Hey there,
I'm looking to build or buy a human powered bug out vehicle, (not a bike)
Any suggestions?
Why pedal, when you can ride. Mind you it doesn't have an A.C. so in Texas, you'd fry like an egg. Solar, wind, and electric-powered vehicle relies a combination of solar panels, wind turbines, and electric recharging, no-emission vehicle on the road.
Eclectic produces energy, combining 2.5 square meters of photovoltaic cells, one or more wind turbines, and NiMH (NIV-7) batteries. Intended for driving in urban areas, it offers a range up to 50 km at a speed of 50 km/h (electronically restricted), while continually producing and storing energy, even when not in use.
Eclectic can also be customized with a variety of additional features like a WiFi kit and water-resistant Sony Radio/CD/MP3. Of course its French, and the website is very austere, it has no technical specs website or if it does, you can't get to it. The two owners appear to be working with American entrepreneurs to begin building a few that might meet Federal standards. Of course, since the website doesn't say how much, I'm thinking way out of our price range.
Their are some solar powered golf carts, don't think you want that. The rest are codependent on bicycle technology.
None of the ones that I did explore...were all terrain. I maintain two 250 cc dirt bikes and my two ATV's. None run off solar or wind though. Of course non-gas I have just two mountain bikes with Kevlar bike tires.
‘eclectic’ by venturi, 2008 the roof of this three person car is lined with solar panels, which can produce enough energy to travel 7 KM
at almost 50 KM/H. the wind turbine on the roof of the vehicle can fuel the car for a journey twice as long.