Well, Clinton & Obama did their best to weaken the military, along with our ability to retaliate upon alert (i.e. "launch on warning"). Many of the old "hawks" are now retired or dead and we have these namby-pamby gutless brass who are more concerned with following idiotic new rules & regs (again, courtesy of the Democratic Party and their fraudulent figurehead). Powerful? I don't think so... not that it matters one bit, any REAL conflict on this planet will be orchestrated by dirty globalist swine, the puppet masters who control both Biden AND Putin, lol. I must say, Putin exhibits more strength of character than this demented & traitorous piece o' trash we have in the Oval Office, and that makes a BIG difference to HIS troops. I can't really envision ANY of our enlisted personnel, NCOs, and even the 'good' officers saying, "WE HAVE BIDEN!!!"
The whole premise of "launch on warning" was MAD, or Mutual Assured Destruction... after Clinton nixed "launch on warning" during HIS fraudulent time, and his buddy Obama helped to further neuter the military, particularly the top brass who are now all lap dogs, who's gonna protect this country? Go ahead, name ONE top brass general or admiral who has done ANYTHING of real significance lately, in regard to defense of this nation. I can't think of a single one... we've lost our TRUE military leadership in this whole socialist farce, same way we've lost all credible political leadership, judicial leadership, etc. All three branches of the gubmint are ROTTEN TO THE CORE, and you ask how POWERFUL we are as a military force? I'd say NOT VERY MUCH. This from an ex-Infantry soldier sick & tired of all the political bullsh!t...
We need the hand from Black Rifle Coffee to lead this country out of the hole in which it now lies... but I dunno, maybe even THAT guy couldn't counter these dirty Democratic Party swine, all bought & sold by globalist trash like so many branded & ear-tagged cattle. That "dark money" buys a lot of souls, that's for sure... Viking, I just read your post as I'm writing this, and you are correct, the U.S. has become the laughingstock of the world with this fraudulent piece o' trash at the helm, where he has NO rightful place to be. And as long as corrupt scumbags in all three branches of the gubmint do NOTHING about this ridiculous fiasco, well, it ain't gonna get any BETTER, that's all I can tell ya. Think the price of food, fuel, etc., will drop anytime soon? Of course not, as all this manufactured grief is all part of the plan... just like the Ukraine.