Hell to be unleashed on Afghanistan

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
Fear not our US cousins Hell on earth is heading to Afghanistan to help our brave US allies.
SAS survive.jpg

Our enemies will be afraid, very afraid because something evil their way comes!
If only it was that easy....Nothing to be won in Afghanistan, The more time we spend there, the more Radicals we create.....People like Saddam Hussein are the only ones who can control those types of Countries....The U.S. nor anybody else is willing to do it......Great Britain tried several times, Russia tried and now the U.S......I did a Tour in Afghanistan 2010/2011 and the chaos was unbelievable......not sure anybody knew what was going on at any moment....It would take a book just to describe the waste of money I saw on a daily basis....
As I recall Sherlock Holmes's Dr. Watson suffered some sort of permanent health problems due to complications from getting shot in the inglorious Battle of Maiwand in one of the Anglo-Afghan wars. (fictitiously of course)
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OH, and Rudyard Kipling wrote this about the Battle of Maiwand

"There was thirty dead an' wounded on the ground we wouldn't keep -
No, there wasn't more than twenty when the front began to go;
But, Christ! along the line o' flight they cut us up like sheep,
An' that was all we gained by doing so.
I 'eard the knives be'ind me, but I dursn't face my man,
Nor I don't know where I went to, 'cause I didn't 'alt to see,
Till I 'eard a beggar squealin' out for quarter as 'e ran,
An' I thought I knew the voice an' - it was me!
We was 'idin' under bedsteads more than 'arf a march away;
We was lyin' up like rabbits all about the countryside;
An' the major cursed 'is Maker 'cause 'e lived to see that day'
An' the colonel broke 'is sword acrost, an' cried."
Ah but the SAS dont want to take and hold that land, thats the job of the PBI , The SAS just want to instill terror in the silent dark of the night to the Islmists.

And Alexander would never have passed SAS selection.:)

To see the SAS in a fixed land holding battle google the Battle of Mirbat its like the Alamo but the SAS won.
Just more tax payers money wasted on a war that can't be won. And in a worthless piece of desert that is no use to anyone but goat herders.

And Alexander would have had the sas for breakfast....
The British SAS , U.S Rangers , Green Berets, S E A L S will kill the Enemy , keep them from sitting in a goat pen planning attacks on Western school yards or shopping centers . They don't care about the politics of it , grab Your rifle and get to it .
Yeah. It's worked so well over the last 16 years and trillions of wasted tax payers $$$.
You are absolutely right . Not one terrorist has flown a jet liner into a building since September 11 2001 . Glad You realize that , so many People throw numbers and statistics out there and leave out the results .
Yes, SpecOp Operators have contributed to that, but there are a lot of reasons why we have not been hit like 9/11 again.....Bin Laden proved to the Muslim World that the U.S. can be hit in a big way, most I believe thought it could not be done. I also do not believe the whole Government story on exactly how it all played out. I think a lot of U.S. Muslims also started giving more money after 9/11 to Mosques and Clerics as a show of unity below the radar and more money went overseas after 9/11. Think about right now if Hillary had been elected....Muslims and so called Refugees would be coming into the U.S. at a fast pace. How many are in the U.S. right now that are planning attacks ? 9/11 supposedly took 10 years or so to plan ? What may happen 10 years from now ? I saw the length they would go to in Afghanistan to make IED's.....Unwind all the wire in a vehicle alternator, take hundreds of short pieces of wire to make a long piece, use 50 flashlight batteries tied together just to get enough juice to set off an IED, dig for night after night to setup an IED......Patience is something Muslims practice, The U.S. does not have it.....I personally see no end to it here or abroad....especially when our past administration was arming them in Syria and doing who knows what elsewhere....
This is an ancient war that started long before the United States was even a country. Europe has tried both tactics in the past, first fighting back in the Crusades, and then playing the appeasement game in the early 1800s. And we played the appeasement game too until Thomas Jefferson decided that we would no longer pay tribute.

When he asked the Tripoli ambassador why they would make war on countries that had done them no injury, the ambassador replied:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.
So Jefferson sent in the Marines. It got messy but in the end they stopped seizing our ships.

Did you catch that? The Koran teaches them that it is their RIGHT AND DUTY to plunder and enslave the infidels. This is what they do. This is what they have been doing for centuries. Maybe some moderate Muslims want to sit at home and be peaceful, but the "faithful" do not, they want to take over the world, get killed in process, and go straight to paradise. Most of the terrorist attacks are in countries that are trying to appease them - they see it as weakness and exploit it. It doesn't matter whether the countries have participated in attacking Afghanistan or not.

The 9/11 Commission concluded that "The terrorists were at war with us, but we were not yet at war with them."

The only question is how should we best fight this war. Surrender is not an option...not unless you want to learn Arabic and face Mecca 5 times a day.
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Not sure what you mean by, Wake up and smell the hummus ? Did you read what I posted ? ( I personally see no end to it here or abroad ) It's an easy answer to how should we fight this war, Fight them at the level they fight.....You cannot defeat them at the level we currently fight them at ( which should be obvious ).....We lose because of Politics.....don't see that changing in my lifetime...
Dont take this the wrong way guys if I dont phrase this quite right, No offence is meant. " We over this side of the pond have been fighting Islam since the third crusade, Charlemagne, Richard the Lionhert and Vlad the Impaler and El Cid, for four have fought the eternal battle between Christendom and Islam". This little side show is just the latest in a millienia long battle between the two faiths. YES it has cost billions, and THOUSANDS of lives, but we have to keep fighting because if we do not the only other option is for us to lay down and die. Islam has invaded Europe, it held huge chunks of Spain for over 700 years. We either fight or die or convert the choice is yours.
Freedom is never free . The war between the west and Islam did not start on 911, it did not start when Israel was created, it did not start when we fought the Ottoman Empire. They are relentless they are taught that to be the best Muslims they can be they must live in a society governed by Shariah and have no other faiths or governments.

EG in todays Daily Mail
A Muslim who came to the UK along with lots of his fellow Muslims who also came to the UK refuse to accept the rules, values and laws of the UK and say they DEMAND the UK adopts Sharia law for everyone, even ignoring the fact there is only 2 million of them and 65 million NON Muslims in the UK. That Ladies and Gents is the never ending war you like it or not are part of.
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