How the LEFT is taking over America

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Awesome Friend
Nov 14, 2019
Not here
How the left is taking over America
Slowly, slyly, with great guile, deceitfully, underhandedly the far left is winning the undeclared war to take control over the US of A.
Most patriotic republicans still have morals and principles and expect their opponents to follow the same code of conduct. Rational debate, Open democracy, discuss, agree, disagree, vote accept the result etc. BUT as many people have seen since 2016 the LEFT suddenly refuse to accept that Donald Trump won.

First they refused to accept the vote, then they tried to discredit him, them impeach him, then frame him .
When that failed they have started to vilify him individually then those innocent people whose politics are similar to Trumps like a certain Supreme court judge who name was dragged slanderously through the mud by the left.

The left will use EVERY opportunity to discredit the republicans, every mass shooting if carried out by a white shooter is immediately used to cry for GUN CONTROL ( gun control being a major facet of totalitarian left wing socialist states) the mass movement of migrants for central and south America is used by the left to change voter demographics by importing many welfare dependent migrants who are likely to vote socialist even though most are fleeing failed socialist states already. The Covid 19 Pandemic is being used by the left to ferment hostility towards the capitalist based medical profession and the drug companies.

The slow but sure erosion of “ America” by the left has been going on for decades and the Republicans have blindly ignore warnings from friends overseas whose nations have already succumbed the the cancer of socialism.

Your schools, colleges, universities are generally dominated by far left activists and academics. Your media with little exception is now TOTALLY dominated by the far left, Your police have been emasculated with political correctness and diversity sensitivity, Your courts apart from the supreme court is dominated by left leaning liberals, even your social communications and online leisure activities are now governed and censored by the left.

The LEFT hate free, self sufficient, self sustaining , independent people that is why for years you have seen left wing states and councils rail against people growing their own food using heritage seeds , they try to stop people in many areas drilling their own wells, other areas prohibit the use of cess pit or self contained sewage systems. Other places forbid properties being built that are NOT connected to the mains utilities. Many off grid communities have been under pressure for years to fall in line and connect to the expensive mains utilities.

Home, school and work.

Even within the family and at work the influence of the left is growing , The left HATES home schooling as the children grow up thinking and questioning for themselves. Instead of being brainwashed with politically correct, diverse, inclusive, free from religion, welfare state supporting doctrine.

Many people have found themselves vilified at work for wearing Christian Crucifixes and Jewish Stars of David on broaches and necklaces, Yet nothing is said about Burkas, Niqabs, Hajibs etc
And of course the demands for “ assault rifles” to be banned from citizens homes never goes away, but no mention is made of the huge numbers of ethnic on ethnic murders in cities like Chicago.etc.

Now they are growing in confidence because YOU republicans have done NOTHING to resist or fight back, you just moan and whinge then carry on your daily routine.
Now they think they can take over blocks, districts, zones and cities BY MOB RULE and govern by brute force. NOW they demand the abolition of the Police in many areas and very many leftie politicians AGREE with them. They now think they can break into PRIVATE GATED COMMUNITIES and threaten home owners and the emasculated police do NOTHING and the left wing politicians CONDONE the law breaking.
They, the left feel free to destroy statues, memorials, church's, by simply announcing they consider them RACIST, and the left wing politicians AGREE with them. And your heritage and culture is disposed of along with at least one states sovereign flag.

ALL ACHIEVED WITHOUT the left physically challenging YOU, because they KNOW they can achieve their aims with lawyers, the media, corrupt politicians, weak judges, fearful police etc All without firing a shot.

All the AR's and Ammo in the world is no good if your enemy hides within the system you live in. .

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