How the feds silence the opposition Edgar Steele: RIP

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Awesome Friend
Aug 21, 2014
I'm sorry to hear about this and I'm sending this out, as is, right away. I can't imagine how Cyndi must feel. Ed was being drugged is absolutely cause for investigation. All the FBI personnel and the prison staff involved with Ed's murder shall be brought to justice.

Everyone should write a personal letter to Cyndi expressing their appreciation for Ed and all that he did for our movement.

Date: Friday, September 5th, 2014
Subject: Edgar Steele died this afternoon 9/04/2014
Get the story out folks.

Stan Hess

From: Cyndi Steele Sent: Thursday, September 4th, 2014
Subject: News about Ed that I prayed I would never have to deliver!

The past 4 years Ed and my family have been living in a nightmare. Today, my greatest fear has come to life or maybe I should say death. Please read the message below that is being posted on the Free Edgar Steele website and sent to all of his supporters as I type this. It is with great heartbreak and devastation that I send you this news.



Today, September 4, 2014, early afternoon, a California mortuary notified
Mrs. Cyndi Steele that her husband Edgar was dead. At this time, specific
circumstances regarding Mr. Steele's death are being and the Edgar Steele Defense Fund (ESDF) will
release more information when available.

Mrs. Steele contacted the ESDF Board, saying she was utterly devastated by
this information, and is furious that no Victorville representative contacted her

In the last few days regarding his failing health and did not even call her regarding

The death of her husband. It was cruel to all the mortuary to make the call.

Based on the best knowledge at hand, the following are the most likely causes

Of death: drug overdoses; persistently delayed, insufficient, improper medical

Treatment and medical neglect. The federal government and Victorville Penitentiary

Bears responsibility for the lives of the inmates who reside there and has refused

to be accountable for the decline in Edgar Steele’s health.

Some hours before Mrs. Steele was contacted by the mortuary, ESDF President
Robert Magnuson received an email corroborating Mrs. Steele’s concern for her

Husband’s health and safety that showed Mr. Steele’s health has been in a sharp

decline for the past month, which fact was obscured, if not hidden by the federal


First, Mr. Steele was the victim of a false prosecution, then he was imprisoned in the

most dangerous prison hear in America. Then his wife was never allowed to visit him

despite a court order allowing visitation. Then, his health was compromised because of

neglect, and finally, the reports came in that he had been drugged out of his mind earlier

this week, which was the final blow that killed him. Call it anything else you like, but it is MURDER.

The facts of this tragic situation will be disclosed as the information is gathered.

______________________________ ________________

Following is the post I made today on my personal facebook page and I share the below asking each of you to pay particular attention to the last statement in quotes:

I like how when you go to post on facebook, the thing they ask is what is on your mind. I don't think anyone really wants to know what is on my mind today, because it isn't pretty and only the ones that know what my family and I have been through for the past 4 years will have an inkling of the heartbreak and devastation I have been hit with today.

My three children have lost their loving father and I have lost my husband, best friend and the love of my life. There is so much that is wrong with his death, but would take a novel to explain. What is sad is that even then there are people that won't understand the heartbreak and devastation regarding my husband's death; not only because of the fact that he has died, but for the reasons and circumstances that he had died and in the manner he died.

Anyway, that aside, I'm taking this time to say good bye Ed. I love you then, I love you now and I always will until the day I die and can be with you. Where ever you are, I can only pray that you know all this and can rest in peace.

For the reasons above, I leave you with this thought from an earlier post in hopes that you take it to heart and find a way to let everyone close and dear to your heart know how much you LOVE THEM.

I need to read up on this one, but it reminded me of something I heard yesterday... Joan Rivers called Big Ears gay and said that FLOTUS-in-Chief was a tranny and is dead two months later. Do I think the O-Cronies did it? Not likely, BUT it is interesting to think about the 'what if'. How many people do you think seriously made the connection other than the 'she was a saucy lady' thing MSM has been saying? Not many, I would bet.

There are countless examples of these kinds of coincidences in the last fifty years or so, and this just might be one of them. Maybe Big Ears will release it with his Kenyan non-photoshopped real birth certificate.
I met Mr. Steele some years ago and chatted on the phone a few times. I was just starting to study some pre-law stuff and he being the proper lawyer was happy to help me out. He was framed, wrongfully accused, subjected to torture and all because he wrote what the government didn't like. After 9/11, one of his most noteworthy articles was "It Wasn't The Arabs" :


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