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Mr Variety Hour

New Friend
Jun 8, 2019
It's very good to meet you all! Haven't been on a forum in a while.

I'm a 20 year old curious fellow born in the U.S.A. and currently living in Canada, looking to increase my knowledge and (hopefully not) put it to use. Mainly, I want to learn how to live in the harsh conditions (particularly the wilderness) for extended periods of time. I want to be able to learn about how to physically get myself out of tight situations (kidnappings, home invasions, etc.). I would love to learn about how to survive homelessness if I ever lost my job or my home. I would love to learn about amateur radio techniques that seem all-too foreign to me right now. I would also love to learn more about military training/military skills as that has always fascinated me. Honestly I would love to learn it all.

After some of my life experiences, I've been committed to hardening myself so then I could widen my options if the floor fell in and we all met hell. Well, I'm finally fulfilling that commitment; I joined a forum with all you wonderful people so I could learn how to do just that!

Any resources or any pointers for a near-total beginner would be absolutely appreciated. Otherwise, I'll be sticking around for a while. Thank you!

P.S. I am also "tight budgeted" at all times. I have hardly any money to spend on prepping, so DIY or inexpensive options are particularly handy! Thanks again!
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Howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or2..and by all means jump righton in with any replies you have on a topic.
Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. :USA:
Welcome. A lot of us prep on a budget. We’ve been doing it for several years. Buy supplies on sale, make sure you’re buying something that you can and will use. That applies to food as well as ‘stuff’.

We have gone off the reservation a couple times, but nothing that we couldn’t pay for (we bought a freeze dryer which has been heavily used). We have close to a year’s worth of food that has been preserved. Multiple ways to process water. Solar panels to charge phones, walkie talkies, radios, etc.

We don’t prep for one thing or another either. Other than SHTF, job loss, etc., you need to prep for frozen over hell. We prep for tornadoes. Others prep for hurricanes.

My wife works 6 blocks from home. I work 20+ miles from home. I carry a get home bag wherever I go. That bag gets updated to match what I’ll need based on the season. We also have bug out bags ready and somewhere to bug out to.

There is a lot already here that you can learn from. We sure have, lol. If you can’t find the answer to something, just ask. We don’t generally bite too much with the exception of religion and politics.
Your starting out right by wanting to learn as much as you can. Knowledge is free and lasts a lifetime. Stuff can be accumulated in time. One thing I do recommend to everyone is get a couple good water filters. Drinking clean and safe water is the number one thing to help you stay alive in tough times. Welcome
Greeting and welcome from NC. Very easy to get started on a budget. Identify a place to store your emergency supplies. Each time to go to the grocery store, pick up a can or two of food with long shelf lives and store them in you emergency storage. In a short time you will find yourself with a good start on emergency food. Then start adding additional items such as paper supplies or other items you think you will need (batteries, etc). Slowly build your emergency storage. Not hard to get started.

A lot of the more advance planning (such as solar, etc) will take more effort and resources (ie money) and can be done as resources become available. Just be sure you have food and water available to begin with.

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