Headed Down the Same Path as Nazi Germany

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains

I cannot express how truly sad writing this OpEd has made me. But I’m a patriotic American. And I’m an American Jew. I have studied the beginnings of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. And I can clearly see parallels with what is happening in America today. Thank God we have President Trump (at the moment) keeping us from heading too far down this tragic path. But I must warn my fellow Americans, we are clearly headed in a frightening and tragic direction.

I know I’m not alone. A recent poll shows 80% of the American public believes things are spiraling “out of control.”

I never thought I’d write the following words about living in America: Those caught in the middle of the recent so-called “protests” in American cities, especially those seeing their businesses looted, burned, or destroyed; police stations burned or seized by radicals; or the downtown business district of their town taken hostage by thugs; finally understand how Jews felt in Nazi Germany on the infamous night of “Kristallnacht.”

This is exactly how it started in Nazi Germany all those decades ago:

  • Windows shattered, stores looted and burned.
  • “Blackshirts” roaming the streets demanding people kneel at their feet.
  • Censorship, book burning, snitching by neighbors and co-workers.
  • Media propaganda and manipulation.
  • The police and “good people” doing nothing to help
  • Amazingly, it’s happening here today. And far too many political leaders, the media, and so-called “good people” are telling us it is acceptable.

    All of us are experiencing some aspect of this dark period in America’s history…
    • Many of us don’t fly an American flag at our homes, or dare put a Trump sign on our lawn, or in our store window, or a Trump bumper sticker on our car, for fear of violence or vandalism.
    • Turn on the TV. We all see supposedly rational and respected people calling us “racist” solely because of the color of our skin.
    • Our free speech is monitored, censored, shadow-banned, or outright banned by those who control social media.
    • Our great American history is being destroyed, denigrated or erased. Radicals are toppling the statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and even abolitionists- heroes who bravely fought against slavery.
    • A black NASCAR driver can wrap his car with “Black Lives Matter,” but an NBA announcer loses his job for saying “All Lives Matter” and a Philadelphia newspaper editor is forced to resign for writing “Buildings Matter, Too” as his city burned.
    • NFL superstar quarterback Drew Brees was forced to beg for forgiveness for saying he will always stand for our national anthem. College football coach Mike Gundy was forced to beg for forgiveness from his players for wearing a T-Shirt with the name of a conservative TV network (OAN).
    • Demented “Never Trumper” Rick Wilson tried to destroy Domino’s Pizza for a corporate tweet thanking a prominent Trump supporter for a compliment about their pizza…in 2012…before Trump ever even got into politics.
    When did America lose our freedom of speech and expression? When did we decide to erase all of our history? Isn’t that what ISIS does?

    OPEN YOUR EYES. Study what happened in Nazi Germany began during the infamous night known as “Kristallnacht.” The night of November 9-10, 1938 marked the beginning of the attack on Jews by the Nazis. Jewish homes and businesses were looted, desecrated and burned while the police and so-called “good people” stood by and watched. Nazis laughed and cheered as books were burned.

I know I've said this many times before, get more ammo!

I believe its soon time to start using our ammo. So get much more ammo!

I will purchase some more ASAP. Thanks for not stopping on this very important advice. Many
new people read every day, right? So it will help more than the regulars on here.

In the grocery today I ended up giving advice to a young mother to get a weapon and learn how to use it. This was after she told me she was afraid, but doesn’t have a gun.
what is happening now in many western countries is left wing "political correctness" taken to the extreme.
its the "thought police" in action, anyone who thinks the "wrong" way will be targetted, how long before we see "re-education camps"??
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Wise voice from the very founding of our Nation. And another more recent voice trying to bring it down.


Hitler's rise to power was preceded by the "Great War" and severe economic sanctions on Germany, resulting in the collapse of the Wiemar Republic's monetary system and hyperinflation. People in the US have not experienced anything like the hardships the Germans went through in the early 20th century, which resulted in severe pent up anger and resentment at the people they thought were responsible - Jewish bankers (which was partially true).

Sure, a few people are still alive that went through the Great Depression, but my father said they hardly even noticed the Great Depression. The chickens still laid eggs, the crops still grew, etc.

"Hardship" in the US is not having the latest iPhone right after it comes out, LOL.

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