Those food stamp cards are great but if You get a new job, they won't help You- even if You're hungry. As some other replies suggested, getting food from natural sources can be effective. When I was hungry and broke, I used to carry a fish-hook and some line in my wallet. These are easy to find if You go to an area where You know people were fishing. You can find fish line with hooks lying in the sand, tangled in the rocks or otherwise abandoned. If A bobber is needed, I always used a small dry twig. setting Your depth.
A small cylinder-shaped pebble works well as a sinker if You tie several slip-knots around it. Bait is usually not far away because where there are fish, You always find fish-food. It's usually in the form of bugs; i.e. crickets, grass hoppers, night crawlers, grubb worms, Perry-winkles, and even the small mussel-shells have fish-food in them if fresh.
Also, You might note that some 'fish food' is also fit for humans. I wouldn't eat the mussel-shell meat unless 1st identifying it. Some varieties are toxic to humans.
I've done my best fishing when I was hungry.
Well, hope this helps. I would have hollered earlier except that I just now found Your post. Lazy me, eh?