Hunting technique, I just wanted to share something else.

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Uncle Albert

Awesome Friend
Apr 16, 2013
Louisiana USA
I know most guys and gals get their hunting education from their Dads and I envy you that. Everything that I learned about hunting came from my grandmother. When I was about 8 or 9 she took me under her wing bought me my first gun, a .410 shotgun. She claimed to be 50% Cherokee Indian and was raised in a lumber camp in the Little Rock area. In 1958 she took me deer hunting and taught me the basics. I know that all you old warriors have your way of doing things, some guys put chairs us in trees, some follow patterns of travel, some spread food like acorns and stay close to water.
But what she taught me, I thought might work better for Preppers on the move. Who aren't solidified to one area just yet. This is another thing that works for me every time. She told me when you walk through the forest walk like they do. Don't go tromping through on a steady march because they will hear you coming a mile away. Take three steps and pause. And repeat. Always stopping to listen. Don't walk paths where they can see you. Walk through thick brush on their paths. Believe me I have taken down the biggest bucks this way. I've walked up on bucks that were surrounded by does.
You might walk miles but isn't it worth it? Get back to me.
The hunting method you describe is called stalking. You move dead slow watching and studying everything. It works the best when its windy. Walk into the wind so any noise you make goes in the direction you came from. I hunt pine forests where visibility is limited. Quite often you will jump bedded deer. If there is fresh snow on the ground its a bonus, cut a track in the fresh snow and walk right to them. Deer often play in the first snow falls and get careless. I have taken two deer with the bow doing exactly this method. If the wind is not blowing hard I will usually hunt from elevated tree stands 15 to 18 feet off the ground.
Heck ...I gave up on honing my skills( I'm a klutz that makes more noise than a chainsaw in the woods. So I just built really comfortable stands to be able to hunt longer. ...and learned to shoot farther....a lot farther. But that's what us old guys do.

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