How to survive a corrupt government under Marshal Law

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Proud Prepper

Prepper of all thing's
HCL Supporter
Mar 13, 2017
Top secret location in S. Louisiana and Arkansas
This to me is the most likly scenario to prepare for, it can come about because of any number of other disasters. Rules #4 and 5 pertains to our group the most, I linked the full artical.

Rule #5 While keeping the above rules in mind, HELP OUT THOSE WHO ARE RESISTING! They, unlike you, have decided that there's nothing to lose and therefore deserve anyone's help who's willing to risk their lives. Do you think MARTIAL LAW is going away on it's own? Those bastards in black will have a sudden change of heart and do something worthwhile for a change and not oppress you? At The VERY LEAST: have extra food, water for resistance fighters, basic medical supplies, ammo caches(hint, these should be concealed). Those who fight will need to keep hidden, yet be able to communicate with fellow fighters. You can be a intermediary. If you have skills, like welding, machine tools, chemistry, you can make weapons, ammo, other things the resistance needs. If you have inside information, share it. If you have videography experience, tools, Make how-to videos on resisting the theft of your freedoms. If You have medical training, Set up a underground hospital. Not all Patriots can or should pick up a rifle and blow a traitor's head off. By uniting in common cause with all one has to offer the traitors can be defeated, and Freedom restored to the land. If you're not at least giving aid to those helping to liberate you, forget this article, go back to being a victim of government oppression.

Rule #6 With the utmost care develop a SURVIVAL NETWORK. This is a group of people with skills and/or resources who can help each other in areas they would be lacking on their own. It could be anything from extra food, medicine, repair parts, fuel, transportation-whatever. In any given neighborhood you can have machinists(weapon makers), medical personel, drivers(good knowledge of local roads), gardeners(agriculture knowledgebase). Petty bureaucrats secretly opposing martial law are prime candidates to spy, steal, or commit sabotage. Computer technicians can hack government systems and create surveillance systems and guidence packages for missiles. Construction workers can build secret rooms to hide anything from a arms cache to a secret factory. People in the media can smuggle cameras and work with computer techs to bug enemy meetings, and produce freedom media that documents sucessful means of resisting. Salesmen can "borrow" merchandise from their stores for use, anything and everything is useful. Especially useful will be disgruntled cops and military who can provide everything from intel on raids to weapons to training. Keep the numbers of your group "small": smaller cells are more difficult to penetrate by enemy agents and professional snitches. Keeping that in mind, a means of communication independent from wiretapped phones and audible eavesdropping devices must be developed amongst you. Runners can be a athlete or a kid on a bike. They can carry small packages, or notes with a handy breakable vial of flammable liquid if discovered. With a sealed packet of potassium chlorate taped to it, the gasoline will automatically ignite, otherwise you'll have to actually light that incriminating evidence.

A mail drop can be a home, a hollowed out tree trunk, a hole in the ground, a open fence pole, anything. Just be sure it's discreetly out of sight of surveillance. If God's really blessing you, one of your group will be a SMART SURVIVALIST. This will be a exceedingly rare breed, because although most in this group were smart enough to prepare for the collapse to begin with, they WEREN'T smart enough to avoid detection of their awareness and distrust of government. They signed form 4477 registration forms for their firearms, used credit cards and checks for their weapon and ammunition purchases, registered for weapons permits, or registered themselves with gun clubs and shooting organizations. These people more than likely got swept up in pre-dawn raids or got blasted resisting. The SMART SURVIVALIST prepared-and kept his mouth shut about those preperations. He or she never signed federal permit forms for purchases or carry license. He or she presented a "average American" profile or totally disappeared. Get or find one in your group and you'll have a literal treasury of knowhow and resources to survive, maybe e

As polarization and division continue to move us towards balkanization, networking IRL with like-minded people will take on a new meaning. A vacuum of power at the federal level will magnify local politics.
I had a conversation with a friend that intrigued me. He met a big history buff, and spent the day with him on a historical tour group. He was talking about how the union soldiers had to keep moving and never stay in an area for more than three or four days. I figured due to security, but it was because they sent out scouts and raided the locals for supplies to keep the soldiers fed and cared for. After a few days they would exhaust the available supplies in an area and have to move on. They would give a voucher that the landowner they stole from that they could take to a specified city and get paid from the federal govt. At least they got something, if they could make the trip to where they could redeem the voucher. The military would, and will do the same thing in any large scale disaster today. (Vouchers optional). All I can say is to make sure you have some supplies stashed that aren’t easily found. Wether from police, military, or just a gang of thieves, there will always be some group with more weapons and resources than you have that will want your supplies. Fighting isn’t always the best idea if it ensures your demise, so having a retreat plan that includes keeping some of your hard earned resources is something to consider.
In the Mississippi Delta the Union Soldiers weren't giving any vouchers. (talking about after the war) They were plundering everyone they could.
In the Mississippi Delta the Union Soldiers weren't giving any vouchers. (talking about after the war) They were plundering everyone they could.
Young soldiers were known to plunder more than just supplies, not just the civil war either. War is a nasty thing for everyone involved. You would think after a few thousand years mankind would have learned something by now.
Young soldiers were known to plunder more than just supplies, not just the civil war either. War is a nasty thing for everyone involved. You would think after a few thousand years mankind would have learned something by now.
Mankind has learned. They've learned how to be more brutal and efficient in killing.
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