I also think that people point to a few weird homeschooled children they know and say see that means homeschooling makes them socially awkward. While ignoring all the weird public school children...no one blames public school for those weird ones. lol
I personally know many homeschooled and public schooled adults, from the ones I personally know there is more public schooled children who are socially awkward then homeschooled ones. Just my own observations.
But, yes each case is individual and different. One thing I have noticed in public school is when a child is suffering from being "socially weird/awkward" rarely does that get addressed. And with homeschooling one on one a parent could work on that. I know two children right now, who are severely delayed socially. The older one is in high school, and still throws temper tantrums like a 2 year old. She has no friends at school, she can't do simple basic math-doesn't know how much money she needs at dollar tree, or how to tell time. Yet her parents don't see anything "wrong" with her, and she is a "honor roll" student. Easy way apparently for the teachers to just keep on passing her on. She was getting F's at the beginning of this year, but the mom told me she went and had a talk with the teachers and now her daughter is making A's again....um yeah.... ok. Her mom said she had always been on honor roll and didn't see why she would be making F's now....um let's see she is 15 and can't count dollars or tell time, or even spell her own last name.... hmmmm quandary there. lol Sad thing is my 4 year old is ahead of her maturity and knowledge wise both.
Would this child be any different homeschooled with her mother? Probably not, since she doesn't think the child has a problem. Which is sad.
And yes, my oldest is very very advanced, more then likely a genius. (believe me not easy!). My younger two are normal children. lol haha Not advanced, but not slow either. All of them are very very socially adept though. And get along well with any group they are thrown into fast and easily.
I do know a "few" weird homeschooling families no doubt. But, as you stated, sometimes that has to do with the family themselves being weird. Not to do with the education they choose. Cause quite frankly the family would still be weird if they sent Johnny to public school as well.