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Frank Toth Jr.

Awesome Friend
Dec 15, 2017
The wife flys out to North Carolina today at 1530. She will be gone for 10 days. Guess my job will be to keep the pipes from freezing and her cats from dying during that time. They are outside cats so it will be touch and go due to the freezing weather ......
A buddy of mine has "outside cats"...

Only time you see them is for dinner...

But, he had no field mice or chipmunks in and around his house.

I'm a dog guy myself...
Yes cats do keep the little furry critters down, snakes also. They dont miss a meal. They are so lazy they will sit there and watch the birds eat their cat food. Guess they are happy with just the field mice and chip monks. We do find some feathers around tho. Of the four, one stays in the barn/work shop. Two I dont know where they go all day. And one hangs around the back porch most of the time.
I cook, so wont go hungry. Fridge, both freezers and pantry is full. I dont watch much tv so no issues there. I get up early so wont have to be kind of quite. I do dishes, wash clothes, keep the kitchen and rest of the house clean while she is gone. She really likes it when she comes home and dosnt have to clean up a mess. After her flight leaves I will go by Bass Pro Shop on the way home. A couple of things I want to pick up.
We have 4 generations of feral cats in our barn and 3 generations in our carport (the barn cats and the carport cats do not intermingle?). Previous generations have disappeared. The cold does not seem to effect them. Years ago, I built insulated cat houses for them. They are still in place but no cats have ever used them. At 3 AM this morning, most were out and about in 14 degrees (I was out with walkng around too). Ours are good mousers and gopher getters, but also eat cat food in large quantities. We go through about 44 lbs every 2 weeks for the total of 13 cats we have now. The most we ever had at one time was around 40, but the coyotes and owls made short work of them. The ones we have now, seem to have figured out how to stay alive longer.

My wife visits her mom weekly. It gives me a few hours of 'alone' time, but I like it better when she is here. She takes good care of me.
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My wife also goes to town and visits her mother and father every Sunday. We have been married for 48 years. I do miss her when she is gone. All our cats are "fixed" so no new ones. Seems that when one dies or goes missing for long another one shows up. Only one came by invitation. the other 3 just appeared and never left. Every once in a while a tom will move in. the last one was a good cat, got along with the others, but he wandered off. Some others have been mean and fought with the rest.....I had to eliminate them. Only had one stray dog come around. after a few days she charged my grand kids getting off the school bus. I just happened to be finishing up pattern the Turkey gun. I heard my grand daughter screaming. The dog had her hair up and teeth bared... Needless to say No more stray dog.
Married Men DO live longer...

( Happily Married Men do anyway... )


That's good news. Maybe I'll last a little longer than expected (Actually, I already have). I have been married most of my life although it took 3 tries to get where I am at now. I think all 3 were/are happy marriages (for the most part).

My first marriage was for love. I married my high school sweetheart. I messed that up.

My second was for money. She had a lot and all I had to do was keep her 2 teen daughters out of trouble. When she left, she left most of the money and the house with me. I did not miss her...

My current wife was on the verge of becoming an old maid. She was babysitting 70 snot-nosed firefighters every day. I married her as a 'community service'. No one else would have her, so I saved her from being single all her life (the best decision of my life). 29 years now and still good.
Well the wife just got to NC. What was supposed to be 4.5 hour total trip took 13+. Broke airplane and spent the night in Chicago. She should be pullig into my sons house about now on the trip from the Airport. They did put her up in a nice hotel and fed her 2 meals, supper and breakfast.
I took pity on our carport cats as the temp fell to 13 yesterday AM. I put a small unused dog bed out on their mattress to supplement the new blankets I got them for Christmas. It appears that some of them are already enjoying it.

When I was a kid we had up to 16 farm cats at any one time. They were not allowed in the house. They survived quite well at temps down to -20°. A couple did lose the tips of their ears in temps like that. They just need good bedding and protection from the elements and you've got that covered. They'll be fine.
How'd day 1 go, Frank?

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