How about this for a 'Man-made' disaster...

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It's easy to joke about the consequences of AI, but in all seriousness, it scares the hell out of me. Why would an incredibly smart, fast and world wide entity want to keep us around? We are cruel, erratic,wasteful, and on average stupid.
AI may work in some factories but it will never replace the truly important jobs; farmers, ranchers, construction workers, fishermen, miners, etc. I'd like to see some silly robot even try to rebuild 20 miles of my fence.

Arctic, I think our times have already come and past. As they say, we are obsolete (so they think) Way I figure it, keep track of the technology and learn how to kill the SOB. Right now most of this stuff is under human control, wait till they incorporate AI into these things, lets just say 'maximum overdrive' For Chrissakes new cars and trucks are computer controlled with fly-by-wire technology.

They already have robotic tillers, planters, irrigators, pickers/harvesters etc.. ETH zurich university has a robot that builds fences and in the process of building homes, Kuka has robots that lays bricks and concrete :(
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I may be cautious about the bad consequences of AI, but not paranoid.

AI has incredible potential...especially in medicine and cancer care.

However, in the spirit of fairness to people who disagree with me, I don't like a lot of the automated drone technology.

I would be more concerned about a crazy hacker hijacking a drone remotely and committing a terrorist act.

It seems like a trivial exercise to arm a drone with nerve agents.
I don't like machines, especially ones that can think for themselves.

If somebody was, somehow, able to turn off all of the computers, perhaps half of the world's population would die right away.

I love computers because I love things like sophisticated surgery, food distribution, pacemakers, etc..

Many of us would die without them.
If somebody was, somehow, able to turn off all of the computers, perhaps half of the world's population would die right away.

I love computers because I love things like sophisticated surgery, food distribution, pacemakers, etc..

Many of us would die without them.
many wouldn't be able to even function without computers,mobiles, x boxes and all of the other stuff.
I don't care, i'm a neo luddite, I don't know much about computers and I don't want to.
once the power goes off we will revert to a pre industrialised lifestyle and those that cant cope will die off.
not so much survival of the fittest, more survival of those that can adapt to the new normal.
AI may work in some factories but it will never replace the truly important jobs; farmers, ranchers, construction workers, fishermen, miners, etc. I'd like to see some silly robot even try to rebuild 20 miles of my fence.
They wouldn't need to farm if no humans are left. [emoji15]

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Okay, here is a thought. We humans give A.I. the same motivations a human might have with that much power (evil intent, rule the world, god syndrome). BUT I think it would come to look at us like we were just ants. As long as we did not become annoying to it, the A.I., it would tend to ignore us. It may even help us advance and move up to the stars, just to reduce the demand on earth's resources or help find even better materials to help it become bigger and better. JM2C