Hello, from Germany.

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New Friend
Mar 23, 2019
Hello, I guess.

Well, as you can read from my name (and the title), I‘m from Germany.

I‘m 26 and (another thing you can read in my name) work as a paramedic. Due to this work and the things I see, I slowly started to prepare myself for upcoming events that may cause inconvenience or problems to me or people near me.

I‘m not stocking up for the end of the world or a financial crisis, but rather for problems regarding the infrastructure or anything which could cause the life I live to change in a bad manner. It can be a flood which causes me to be cut off from normal live, a hard winter with a lot of snow (which happens often in my area) which leaves me snowed in or just a minor of major medical emergency (one of the main factors I want to be prepared for).

I might not fit in here, because I seem to prepare for small things and most people in here prepare for SHTF scenarios, but oh well, if I can‘t get help in here I might help others with the knowledge I got from my job and most importantly my life.

So, I hope I can help others in here and other people can enlighten me and give me more knowledge about topics I might not be as intelligent about.
Welcome to the forum GM. We don't all prep for end of the world scenarios. Many of us prep for smaller local disasters. In my area it could be heavy winter snows, spring flooding or summer forest fires. Many of us also prep to be more independent and self sufficient.
Warm Welcome from the Arizona valley folks. :USA:
Howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic.
Welcome from the southeastern US. It is wise to prepare for non-shtf emergencies. We have little snow, but have tornadoes, tropical storms, ice storms, etc. being prepared has been good!
Howdy from Texas! Prepping for short or long term is just common sense and there's no better place to learn how to do it. There's great people here who can answer any questions and lots of information already in the forums.
A SHTF scenario can happen in my life time, but around here we live the lifestyle in a way being a farmer/homestead. . . Whatever you want to call it. We deal with hurricanes around here so mainly we prep for short term, but because of the way we live, it could also be a long term.

Welcome to the forum :)
Hello, I guess.

Well, as you can read from my name (and the title), I‘m from Germany.

I‘m 26 and (another thing you can read in my name) work as a paramedic. Due to this work and the things I see, I slowly started to prepare myself for upcoming events that may cause inconvenience or problems to me or people near me.

I‘m not stocking up for the end of the world or a financial crisis, but rather for problems regarding the infrastructure or anything which could cause the life I live to change in a bad manner. It can be a flood which causes me to be cut off from normal live, a hard winter with a lot of snow (which happens often in my area) which leaves me snowed in or just a minor of major medical emergency (one of the main factors I want to be prepared for).

I might not fit in here, because I seem to prepare for small things and most people in here prepare for SHTF scenarios, but oh well, if I can‘t get help in here I might help others with the knowledge I got from my job and most importantly my life.

So, I hope I can help others in here and other people can enlighten me and give me more knowledge about topics I might not be as intelligent about.
Hello to the German medic, I am also in Germany, new to this forum, but been prepping and doing survival/privival for 46 years now. I am near stuttgart and if you want to get into contact directly with me, just write back and I will set up my email or handy nr. see ya. GaRp58
I might not fit in here, because I seem to prepare for small things and most people in here prepare for SHTF scenarios, but oh well, if I can‘t get help in here I might help others with the knowledge I got from my

Welcome! I'm glad that you're here! Everyone preps differently. Your idea of a SHTF situation might not be the same as mine or someone else's. That's ok! All preppers have one thing in common : we prep! With your occupation, you have a wealth of knowledge to bring to the table. Also, your geographic location. News here in the States is censored. To have someone across the pond filling us in as to what's going on over there is important. I hope you will stay. :)
Hello all, we have a wide array of news reporting here since the nations here are about as big and the States in America...We get to hear the liberal info from Austria, the conservative info from England and everything in between from the open and uncensored internet in Europe. Ask all questions, I will be glad to answer any. I've been in Germany for 41 years now and have no real leaning for the politics in America, which I hope, makes me pretty independent. GP
Hello all, we have a wide array of news reporting here since the nations here are about as big and the States in America...We get to hear the liberal info from Austria, the conservative info from England and everything in between from the open and uncensored internet in Europe. Ask all questions, I will be glad to answer any. I've been in Germany for 41 years now and have no real leaning for the politics in America, which I hope, makes me pretty independent. GP
check out the prepper scene in Bavaria and the Bohemia part of the Czech republic, it used to be a hotbed of prepping
Ok, thanx for the tip. The Czech Rep. is still growing, they have a heavy influx of problems out of the Ukrain war....GP
Hello, I guess.

Well, as you can read from my name (and the title), I‘m from Germany.

I‘m 26 and (another thing you can read in my name) work as a paramedic. Due to this work and the things I see, I slowly started to prepare myself for upcoming events that may cause inconvenience or problems to me or people near me.

I‘m not stocking up for the end of the world or a financial crisis, but rather for problems regarding the infrastructure or anything which could cause the life I live to change in a bad manner. It can be a flood which causes me to be cut off from normal live, a hard winter with a lot of snow (which happens often in my area) which leaves me snowed in or just a minor of major medical emergency (one of the main factors I want to be prepared for).

I might not fit in here, because I seem to prepare for small things and most people in here prepare for SHTF scenarios, but oh well, if I can‘t get help in here I might help others with the knowledge I got from my job and most importantly my life.

So, I hope I can help others in here and other people can enlighten me and give me more knowledge about topics I might not be as intelligent about.

Hi GermanMedic, I am setting up a survival camp this year near Stuttgart (+- 50 km). I would like to invite you to come and learn more at cost. (just food and drink). Write back if you have the time and interest. Gary

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