I've attached how to complete a range card, this will also allow you to build a sector sketch of your fields of fire. This is very important if you are contemplating interlocking your fields of fire. I know none of will have artillery, but their are many uses for this Range Card.
What I didn't note, was that you can also sketch in a entry point and ingress route for your forces, this helps during periods of low light and darkness, when members of your returning patrol will attempt to pass through your lines. I would make sure during meetings of your fire teams or however you address your operational plans to address this issue.
Again, hope this helps. Feel free to ask.
I've attached how to complete a range card, this will also allow you to build a sector sketch of your fields of fire. This is very important if you are contemplating interlocking your fields of fire. I know none of will have artillery, but their are many uses for this Range Card.
What I didn't note, was that you can also sketch in a entry point and ingress route for your forces, this helps during periods of low light and darkness, when members of your returning patrol will attempt to pass through your lines. I would make sure during meetings of your fire teams or however you address your operational plans to address this issue.
Again, hope this helps. Feel free to ask.