Hillary looks bad

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
On leftie show last night. Apparently they told her to laugh a lot. And more, and more laughing. She could barely walk, supporting herself with something nearly every step of the way.

But seriously, I think it was a monumental moment. Hillary went out with Chelsea. I take it as the first time she's passing the baton. She knows she won't ever get in the white house thru hook or crook or crimes or lies. She's done, the fat lady sung. BUT, Hillary was there to bring Chelsea back into the spotlight. Hillary thinks Chelsea could/should rise to the top in future political races. Chelsea was there to show her compassionate side, to show how she cares for her mother and how she's ready (with zero experience) to control the world.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future if it is announced that Hillary has something terminal. Then they can look back at this as a time when Chelsea showed her human side (not that I think she has one), and elevate her to Senator or Governor or something out of respect for her family.... my opinion.

I don't think there's any question that this low life wench will run for president. The sad thing is she might just win.

A fellow on the radio said today that both presidential spouses are queueing up to run if the opportunity arises. He specifically called out Hillary and Michael. No typo, those are the names he used. But I don't see how either of them can win. Both have zero connection with people, both look down at commoners. Hillary can barely walk let alone have the stamina for another run... she's lower energy than Biden. Moochelle will get 100% of the transgender/gay vote. Blacks don't like her, it's a mix of anti-queer and that she's (he's?) plain ugly, for either gender. Even with Barry talking her up, they still will be repulsed. Whites don't like her, she obviously hates them. Hispanics don't like blacks. Overall, a Trump - vs - Sasquatch will make the Reagan-Mondale race look close (Reagan won 49 states). Trump - vs - Arkancide will be closer, but it'll be a far wider victory than 2016. Oprah would do better than either as she has the appeal of both: old rich racist fat hypocrite. What a bunch of choices these lefties have!

PS: truth in advertising. I wasn't able to stomach the whole video either. I think I lasted a couple of minutes.
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A fellow on the radio said today that both presidential spouses are queueing up to run if the opportunity arises. He specifically called out Hillary and Michael. No typo, those are the names he used. But I don't see how either of them can win. Both have zero connection with people, both look down at commoners. Hillary can barely walk let alone have the stamina for another run... she's lower energy than Biden. Moochelle will get 100% of the transgender/gay vote. Blacks don't like her, it's a mix of anti-queer and that she's (he's?) plain ugly, for either gender. Even with Barry talking her up, they still will be repulsed. Whites don't like her, she obviously hates them. Hispanics don't like blacks. Overall, a Trump - vs - Sasquatch will make the Reagan-Mondale race look close (Reagan won 49 states). Trump - vs - Arkancide will be closer, but it'll be a far wider victory than 2016. Oprah would do better than either as she has the appeal of both: old rich racist fat hypocrite. What a bunch of choices these lefties have!

PS: truth in advertising. I wasn't able to stomach the whole video either. I think I lasted a couple of minutes.
With over half the population on some sort of government handout the best that we can hope for is that they are disgusted by the choices and stay home. And that Republicans get out and vote.
Normally you are supposed to have a "choice" or something to "choose" from. In Germany, the word for having a choice/choosing is WAHL.
The word for casting you vote is also WAHL. A german satirist/comedian made a joke on the american situation at the time...
""Ich will mein WAHL abgeben, aber ich muss ein WAHL treffen, es gibt aber kein WAHL zwischen zwei verlierer""
Roughly translated:: "I want to cast my VOTE, but I must CHOOSE, but there is no CHOICE between two loosers"
Any comments? GP
GaRp58, I would agree with that in the 2016 election. Then the choice was between a "reality show" actor and the most dishonest/corrupt politician in history. Luckily for the US they rejected the dishonesty/corruption and went with the "Actor". In the end, it has ended up one of the best choices they have make in a long time. The economy is booming. Trump has attempted to fulfill all of his promises (when is the last time a politician tried honor their promise). The next election will be between an honest (as politician go) proven candidate against ?????? . Maybe one winner and one loser the next time around (2020).
With over half the population on some sort of government handout the best that we can hope for is that they are disgusted by the choices and stay home. And that Republicans get out and vote.

Another wonderful feature of the do-nothing population. Often, very often, they won't even go out & vote for their candidate who gives them all their welfare. The ultimate laziness.

Too often candidates reach out to the 'independents' to try to win their votes by watering down their positions. Usually that just waters down how many in their camp actually go out & vote. I'd say Trump does not have that problem in 2020. To a lesser degree, that effort also drives more of the opposition to show up & vote. But a lesser degree.
Hey JackDW, I am hoping that you are right. My mom still lives in Austin near a brother, one brother in Houston and another in CA. They are happy at the moment. Mom says she has never had so much money left over at the end of the month since 2016...I just hope that whoever does run in 2020, will not need to **** on the other runner so much that they BOTH make America the laughing stock of the world....we need to be strong now. In the old testament was a quote: " when a fool and a wise man argue,
it is difficult for a third party to tell which is the fool". Unfortunately, politics is no longer just honesty and promises, you have to be politically correct. You can be a christian, but do not put down gay marriage, you can be white but do not put down the "others", you can be rich but do not put down with the riffraff. And so on.
No one can make ALL the voters happy. The reps want the lazy to go to work, the dems want the lazy to vote for them.
Margaret Thatcher once said, "socialism sounds good but it has the one most great flaw, you eventually run out of other peoples money" Live free, GP
With over half the population on some sort of government handout the best that we can hope for is that they are disgusted by the choices and stay home. And that Republicans get out and vote.

They are going to have to pony up for an Uber or get a ride with their Trump-voting friends...(if they can put away their self-righteousness long enough to do so).

When Biden gets the nod at the Convention, I think it will disgust many, especially those who are blindly thinking Bernie actually has a shot again.

Hillary won't run. a) her big money backers aren't going to lose again, b) she's simply not healthy enough for it, even with braces and body doubles, you can only do so much.....