How to use a Range Card or Sector Sketch for defending your site.

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Silent Bob

Awesome Friend
Mar 20, 2014

I've attached how to complete a range card, this will also allow you to build a sector sketch of your fields of fire. This is very important if you are contemplating interlocking your fields of fire. I know none of will have artillery, but their are many uses for this Range Card.

What I didn't note, was that you can also sketch in a entry point and ingress route for your forces, this helps during periods of low light and darkness, when members of your returning patrol will attempt to pass through your lines. I would make sure during meetings of your fire teams or however you address your operational plans to address this issue.

Again, hope this helps. Feel free to ask.


  • Sector Sketches.pdf
    595.8 KB
what? no artillery..nooo, how about some mortars?? any one? :)
Definitely will have range cards for each firing position I put in, as well as marked landmarks for different distances, so our shooters will be much more accurate, knowing exactly how far/close the target is.

To clarify, I'm basically building stone block "planters" that come SHTF, we can scoop out the plants and dirt, to make hardened firing positions (the planter "drainholes" really being firing ports). ;)
Definitely will have range cards for each firing position I put in, as well as marked landmarks for different distances, so our shooters will be much more accurate, knowing exactly how far/close the target is.

To clarify, I'm basically building stone block "planters" that come SHTF, we can scoop out the plants and dirt, to make hardened firing positions (the planter "drainholes" really being firing ports). ;)

That will work great Gazrok...I think you mentioned it in a previous discussion that I read from you. I think its a great idea with the planters, low cost and will also be mistaken hopefully by the bad high are you building it?

As for the range card, I really didn't go into the Sector Sketch too much, but if you add all the points around your home/ranch/ can create a 360 degree plan with interlocking fields of fire. Sure your friend who is LE or think you mentioned in other thread you had someone with military experience...can explain it better than me over DPF...but you can figure it out I am sure.

One thing, as Jontte, was teasing me...on the really can use this to create a sustainable and in-depth defense of your home perimeter and if I were you, since your not having to bug out...create a 360 degree panorama using a camera, with degree increments...then map this on the computer. Not wanting to break to much Opsec, but if you get what I'd have a tactical board that gives you great feedback...also the camera picks up dead spots that the naked eye sometimes misses. Well hope that helps.
yup ,only teasing little, my advantage is that I'm on the second floor...disadvantage is that well, alone it's hard to watch both sides at the same time...but for estimateing range where I live, I do have several good landmarks..
i've looked over the fields behind my home.and the ones across the road from me..and in at least most cases.i can go with landmarks for my range certain trees and fence post,when it comes to the ones behind me,mostly.brush piles and other stuff across the street from problem in learning this.. is the distances..on account it wont do me any good to have surveyors come out onto this rental property.and i dont want to draw attention to my self when it comes to that.
how high are you building it?

Each one will be about 3' (I say about, because it depends on the type of blocks I get for it, and how high they are, and how many levels of them).

Yep, the LEO in our group is also a former marine, and another is former Army. Myself, had a couple of minor issues that kept me out when younger (mostly a heart murmur that is now gone), but grew up as a military brat all my childhood, so yep, the fields of fire are certainly dictating where the "planters" go.
Silent Bob,
you don't happen to have in your magic library something for a dude that lives in a apartment building about the topic talked about, I can pretty much make entry through my door very difficult and use my balcony as a shooting platform...
one thing i've been doing lately while,i've been checking out the outside of the house for good locations,in the way of gun ports..that be for each room of the house,and the attic as well...the attic vents are good locations..but very limited safety if any,seeing how someone can shoot through them just as easily as a this is a definitely a work in progress for safety reasons...
if possible and you have to take a shot through that vent,do it from some distance,shoot through the snipers would...they might not even understand where the shot came...
yeah..BUT that'd be a tough one thoe.on account the distance between the vents are narrow enough where i might be able to get a barrel through..but wont be able to shight in like i need to
Just be sure they can't shoot at you through the wall of where the vent is. May even want to put up some kind of reinforcement piece of metal, etc. there.