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Awesome Friend
Jul 5, 2017
Hello all! Thanks for having me. I have been prepping for several years now, still prepping and still learning. I live in Georgia, near Athens. I haven't gotten a ham radio license yet but still looking for a good cheap radio and time and money to get license. Retired and married. Hoping to learn more and maybe teach some, you never know! Thanks!
welcome from Arkansas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sooie pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

join right in new people are always welcome
welcome from Fin,
good of you to prep and the day we say we don't need to learn any more,we can everything...well we're dead ;)
just get right in here,'cause new people have new ideas and this prepping is a constant learning thingy :)
Welcome from TN . I do not have a ham radio but have bought seberal hand held cb,s and stashed them away for em emergency comm,s if needed .
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic.
Welcome from Michigan. Any homesteading/farm advice or skills let me know lol. My family has a farm and I was not there growing up. Starting a 5.5 acre homestead and could use advice on raising chickens gardens and what not. Lol.
Hello from South Africa.

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Welcome from Michigan. Any homesteading/farm advice or skills let me know lol. My family has a farm and I was not there growing up. Starting a 5.5 acre homestead and could use advice on raising chickens gardens and what not. Lol.
Well I know a little about raising chickens and a little about gardening. Ask me a question and if I can answer it, I will or find the answer for you!
Howdy from west Texas. Welcome to the forums. I like your avatar.
Thanks, people seemed to have gone nuttier since oturdhead went into office and when that kid killed those black church members and he had pictures of him with the Battle flag, seemed they all wanted it banned like it killed those people. I think what he did was senseless, stupid and down right un-called for, but to blame and ban a flag over it! I am proud of my Southern Heritage with seven members of my family who fought in the Civil War for the South. My ancestors had a plantation in Natchez, Mississippi with No slaves, everyone who worked there got paid, not sure how much, but they were not slaves! It's as stupid as blaming a gun for killing someone! I have owned guns for 42 years and I have not had one jump up and shoot anybody yet! Ok, sorry for the rant, I am Proud! And Thanks again!
Welcome from NE Ga. Always good to have more prepper in the neighborhood.
Thanks, people seemed to have gone nuttier since oturdhead went into office and when that kid killed those black church members and he had pictures of him with the Battle flag, seemed they all wanted it banned like it killed those people. I think what he did was senseless, stupid and down right un-called for, but to blame and ban a flag over it! I am proud of my Southern Heritage with seven members of my family who fought in the Civil War for the South. My ancestors had a plantation in Natchez, Mississippi with No slaves, everyone who worked there got paid, not sure how much, but they were not slaves! It's as stupid as blaming a gun for killing someone! I have owned guns for 42 years and I have not had one jump up and shoot anybody yet! Ok, sorry for the rant, I am Proud! And Thanks again!
Naw, don't be sorry. That was a good rant. I had several ancestors that fought for the south as well. None of 'em owned slaves. None of 'em wanted to own slaves. None of them fought for the cause of slavery. They understood they were fighting against an invading army from the North, who had not yet freed all of their own slaves but were using the guise of freeing the slaves as their reason for invading the South. Funny, how nowadays people are willing to believe our govt. can have ulterior & bad motives for making war against another country, but think Stinkin Lincoln's (and his Govt.) motives were pure and selfless.

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