@Wingnut--(dramaticsigh) . like cassandra it is my burden to try to warn people about the coming storm and how it cna bite them in the butt if they are looking in the wrong direction. hmmm, wonder if its why i dont get invited to many parties...
@Patchouli, i love dr Bs liquid castile soap too but yeah its gotten so expensive i had to learn to make my own. theres a couple slightly diffident recipes, this is what i like
make liquid castile soap from bar. i use kirks
break one bar into pieces or grate
put in crock pot
add 2 cups hot water
turn on High
give it 1-2 hours to melt
---can do this on stove top
use stick blender to smooth it out
cool then pour in jar or bottle
body wash - use full strength
shampoo it is recommended to use 1/2 c soap to 1/2 cup water as some believe it can be drying. some people add 1/2 teasp oil to this.
spray bottle cleaner-1/4 cup liquid soap + 1 Q warm water in spray bottle
can add some essential oil for scent
veggie wash - use 1/4 teaspoon liquid soap in basin
fill with water
dunk veg and rinse well
would love to see any other recipes yall are using