WTF!?!? How the elites will survive.

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Awesome Friend
Feb 9, 2014
Devon, UK
If any citizen was under the illusion under a national attack the Government would be their to help the citizens needs their head examined. The Federal Government would only be reactive weeks and months afterwords depending on the type of attack. Much of which in public documents regarding Federal response to the public is superficial and always has been. All the public shelters/fallout shelters during the 50s/60s/70s were a feel good measure giving the impression the Feds care.

Unlike the early days when rural areas made up the majority giving better chances for survival giving much of the rural areas had their own gardens and small stock of chickens etc.. that were further from targeted areas making it easier for the Feds to satisfy a smaller group of people (cities) today however much of the Country is a sardine can given cities make up the largest part of the population were the lines between cities/urban and rural from growth are much harder to define in a large part of the Country making far far more difficult for the Feds to be proactive and responsive, today very little talk regarding survival/surviving during and after a crises from the Feds. Much of the talk is about earthquakes and preparation but on a low level scale and only in effective areas nothing about fallout/nuclear war. The Red Scare caused a lot of mental issues thus perhaps the Government don't emphasize on such matters today. People today are mentally weaker and many cases prove that from teenage suicides to emotional upset over a pet dying to the point of being prescribe psych meds Life today is a 24hr gossip infused society etc.., a modern society thing, the difference today from yesterday is population growth and technology is in cramped spaces where perception is everything, so anything the Government does is going to be meant with skepticism and in most cases going to be accused of wasting money on a war that will never happen that can be used for other more pressing issues so goes the argument from the one's that oppose such measures Now we get to the point of cost, the amount of money today to build, retrofit shelters for current city populations and stock would be astronomical plus the willingness of local governments.

Much of the reason why public shelters fell out of favor was population growth, resistance from the people and cost from both Federal and local municipalities, even the Pentagon from the start despised having to fund such a project thus one of the reasons the CD was moved to Department of Housing and Urban Development in 1973/4 and remained their till 1979 when it became it's own agency (FEMA) thus shelters ceased to exist in 1984 (Federally stocked)

With the way things are today, I don't see the Government bringing shelters back in such a budgetary environment thus far cheaper to protect the power brokers than the unappreciative populous. My dad who was from the Pentagon side he would meet with Mayors and found resistance from some Mayors and in some cases protest in the 50s and 60s, the school drills and siren test upset a lot of people in the bigger cities, most of the store fronts were very receptive opening up basement space for a shelter though some Mayors weren't and wouldn't meet with the owners or my dad and some of the store front patrons would voice adverse opinions and today would be worse at least in this Country.
this story reminds me of The Moorlocks and The Elois in "The Time Machine":p
not that there would be many survivors on either side.
any public shelters are long gone in the UK, although in a pinch they could use the underground I suppose.
plenty of tunnels under Westminster for the elites to use, and I hope they never see the light of day ever again:p
Well, the good news, is that modern nukes aren't really all that big. A lot of us would be just fine, contrary to what most think.

At least until we have to deal with the grid being down, and all the other problems that follow it....

I'll bet a lot of folks still believe the nuclear winter nonsense.

It's amazing to me, that these myths are still considered fact by most people.
Well, the good news, is that modern nukes aren't really all that big. A lot of us would be just fine, contrary to what most think.

At least until we have to deal with the grid being down, and all the other problems that follow it....

I'll bet a lot of folks still believe the nuclear winter nonsense.

It's amazing to me, that these myths are still considered fact by most people.

I think the grid being down would kill more people than fallout to be honest.
I think the grid being down would kill more people than fallout to be honest.

Agreed 100% The nukes these days are small and air burst the casualties will be far lighter than those who die because of a collapse of public hygiene, Once the power is gone then the water will soon stop flowing and a few weeks in the summer will see dreadful epidemics in the hotter regions and mass die offs in the winter in the colder climes.
Malaria, Zika, Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhus, MRSA, C Diff, E Coli, heat stroke, hypothermia, starvation, fires etc will follow an attack that cri[ples the power supplies. After that mother nature sticks her oar in and storms, floods, droughts, wild fires, mudslides, ice storms, hurricanes, tornadoes etc make things harder.

This chaos should trigger a plague increase in the numbers of vermin like Rats and Mice so then we will have Weils Disease and possibly plague to contend with as well, then when the masses are weakened diseases like measels and flu with increase the death toll...

Hygiene is as vital as Food and Water after TSHTF.
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To give an idea of how the govt is prepared to take care of the average people, I saw a show about bunkers once. I posted this somewhere here before too. One underground safe house was hundreds of millions of dollars. It had every thing they needed for years. The govt leaders all had spots planned in it, but not their wives or kids. Oddly enough, there was room for their secretaries. They take money from the average joe and make sure they are going to be well taken care of with it.....
To give an idea of how the govt is prepared to take care of the average people, I saw a show about bunkers once. I posted this somewhere here before too. One underground safe house was hundreds of millions of dollars. It had every thing they needed for years. The govt leaders all had spots planned in it, but not their wives or kids. Oddly enough, there was room for their secretaries. They take money from the average joe and make sure they are going to be well taken care of with it.....

Was it Greenbriers?
Was it Greenbriers?
I don't remember which one it was, just was a documentary about several of them. Jim posted a good article on some on another thread.
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