I am PROUD to be an American!thanks soldiers

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
got this in a email this morning.and decided to post it

I am PROUD to be an American!
Our pastor paused his sermon yesterday
and asked the congregation to rise and look out the west windows.
Outside were 5 soldiers, and on cue,
they offered a perfect 3-volley salute to all
US veterans, past, present and future.
The choir then softly started singing "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic".
I can tell you that the pride I feel
every day as a citizen of this great
country welled up inside me like never before.
While things may be going on in Washington that
we may not agree with, the fact remains that this is still
the greatest country on God's earth and...

I am PROUD to be an American!
If you are a veteran, or have served in an military
capacity, I salute you and thank you for your service.

Stay safe,
My father passed when I was 18 years old.At that time,I was a military brat and didn't quite have the understanding or a respect of the military until his funeral.My mind,at that age,was more focused on fast cars, faster girls and beer.

But when the funeral procession pulled up to the cemetery's entrance and we seen the two tanks parked facing each other,barrels raised high forming an arch and an American flag hung across them that we had to drive under to enter.Upon entering the cemetery,we seen rows of military vehicles parked in perfectly straight formations.Come to find out,there was National Guard units from five local counties attending.

After the preacher gave his eulogy,the Military took over the services.It was an awesome sight to see,how they moved in unison,knew exactly what each one's duty was and the perfection of their movements all in perfect timing,from the top Officers own eulogy,to the folding of the flag draped over my fathers casket and handing it to my mother with a salute,to the 21 gun salute,left me in a state of "awe".Every member from each counties troop went up one at a time,paid their respects and thanked him for his service.

My father and I didn't grow up seeing eye to eye on many things but after witnessing this funeral I was truly humbled.My father died a retired Navy First Class Chief Petty Officer of 21 years serving four tours of duty.The brotherhood,the dedication and the professionalism showed gained my utmost respect and I will never forget.I joined and did 4 years mys

Now a days and knowing the sacrifices of those that have put their life on the line and fought for our freedoms,I still find it quite humbling.Thank you to all active and non active military members on here and everywhere for allowing me to live the life I have in a free country.

If you can read this,thank a teacher.If you are reading this in English,thank a Vet.
My father passed when I was 18 years old.At that time,I was a military brat and didn't quite have the understanding or a respect of the military until his funeral.My mind,at that age,was more focused on fast cars, faster girls and beer.

But when the funeral procession pulled up to the cemetery's entrance and we seen the two tanks parked facing each other,barrels raised high forming an arch and an American flag hung across them that we had to drive under to enter.Upon entering the cemetery,we seen rows of military vehicles parked in perfectly straight formations.Come to find out,there was National Guard units from five local counties attending.

After the preacher gave his eulogy,the Military took over the services.It was an awesome sight to see,how they moved in unison,knew exactly what each one's duty was and the perfection of their movements all in perfect timing,from the top Officers own eulogy,to the folding of the flag draped over my fathers casket and handing it to my mother with a salute,to the 21 gun salute,left me in a state of "awe".Every member from each counties troop went up one at a time,paid their respects and thanked him for his service.

My father and I didn't grow up seeing eye to eye on many things but after witnessing this funeral I was truly humbled.My father died a retired Navy First Class Chief Petty Officer of 21 years serving four tours of duty.The brotherhood,the dedication and the professionalism showed gained my utmost respect and I will never forget.I joined and did 4 years mys

Now a days and knowing the sacrifices of those that have put their life on the line and fought for our freedoms,I still find it quite humbling.Thank you to all active and non active military members on here and everywhere for allowing me to live the life I have in a free country.

If you can read this,thank a teacher.If you are reading this in English,thank a Vet.

Thank you for your service and also your fathers. He died way too young, but has apparently influenced your life greatly and in a good way. No kid sees eye to eye with their father or mother for that matter. I know. I brought shame to my family in my teen years to a point, maybe not as much as they do now days, but still, I know I disappointed since I got married right out of high school and had a baby a year later. You and your father's sacrifice for our country is something that most people now days wont get, but I do. To have to worry about a loved one, trying to protect and defend this country, is worrisome to say the least. I have had two sons that have served overseas. My husbands father, I never got to meet. He served during WWII and was hit with shrapnel and some lodged into his head. He eventually committed suicide because of all the headaches he had. Hunny was only 12 at the time. Our Vets have made many sacrifices for this country and there are many who live difficult lives because of it. There are many who have lot limbs and some all four. Thankful today we have prosthetics to help. I wish more Americans realized what their service brought to them and their families, but there are so many that take our Freedom for granted. . . and maybe that is the reason they think the way they do.