Hello all. I am James C. Jones, author of Total Survival, Advanced Survival, The Ultimate Book of Survival Gear, and now The Preppers Medical Manual. In my lectures and books, I often point out that “doomsday is just the day your survival plan fails”. Dooms day is not a day, it’s been going on for decades. I established Live Free USA as a not-for-profit organization back in 1968 to promote self-reliance. Their website is AmericanSurvivor.org. I currently write for American Survivor newsletter and do presentations and survival medics classes. I will be at Camp Independence in north central Indiana in May. That event has been going on since 1968’s when no-one knew what a “survivalist” was. I do not do any of this for money as all funds go to the organization. Oh, I was born and raised on the southside of Chicago so, yea, I know a lot about urban survival.