How ready are you right now?

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Awesome Friend
Jun 16, 2013
Let's say,whatever the scenario,we all wake up to no power,no water,stores are closed,internet and phones are down and,of course,no aid in sight.

How far along are you?How long do you think you and your family can hold out?Defend yourselves,food,water,medical supplies,etc?

We are digging in,are you?We are in the country though.

Bugging out?If so,what is your sustained plan?

I'm gonna average my household at about 1yrs worth of sustainable stocks with some replenishable means,naturally though,what we are well to do in some area's,we are still lacking in others.

We also have alliances with some farming like minded neighbors/good friends which I believe that together,we can help all 3 of our families go even longer,possibly even fully self reliant if need be.

But I'd like to hear from you guys and gals "What is your state of readiness if :shtf right now?"
We live in the country and have been at this game for a while. I can hold out for a good year without issues. My largest obstacle is high quality H20.
I am hoping to put in a sand point well with a hand pump yet this year to take care of that problem.
I don't plan to bug out and if I do we will take everything we can with us. If we left our place its because we cant live here anymore. Then again no one else would be able to live here either.
In my home for me and the wife I have a good month supply of food and water and other necessities, maybe 2-3 months if we stretch it out. But will probably move over to my parents home since there is a piece of land near by that has some small game I can hunt for. And there is a small body of water to fish. But moving in with them adds 5 more people to the equation, so my resources will dwindle. And neighboring homes will want to get in the action of fishing and hunting small game.
I think that my family (me, bro and parents) will last about 2 months. Lack of medication with be the most likely end of my parents. My bro and I can survive much longer. I think we can go a year tops with what we currently have. I need to expand our food as water is a bit easier to get (rain collection)
Great going guys,no matter how far along you are,the important thing is you're now aware and doing something about it!

I'd sure like to hear from some others,don't be shy if just starting,we all started at one time ourselves.I don't want to know what you have,but rather how long you think you can last.

I've always been sort of a prepper just by lifestyle,but now being "awake" I will admit that I have turned up the heat on my efforts greatly in the last three years or so.
So far, we can survive in my current location (not in the BOL), for about 2 months on my last evaluation. My problem is my waterstocks are just good for 2 weeks as of now. Am increasing my supply next week by an additional 2 x 5 gallon containers.

At my BOL, quite indefinite with the food stocks we have there (both on-hand and replenishing). We have a deep well also.
there are 3 ponds which 2 are on this proprety and 1 on a ajoining property.pluse a creek thats well fed with water there is a constant supply of water.but need to restore a close by well if it aint to far gone..i need to come up with a way to collect n store water thoeand hopfully in a way where i wont be seen when getting for food goes.i guess between 1 and 2 months.refridgeated and frozen foods first just in case electric goes out for what ever reason(s) of right now..enough propane for the summer,and part of bugging out on acount we dont have a bug out a way thats ok on acount we're in the country.there's rabbits in which i've seen,deer and wild pigs as well.. remember i am just starting this whole prepping thing.
I have supplies necessary if :shtfright now that I would have enough supplies to walk home if need be (assuming highways/road were not usable).... all 33miles it would take to get there. I know the back roads well...and have enough in my car BOB to get home. Would mainly be living off protein bars and nasty tasting water thru a life straw, but I think I would make it home just fine.
Once home I have enough stored away to last around 2 months...for me, hubby, and dog. That amount grows every time I go to the grocery store. I also buy my live stock feed in bulk-so the horses would be set for probably 6+ months on the grain/hay I currently have for them.
We also live within walking distance of a large fishing lake....that once things settles down. We would be able to get there to fish.

I still feel so unprepared...but I am working on it
Honestly, not long at this point, we have many creeks to fish out of but I'm sure everyone would be thinking he same thing at that point and overfish all of them. Our food stores could reasonably last us a month with stretching things, were also welcoming a new life into the world next Friday so that would also be more taxing. However I could reasonably protect my house and family for awhile if need be.
I still feel so unprepared...but I am working on it

Nah,don't feel that way,this thread is not meant as a race or a contest.I'm just nosy to what everyone's readiness level is if something was to happen right away.You're working on it and have many of the basics,that alone already gives you a huge edge over the unprepared masses.;)
Honestly, not long at this point, we have many creeks to fish out of but I'm sure everyone would be thinking he same thing at that point and overfish all of them. Our food stores could reasonably last us a month with stretching things, were also welcoming a new life into the world next Friday so that would also be more taxing. However I could reasonably protect my house and family for awhile if need be.

Congrats to you Dart!What an exciting time for you and your family.And yes,we will be expecting an update hopefully by this weekend.;)
Congrats to you Dart!What an exciting time for you and your family.And yes,we will be expecting an update hopefully by this weekend.;)
Ha my mistake I meant next Friday the 16 th, hopefully the end of the world can wait a year or two
Lol,yeah,I think we all would prefer just for the world to straighten up and live in peace.I always say,when prepping,don't forget to still have a life and enjoy the simple pleasures and treasures we have all around us everyday.

My wife had two scheduled c-sections with both of our sons.It was pretty cool knowing the exact day the little bundles would be here.
We have enough food for about three months.the hardest part would be the the small children we have in our family.All four of our children are nine and below.The Two older boys however are very good with there Bows and pellet guns and I am confident they could harvest small game easily. We plan on bugging out so we prepared long enough for the trip and a few month just in case plans change and have to "Shoot on the fly''.
Honestly, not long at this point, we have many creeks to fish out of but I'm sure everyone would be thinking he same thing at that point and overfish all of them. Our food stores could reasonably last us a month with stretching things, were also welcoming a new life into the world next Friday so that would also be more taxing. However I could reasonably protect my house and family for awhile if need be. sound like you have more sense than most...... one realistic dude to another , common sense is what this whole nation has lost. sound like you have more sense than most...... one realistic dude to another , common sense is what this whole nation has lost.
Agreed. Most ppl want to just bury their head in the sand and not want to even think about that the govt might not be able to provide for you.
Right this second, it'd be tough, but we could get by. End of this year, we'll be a lot better off. About 3 months into next year, even better, and by end of next year, the majority of my preps should be in place, and it's just working on food storage and building up fuel supply from there.