Hello from Nova Scotia Canada

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Feb 5, 2017
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hello everyone, I just thought I'd drop in and see what I can learn about preparedness.
Looks like lots of good info here.
God bless!
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic.and start new topics if/when needed..
welcome from Fin,hope you like it here,any questions just ask.
Hello, you are one of the few Scotia's around from the Halifax area I've seen about. Everyone seems to be very quite about being on a prepper site around here, par for the course I suppose since everyone almost knows everyone at least to recognize around here. Take care.
Looks like we got enough for a round table, well one with three sides anyway ;)
Hello, you are one of the few Scotia's around from the Halifax area I've seen about. Everyone seems to be very quite about being on a prepper site around here, par for the course I suppose since everyone almost knows everyone at least to recognize around here. Take care.

I think most people here are too busy getting hammered to realize there is anything wrong with the world, lol.
Unfortunately I USED to be one of those people.

PS, I know you, your my next door neighbor haha :)
See, you've already figured out my "alias", well online persona. Got to love Nova Scotia. Well we'll have to say hi again. Maybe I'll be seeing you cleaning up after this little storm of ours.

They and I do enjoy getting three sheets to the wind around here, it's funny how priorities have changed, and how quickly they change. Also how quickly one loses there tolerance for drinking copious amounts of alcohol. But it's history now.
See, you've already figured out my "alias", well online persona. Got to love Nova Scotia. Well we'll have to say hi again. Maybe I'll be seeing you cleaning up after this little storm of ours.

They and I do enjoy getting three sheets to the wind around here, it's funny how priorities have changed, and how quickly they change. Also how quickly one loses there tolerance for drinking copious amounts of alcohol. But it's history now.
Crossing my fingers for a snow day tomorrow :D . And you can bet ill be testing my rum tolerance.

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You lucky person getting to enjoy this storm properly, I've got to go drive a bus in the morning, I'm thinking it will be an easy day. I'm hoping most will stay home.

It's all going to depend on the amount of snow at the end of the driveway. Hopefully I will not need to break out the snowblower at 5:30, no one will appreciate it and Em will kill me when it wakes the little one up.
You lucky person getting to enjoy this storm properly, I've got to go drive a bus in the morning, I'm thinking it will be an easy day. I'm hoping most will stay home.

It's all going to depend on the amount of snow at the end of the driveway. Hopefully I will not need to break out the snowblower at 5:30, no one will appreciate it and Em will kill me when it wakes the little one up.
I think most are expecting to be snowed in tomorrow with 20-40cm of snow and ice. Be safe on that bus will ya??

Ps: a cleared driveway is always soooo appreciated.

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I'm trying to figure who the two of you are?? There is two possibilities, directly next door or next to directly next door. I'm leaning towards the latter.

And yes it's always appreciated.

Are you hearing those loud sounds coming from the East?
I'm trying to figure who the two of you are?? There is two possibilities, directly next door or next to directly next door. I'm leaning towards the latter.

And yes it's always appreciated.

Are you hearing those loud sounds coming from the East?
Im hammonds plains. Likely not your neighbour. Havent heard any strange sounds except for ice pellets pn this end.

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OK, that makes more sense, the NSprepper as you seen is my neighbor and I'm trying to piece together who it is, and my mind made a connection of the two of you being husband and wife. My mistake sorry.
And that sound has to be a ship's horn. It must be.
It must be the fog horn is acting overcautious because of the conditions, keeping them boats safe. Speculation though.
I guess it was not, but poor little snowman, though it might seem like a sunny day because he's cold blooded.
No doubt, it won't be too long before folks won't make it up the hill. Be safe sign there, also can you see where the fog horn is coming from?
I only heard the foghorn a few times, then it stopped.
Also, it looks like the weather is tapering off, yet the storm warning alert still says 90km/hr winds and up to 40cm of snow and ice pellets tonight....ugh....

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