How do others handle opposition from "friends" regarding right to bear arms?

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Awesome Friend
Jul 7, 2014
I recently invited a friend to join me in taking gun training class. I also told her we were thinking of setting up an outdoor shooting range on our property for own personal use. Her response was "OMG!...a 9 yr old boy just killed someone for no reason" and What about the lead? That's a hazmat you know"! Given the history of this friend and I disagreeing on nearly everything! I should have known better. She is still going on and on telling me how ridiculous it is to do such a thing...and "Why would anyone want to share shoot at a target?" told me to "go bowling"....I am livid at her response and stupidity! I basically told her lack of training for proper use of guns is part of the problem and I can't be responsible for an ***** up 9 year old or anyone else who uses a gun in a reckless manner or for purely evil purposes BUT one of the very reasons I want to be able to protect myself! How do others on here respond to that sort of feedback from friends? I suppose I know the answer already...which is leave her be and let it go. I just seem to find myself having to constantly defend my beliefs regarding this issue. How do the rest of you address this sort of thing? Maybe I just needed to vent this. Sorry! Thanks for any advice.
I think the very first thing I would say is "Guns DO NOT KILL", People kill. A gun to kill, is the same as a drunk person driving a car, or using a knife, or ANYTHING. Anything can be used as a weapon (tool) to do bodily harm, or death. To prove that point I would set your gun down on the table, and ask your friend to sit and wait for that gun to shoot itself at someone. Ask her how long she is willing to wait, because it will be a very long time to wait. Next thing I would do is explain to her that statistics show that an area/city where citizens has the right to bear arms, and does has very low crime rates compared to say Detroit, or New York City, or Los Angles, or Aurora Colorado, or Sandy Hook. I use to live in Kennesaw, Georgia. A small town that owning a gun was the law, and was about 30 miles from downtown Atlanta. Crime was almost non existent. Violent (gun) crime anyways. Next I would point out even if guns were outlawed, a violent criminal can still very easily use a knife, baseball bat, car, or his/her hands/feet etc etc to carry out his/her intent to hurt/kill someone. Also I would point out there is a reason no other Country has dared to attack us, because U.S.A has the highest gun owning citizens in the world. Japan I believe it was said "attacking America on the mainland would be suicide". Last thing I would tell her is to stop thinking like a Liberal. Stop letting other Liberals do the thinking for her, and THINK for herself. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Tell her Adolf Hitler was first a Liberal turned to Socialist, and look what happened to Germany, Obama is a Liberal turning America to Socialism/Communism. Just as Hitler did Germany. As for that "Accident" regarding the 9 year old shooting the trainer was just that, a freak accident. Yes it is his fault for 1. standing so close by while she was shooting, and 2. standing at her side rather than her back. My opinion on that matter is. He (the trainer) was new to training. Inexperienced to say the least. There is a video on youtube of a 13 year old girl that is incredibly talented at shooting a gun. Show her this video sometime. Hope this helps.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. Thomas Jefferson
Hammers kill more people every year than guns. How come we aren't banning them? Cars kill more people every year world wide than guns world wide.. Why aren't they banned? Because common sense says that it's silly to ban cars and hammers but, Some how these peoples common sense goes away with a gun. It's a tool like anything else....
I just don't discuss anything about survivalism or guns with other people except the wife.
true about the tool thing, as with any tools you need training,proper don't give powertools to your kids without proper training, same goes for guns.
knifes are used to kill also but we don't ban them,it would be stupid..any accident with a gun just make great headlines,that's the issue
I have 3 boys, the middle one is very interested in guns but we have an agreement that his grand dad, who's been hunting for 50+ years and served in the border gurds,has what I call experience, will teach him, I could do it but when there is that much experience I gladly step aside.
but if your friend is like that,it's going to be an up-hill strugle for you.
Make her sit down and watch videos of Katrina, New Orleans, LA, Toledo, Cincinatti, Detroit, Chicago, etc.... That should be a wake up call.
Yes, all good points and ones that are obvious. This was probably a stupid post for me to make it is just frustrating at times having to defend my beliefs to what I perceive as stupid attitudes of other people. I suppose I have trouble comprehending how others who are actually otherwise intelligent people, cannot see the common sense in this issue. I am in the minority in the work I do with my views and find myself having to sit back and just keep my mouth shut and take it. Not just about gun issues but any other political issues I believe in. It amazes me how others have no problem dogging or freely spouting off criticizing opposing views from their own even to the point of name calling. For the most part I can hold my tongue but every now and then I get my buttons pushed. In this particular situation I did tell my friend, if she wants to remain friends we are ending this discussion and not having any other discussion to which we know we have opposing views on. However; if I see her on the street corner carrying an Al Sharpton for President sign...that's the final straw! Haha! I'm still trying to forgive her for voting for Obama. Thanks for the replies and letting me vent here!
there are no stupid questions and it's good to vent sometimes...I have very frustraiting gollegues at work also, and sometimes we need to vent among friends here :)
I belive we do understand it here
I've learned to agree to disagree with friends, but it's kind of hard for them argue with me since a gun has saved my life. I am proof that guns can save lives. In a separate incident my brother was killed in a gun accident by a friend who wasn't following gun safety. I believe gun safety is very important. So I've lived both sides of guns, but have never lost my beliefs that our 2nd amendment rights are extremely important. We need the right to protect ourselves, but also need the knowledge to do it safely.
Anyone that I knew well enough to ask to go shooting would not give those kinds of responces . I don't take idgets shooting . And I don't mess around when I shoot .
I don't go around and tell I have where I live I'll go on a low profile..some of my closest colleagues from work knows I have guns, and I follow the rule they told us when we took the hunting lisence;never ever in your life tell on FB that you have guns or post pics there,do that and you invite burglars to your place.
haven't even let my bro touch my guns or my sons..
If she's that anti- gun then she'll never let you forget this conversation . And do you really want someone around like that ?
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A firearm is neither evil nor good it's a tool without conscience, some people see it as pure evil some see it as all good then you have those that see it for what it is, for the most part your not going to change minds, ultimately it will be up to the person themselves. Trying to change your friends mind can drive a wedge in the friendship, your friend now knows how you feel, let it be, if the friend wants to be part of it let her come to you. You can always invite her to a BBQ good music and target practice, don't just make it about firearms ;)
Their is simply no disguising the fact my physical appearance, I still maintain a "high and tight" and am always professional attired/well groomed. Most of my acquaintances know me as a cheerful person and typically, I greet most people with a smile and handshake....guess its the Texas way, but I've learned that a good conversation on any topic whether its football to firearms to the best BBQ or even what is the best car...opens up a "can of worms" in opinions. I typically keep an open mind and actually will be exhausted after such a conversation because I work hard not to show any outward emotions such as non-verbal's (crossing arms, rolling eyes, or the proverbial shaking of the head). Ever watch C-Span or a live taping of some government brief, just watch the difference in will eventually spot those who are in descent or those that approve. I even watch tapings of Senate hearings and watch particularly my Congressmen at work...why because I am evaluating their effectiveness on the floor in trying to get bipartisan approval on any legislative bill that will affect me. As my father use to say, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"

So in approaching the discussion of weapons, on friends who I know might have a liberal view, I do the same as I do with my wife, who is very anti-gun with me...okay she knows how to use them, but simply is not thrilled about them, as she knows how deadly I can and my children can be with them. She dreads taking human life and often weighs the cost/impact of that decisions. I guess in some ways, she is more humane than I. Pragmatic, smart and ethical are three best characteristics of my love. A good ingredient that has often served its purpose when she is married to someone like me. Why do I go there...well when we discuss weapons with a friend, often I bring up the discussion of the 2d amendment, does it need amending, I place it in the lap of my friend, Why did our leaders write such a description in the Constitution? Did they fear the apocalypse? Did they fear Government? Was it simply just the period of the time? I'd like to think their was a more purposeful way, other than reacting to the influences of a king and anti-British radicals. In this way of manipulating the conversation, I have ceded the discussion of weapons in my home, but centered it on a discussion that occurred in the halls of a very hot church in Philadelphia and surround it with ambiguity. As we delve into history and the documents that preceded our Constitution, these moments often diffuse a heated conversation and lend to discussion that often are more demurred. Those that don't understand the decisions and effects of the Article of Confederation, Shay's Rebellion and other events leading to the drafting, should deeply look into the Library of Congress and visit the Smithsonian archives, its not only interesting reading, but begins to open your eyes toward understanding the confusion and often radical ideas being spouted off by both sides of the fence today.

My post is not to incite, but to ask you to step back and look at both sides before launching into a discussion with a friend. I think it will not only strengthen a friendship, but help your friendship coexist in difficult times (something that will be needed if you plan to survive an event, as many of us might envision). I certainly know it has often helped me after 27 years of marriage and she is my best friend for life.
Yes, again all good points/advice. What is more scary to me are those such as this person who profess they believe in right to bear arms but you cannot have a discussion about going to a class to learn how to use them properly/safely and cannot state you intend to actually practice using them to become proficient at it if there is ever a need to defend yourself? To me, all that goes together as a Common Sense MUST if you own or intend to own a gun. I have to agree....keep mouth shut! seems to be best advice....can't say anything out loud anymore! One more seems they love to jump on the bandwagon of these fluke accidents such as the teenager accidentally shooting the instructor (which we agree was tragic and should have never happened) as supporting evidence for their rational. Such an incident in my mind is EXACTLY why one should know the rules and practice them often.
When someone I know tries to rag on me about my guns and shooting habit, I first ask if they have ever fired one. Most of the people that are trying to tell me guns are evil have not fired one before. I tell them that my wife and I go shooting every Sunday after she gets off work. I invite them to come along and try it before they condemn it. Some have taken me up on the offer and returned more than once. One of them even had their wife come along. The wife now wants a gun and the friend realizes that if it makes momma happy, he will be happy. Those that look at me with shock and say no way, I simply tell them that the choice is theirs but to look carefully at their habits before they criticize mine. After that, I just don't include them in my conversations with others if guns are the subject. I make no apologies for being a shooter and self-defense person. If the anti-guns want to try to strip my rights given by GOD and the constitution, then let them try. At the same time, I will try to strip away their rights as a counter-offensive. The anti-gunners want freedom of speech, religion, etc. but don't want us shooters to be able to protect those rights.
I'm sure many of you have seen this, but here's how one neighbor handled their neighbor's opposition to guns.
I recently invited a friend to join me in taking gun training class. I also told her we were thinking of setting up an outdoor shooting range on our property for own personal use. Her response was "OMG!...a 9 yr old boy just killed someone for no reason" and What about the lead? That's a hazmat you know"! Given the history of this friend and I disagreeing on nearly everything! I should have known better. She is still going on and on telling me how ridiculous it is to do such a thing...and "Why would anyone want to share shoot at a target?" told me to "go bowling"....I am livid at her response and stupidity! I basically told her lack of training for proper use of guns is part of the problem and I can't be responsible for an ***** up 9 year old or anyone else who uses a gun in a reckless manner or for purely evil purposes BUT one of the very reasons I want to be able to protect myself! How do others on here respond to that sort of feedback from friends? I suppose I know the answer already...which is leave her be and let it go. I just seem to find myself having to constantly defend my beliefs regarding this issue. How do the rest of you address this sort of thing? Maybe I just needed to vent this. Sorry! Thanks for any advice.
The people I work with are just like the vast majority of people in the country. They all think I am a fanatic for prepping, not just for security, but for all aspects of being self reliant. They say nothings ever going to happen, and if it does the govt will save the day. I don't sweat anyone who sticks their head in the sand, or who say you can't do something, like learn a new skill or build something by yourself. All I can control is what I do. I still try to gently encourage others to start preparing for any disruption in their lives, but in the end I just keep focused on what I can do, which is make good use of my time and resources for my goals.
I never discuss guns with anyone. As far as my "friends" know I don't own any guns. Its none of their business, and its safer that nobody knows what I have.
I think it's wise to have a gun that no one knows about. If you carry openly it attracts attention. My goal is to be able to defend myself, but to not get noticed in the first place.

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