratulations!! That must have made you feel good. Is there anything that came to mind that you still needed and or wanted? I think that with recent events, weather wise, all of us need to be ready!!

yeah.4 more D batteries for the
2 brooklyn lanterns..im rechargeing my AA batteries seeing how it turned out that most of them aint charged...i still need a way to keep them charged up..like radios that'll run off battries or electric..that way i'll have radio to listen to.and keep battry charged at same time..gotta get more oil lamps.they not only produce light.but heat as well.which is good when heat is needed
yeah.4 more D batteries for the
2 brooklyn lanterns..im rechargeing my AA batteries seeing how it turned out that most of them aint charged...i still need a way to keep them charged up..like radios that'll run off battries or electric..that way i'll have radio to listen to.and keep battry charged at same time..gotta get more oil lamps.they not only produce light.but heat as well.which is good when heat is needed
Great!! I have been looking into solar powered generator that would provide you with all of those things plus you can run most of your home with it (with in reason)!! They make no noise and no fumes and you can place the generator inside!!! Safe and with out notice to outside people!! You can get them at Lowes ONLY about $1800.00 for a two panels solar home unit!! We have put that on our list to buy with tax return;)
It's always nice when something unexpected happens to break out a few items that make the family feel better . You know spring and the big storms are just around the corner .
obviously we're already getting the strong winds here..plus we're also getting some serious rains here.any where from 2 to 5 inch's a week at times..some times 2-4 inch's in one rain..im not sure.but i think that much rain at any given time aint normal this time of year,for here..spring and fall,yes/maybe.but not winter time..
obviously we're already getting the strong winds here..plus we're also getting some serious rains here.any where from 2 to 5 inch's a week at times..some times 2-4 inch's in one rain..im not sure.but i think that much rain at any given time aint normal this time of year,for here..spring and fall,yes/maybe.but not winter time..

We are just the opposite no rain at all. Could see a summer of water rationing .
oh yeah..a back up genrator for the fridge and frezzer.dont want foods to go bad..
When we were hit with Rita and Ike, the generator was our lifesaver for the fridge and freezer since it was a couple weeks before the power came back on, but I only ran it for awhile and shut it off to conserve what gas we had. Some items in the fridge did go bad, but everything in the freezer survived. If I knew it was going to be long term, I woud have gone ahead and canned up our eggs (but this was before chickens) and butter
obviously we're already getting the strong winds here..plus we're also getting some serious rains here.any where from 2 to 5 inch's a week at times..some times 2-4 inch's in one rain..im not sure.but i think that much rain at any given time aint normal this time of year,for here..spring and fall,yes/maybe.but not winter time..
Thinking our 'normal' winter and spring is just getting merged all together this year as one! I have had enough of this cold and rain! I have not enjoyed splashing around in the mud puddles to go feed and milk and the mud is just not very nice (especially when you have hungry cattle behind you that want to 'help' you along, I almost fell on my face!'). My boots are sinking in the mud up to my ankles.
i get a funny pic in my head as i think of you traipsing through the mud..SPLAT!!!! lmao :rolleyes:
You would have loved it this evening. . . my boot sank so far down I got stuck. Had to hand off my bucket and bottle of milk so I could actually get out! But Ifinally made it thru
You would have loved it this evening. . . my boot sank so far down I got stuck. Had to hand off my bucket and bottle of milk so I could actually get out! But Ifinally made it thru
My, what a sticky situation!
Rough, but it sounded like you handled it well. If it has to happen, it's good it happened like htat so you can get a feel for weak spots like the batteries.

Are your batteries on small chargers? I have some like that, and it seems if they sit they lose their charge almost as fast as if they are being used. I keep 2 chargers now so I can have 1 set in use and one on charge. My D batts are still "Throwaways" though, so I need to address that...

I like the idea of a generator, also. Not cheap, but they're worth their weight in gold if you need 'em, that's for sure!

So other than the generator(s), oil lamps, and batteries, you feel like you have a good handle on the situation? Sounds good to me, man! I can only imagine how folks felt that hadn't prepared at all!
i've gotten away from throw away batteries much as possible..only places i use them is in the remotes for tv,dvd-vcr player battery operated clocks rechargeable every place else..yeah i do need a generator for fridge n freezer and maybe use it for recharging what ever with it,like my jump starter for jump starting vehicles.i still need to go intire situation again just in case i over looked any thing
I think the oil lamps are worth their weight in gold! Have relied on them couple of times. Not only do they put out some heat but more light for tasking than flashlights.

Even Walmart sells them! I have noticed every time I want to stock up on wicks for these lamps the shelves are empty, so I make sure I get all when I can.

Speaking of oil lamps, just read in Mother Earth mag that wick should not protrude above metal lip if you want wick to last and glass from getting black.

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